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X-Files: I want to believe

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For anyone who has had any thoughts of seeing this. Don't. I saw it last night because my stupid friend wouldn't go see dark knight the cunt and i found it to be more like a long episode of CSI than anything x-files related. The fact also it makes a big campagin for stem cell research shows a massive hidden agenda on the movies part.


All in all, Avoid!

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It just didn't feel like the X-Files... I went midnight because I'm a huge fan of the show and walked away with mixed feelings. It was good to see them again, and there were parts (albeit, few) that felt just like old times, but there was something missing.

Namely, the fact that there was almost nothing in it that resembled science fiction, and even the part that did (the priest with the visions) was questionable.


Also, and this has been my complaint since they got Mulder and Scully together, they never really figured out their dynamic. It just never felt natural to me, like it did for so many years when it was just sexual tension.


That being said, it wasn't all bad. And any excuse to see David Duchovny is fine by me...




Gillian Anderson's pretty cute too :)

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