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2009 MTV Movie Awards

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I think it was all a load of shit as Twilight, and I watched it without bias just as I read the book, was an earth-shatteringly horrible movie in casting, directing, acting (with 2 small exceptions), special effects, and it was about 30 minutes too long. Now I see they've hired Dakota Fanning to be in the sequel and the promo shot was of several shirtless teenage native American boys... I don't think I'll be seeing the second film.


MTV is trying to garner popularity by hopping onto a fad because nobody likes them anymore.

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They dont even seem to do those awesome piss-takes of the best movie nominations anymore. The matrix reloaded one with JT and sean william scott and LOTR one with jack black and sarah michelle gellar (hmm anyone else see a pattern there?) had me pissing myself laughing.


I dig the new one they started a few years back, the Scream awards. Comics, horror and sci-fi awards with mostly good music: whats not to like?

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Bruno's arse in Eminem's face = hilarity


I haven't sat down in front of the TV to watch an actual MTV awards show (music or movies) in over 4 years. I just watched the highlight clips online. And they did keep the parodies alive somewhat w/ the opening skit.

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In reality, no. In MTV that has gone from gold to pure crap, Twilight pretty much swept the awards over movies like Dark Knight (are you fucking kidding me? Twilight over Ledger's performance?) Iron Man, and Slumdog Millionaire.

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Watching MTV makes me feel old now. I watched some of the highlights of the show, Eminem vs. bruno's ass was kind of a big disapointment, and seemed a bit scripted. Honestly, if I were a big bad ass white boy rapper I would have punched him in the ballsack. That would have been funny.

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The only reason I watched this fabby award show was for Andy Samberg which to my disappointment I didn't find him as funny as I usually do, except when he did the mock Twilight Trailer, I was annoyed that Twilight won everything but then I have to remind myself that any MTV award is not about talent/style/ etc its about what the most popular....cue to the mentioning of "Twilight or Robert Patterson" and million of preteen girls screaming!!!! *rolls eyes*


I will be watching the movie at home just because I watch plenty of bad movies just make fun of them lol.


Of all people for Bruno to fall on...I wouldn't have picked Eminem....Scary ass mofo, that shocked me.


thats about it.

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The only reason I watched this fabby award show was for Andy Samberg which to my disappointment I didn't find him as funny as I usually do, except when he did the mock Twilight Trailer, I was annoyed that Twilight won everything but then I have to remind myself that any MTV award is not about talent/style/ etc its about what the most popular....cue to the mentioning of "Twilight or Robert Patterson" and million of preteen girls screaming!!!! *rolls eyes*


I will be watching the movie at home just because I watch plenty of bad movies just make fun of them lol.


Of all people for Bruno to fall on...I wouldn't have picked Eminem....Scary ass mofo, that shocked me.


thats about it.

I loved that it was Eminem, and that said person got upset and walked out (which I've heard he's done at these awards before).

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Did Twilight really beat other movies at anything? :hulk:


Never underestimate the power of rabid shallow teenage girls and desperate lonely women age 20-35. They are legion. I mean, don't you remember all that nonsense with Titanic?

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Never underestimate the power of rabid shallow teenage girls and desperate lonely women age 20-35. They are legion. I mean, don't you remember all that nonsense with Titanic?


A-fucking-men. Although I'm not sure I'd use the adjective "desperate"...maybe more like yearning. Anyway, I teach junior high and I know as many adult women as 13-yr-old girls that have read the books. Scary.

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