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Jet Li vs. Jackie Chan



15 members have voted

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I like 'em both. Both are cool fighters. I gotta say tho, that Jet Li would definitely win in the end. Take notice, that in Jackie Chan's movies, most of what he does is stunts. Being you own stunt guy is cool and all, but it won't win you a fight. Jackie Chan seems to be alot about stunts. Jet Li, however, is all about fighting. He has some really sweet fight scenes, that I haven't seen Jackie match yet. My money's on Jet Li.  :sly:

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I'd have to go with Jet Li too.  While they're both gods, and they can both fight like hell, lots of Chan's movies involve him getting the shit beat out of him in style as he runs away from a bunch of guys.  (See: Rumble in the bronx)  Sure, in drunken master he beats the hell out of everyone, but I'd give it to Jet Li, being a straight fighter that takes out dojos full of people and fights masters blindfolded...

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I'm going to sit on this one & think about it...


Although Jet Li is incredibly fast & talented, and young, I'm not taking anything away from Jackie.  I don't know if many of you saw much of his earlier stuff before he decided to go a bit slapstick with his moves, but the guy was out of hand.  I'll do some research on both & bring my verdict.

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Once again, :D votes before havin all the facts, blah blah blah...

Im kinda with Chiefy here. I know Li's cool & can pull of some interestin shit, but of the older kung-fu flicks ive seen, Chan - back when he, like most, seemed to be in Bruce Lee's shadow, was one bad mofo.  I like the slapstick comedy stuff he's done here in the states the last few years, but dont fool yourself; stunts aint his only thing.  Chan's got a lotta cult fans of his old stuff, many films there a lot of us havent seen...Kee might be better here than me, at actually citing movies & such, but i says Jackie.

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I haven't voted yet. But I'm thinking Jackie.


I've seen Jackie's older stuff and the man has great timing, flexibility and power. don't let the funny shit distract you. he pulls off some serious kicks and defensive moves.


I'm biased against Li too, because he did so much wire work. He's said that he want's to move away from that and get back to more traditional stuff (Like in that french movie he did last year), but The One sounds like more of his old style.


I've heard that Bruce Lee's moves were too fast for the cameras and they had to be reconfigured for his fights. Any truth to this? and how do Jackie and Li figure along those lines?


ANyway... I think this is the hardest fight to call, that we've had in here in a while


Waiting for more arguments before I vote...

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wouldn't you feel bad if it was true that poor fucking kid had no idea what they where taking his picture for put yourself in his shoes. ah fuck it here i'll paint the scene. say someone put a picture of you on the internet (already in the works from what i hear) and has the captions say something like hey man don't drink or you can end up with this guy, you see what i'm trying to say here benny you're ugly and there's nothing you can do about that but should you be constantl;y reminded about it every where you go. poor poor kid.

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Heh.. If me an :irish: are so ugly, then where's your girlfriend? I never hear you mention having one. In fact, I don't hear you mentioning girls at all. You mention guys, and sex with them plenty. But you don't really mention girls... Me an :irish: talk about ours, and actually have girlfriends. Can't be that ugly then can we? Didn't think so...


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ahh you got me benny i just love the cock o give me give me give me..... now it ain't funny no more, huh.

well the way i figure it is this you ugly so your women couldn't be no prize either at best i'd say homely or make belive or rubber?!?!? on a side note i thaught you saw my girlfriend at cowboy's b day celebration...o that's right, get of the fucking phone benny! maybe then you'd know me and her are going 11months strong and i try not to rub in how in love i am....damn it benny get off the fucking phone!

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Hi Benny.  Let me introduce myself.  I'm am Artistic's girlfriend.  We met at Nick's party, but you were outside on the phone the whole time.  We've mentioned that we are dating on this thing before.  You just weren't paying attention.  And by the way, my boyfriend is anything but ugly.  :D

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well the way i figure it is this you ugly so your women couldn't be no prize either at best i'd say homely or make belive or rubber?!?!?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

:ssj: :ssj: :ssj: :ssj:




That's just plain not cool!!! Low blow!!! ...so I guess I too have completed assignment #1... He he.. so in reality, I guess that means I win.


PS You better be careful... I know this is fight club and all, but that is one place that you JUST DO NOT GO!!! Pick on anything about me, fine. Pick on my girl... I don't give a shit if this is Fight Club, or a message board, or if you're just playing/joking around. You DO NOT pick on my girlfriend. I don't care if you're joking around or not. Just don't do it. Got it? Comments like that make it into something personal. I take it personally, and it pisses me off in reality. Picking fights to be funny is one thing. Another post/comment like that, and you'll be starting something that you really do not want to. Consider this a REAL warning. You wanna know why I was on the phone so long at the restaraunt? I was talking to her.


Hey, :irish: , she looks pretty nice, doesn't she?

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...ha, now im represented by :irish: + :D, too funny.

Benny - Said it before, say it again: Andrea's a pretty Irish lass, youre a lucky man.

artistic - shame on you.  I'dve bought the whole "logging off, then loggin off as this Satcha thing", but ya had to go puttin  :D in there and say youre not ugly...cmon man, we all know its you.

"Satcha, she's my baby, been goin out forever now...she loves tennis, Gladiator, Final Fantasy..." enough with the lies, man!

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Hi Benny.  Let me introduce myself.  I'm am Artistic's girlfriend.  


...fuck man, you didnt even give her a name! Youre not even tryin.  Idve at least given her a chick's name, not "Satcha"...what is that, a dog?  I know youre more creative than this, my friend.

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