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iTunes and Xbox 360


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Ok my first gripe is this:

When I plug my ipod into my 360 it will let me play every song I have pirated BUT it will not let me play any songs I have legitimately purchased off iTunes, I don't get it.


I reformatted my computer, and now iTunes wont let me transfer songs I purchased in the past, saying that "This Computer is not authorized to play these songs"


anyone else have these problems?

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I've never purchased music online legitamitely & consider anyone who does, a sucker. I consider that something like 'consentual rape', which is no fun at all.


I do, however, have an Xbox & an Ipod which I combine often to create funtimes playing COD4 with my pants off & listening to NuMetal.

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You can BUY music online?

You think maybe the itunes thing is a DRM issue? Like, maybe it keeps some info in your registry that it uses to validate your files? I dunno, I've never heard of this problem before.

Needless to say, that sucks. You're basically being punished for obeying copyright laws...

As for the 360:

The M4P music files you purchased from iTunes store are DRM protected. They cannot be played without iTunes, iPod, iPhone and other Apple's products. So you cannot play them with Xbox. You need some software to convert the protected M4P music file to unprotected MP3 first, and then you can play the mp3 files with your Xbox MP3 player.

I hope that helps. Looks like there are several programs that can convert them. Tuneclone looks promising.

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Listening to Nu-metal is like paying to be raped...lolBut from now on I think I am just gonna pirate my music or buy cd's and do the encoding myself, I AM being punished for buying music....so fuck that. I mean heaven forbid I use something OTHER than an Apple product to listen to music on....It's reminiscent of Copy Protection on PC games, it only punishes people who legitamately buy PC games. Hackers will crack any and every DRM thrown at them, and people will eventually get fed up with the restrictions placed upon them, or they will get pissed off by companies assuming they are crooks.

Why the hell is this in the Pimp Hand? :villain:
Fuck if I know, seemed as good a place as any, if I put it in music people would bitch that it's there, it doesn't belong in fight club, or anywhere else....maybe HonDOS, but too late now.
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This is wholly a DRM issue. If you're playing a bought song on your ipod, the device itself circumvents the DRM (assuming the device is tied to your account, and hence a "licensed" device, or some other such bullshit).


HOWEVER, when the 360 accesses the ipod, even though it is accessing the xml library, it is treating the ipod as a hard drive. Because Apple likes to keep their shit under wraps, because of this slight change in HOW you access the content, you can not listen to bought tunes using your 360....because it's not being run on the ipod itself (which holds all the licensing information for said account).



Basically the licensing information is the key, and the song has a lock on it. When played through the ipod, the key is able to unlock the song. When played through another device without actually accessing the ipod software, the key cannot even see the lock.



Or something like that.

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Also consider that music you purchase from iTunes isn't in MP3 format, it's in iTunes' native AAC format. Might have something to do with it. You can convert the AAC to MP3 easily though, right in iTunes, which makes not a goddamn bit of sense to me, but whatever! It works.


And yeah, once you log into iTunes and 'authorize this computer' under the advance settings, you should be able to access your songs again.

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