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Hondo's Bar


White Bread USA
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Everything posted by HypnotizinChikns

  1. Give me a C! Give me a R! Give me a I! Give me a S! Give me a P! Give me a....
  2. I looked it up on my Zune but no luck. I did find her on youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpBzTBXmmlM...feature=related
  3. I haven't been on last Fm in i don't even know how long. recommend me some stuff as i now use ZunePass. Oh andyou make me haaaappy when skies are grey.

  4. haha celeb drunkness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWn-957VFBc
  5. I have decided to call McCain and Palin McPalin. That is all...you may return to your randomness.I have decided to call McCain and Palin McPalin. That is all...you may return to your randomness.
  6. Okay time for some new ones, the last were from April March's Chick Habit (you might recognize it from Death Prrof). I'll make it easy... Far away this ship is taking me far away far away from the memories of the people who care if I live or die (not sure if those are exact, but should be pretty close)
  7. eeee! Another convert! ONE OF US ONE OF US!!!! Mc gonna make you shake your pizza butt...

    and it also performs abortions.

    but read it anyways.

  9. Death. everyone does it eventually.

  10. We can only hope his acting is better.
  11. i am sooo tired. and it's only wensday....poo.
  12. i i i uhh uh huh huh Kasbian- Club Foot new- oh how your bubbles gonna burst when you meet another nurse she'll be driving in your hurst your'e gonna need a stick of glue when they all catch up with you and then they cut you up in two
  13. ascknancj!!!! cvnjsnv!!!!!! askmfknmvnv!@!@!@!!!!!!
  14. hows come you's neva come by to say 'hi' n e mores???

  15. I have been spending way to much time at college humor. But yeah, that dress. is pretty cool. not.
  16. The Doors- Don't you love her madly (i would have got the Elton John one...i love that song, gotta check in here more often) oooo watchin the people get leary it's not very pretty i tell thee walkin' through town is quite scary and not very sensible either
  17. i cannot wait to see the Cho Show. i will never get tired of her impression of her mother. But seriously, what's the deal with comedians and little people? It's like the comedians are taking them up as their own posse. Leaving none for us. selfish bastards.
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