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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. spiffy, there's 18 hours total to this season over 16 weeks (first and last episodes are 2 hours each). So technically there's 11 more hours to go, but it will be over the course of 9 episodes (nights). Gee, nothing about this show isn't complicated. And I definitely think
  2. Aarty never identified this one by Dr. Chikins: Refreshments - Banditos Elliot Smith - Everything Means Nothing to Me This one is a lil' hard. T.V. set jet stream, haul off until tomorrow. Internet flat screen, what’s the message in your bottle? She'll be comin' around the mountain, when she comes full throttle Battleaxe, let’s chop 'em down--that's the call of the wild. There's no message in your bottle. Emptiness, it's just hollow. Think the way to wake up is through sex, that's just shallow. Tossing seeds into the wind producing loss and sorrow. Dracula's on MTV sucking the blood from the marrow. Hearts hardened like stone, want to be known like pharaoh.
  3. I may have been too quick to judge the writers for skimming over Richard Alpert's past. Net buzz has it the island's resident immortal gets his own "flashback" NOT "flash sideways" episode in two weeks. This Tuesday upcoming will be Sawyer-centric.
  4. Alice In Wonderland [imax 3D] C+ This was about what you’d expect from a Tim Burton adaptation of the source material—a lot of style and, meh, some substance. Oh, and a whole mess of Johnny Depp scenes. The characters are fleshed out a tad more and some semblance of a cohesive plot is made from combining Lewis Carroll’s two Alice books and his poem about the Jabberwocky. The 3D aspect did make the CGI animation more enjoyable, but I’d have a hard time convincing myself to watch this film again. An Education B+ Ingénue Carey Mulligan can’t help but make you fall in love with her in this coming of age story of a bright, 1960s suburban London schoolgirl with aspirations of attending Oxford. Well, more accurately, they’re her father’s aspirations—who is played wonderfully by Alfred Mollina. However, those with the most potential have the most to lose. It’s a story that’s been told before and an ending that wraps up a bit to tidily for the protagonist. Yet Mulligan is such a joy to watch you really don’t mind forgiving the film those flaws. The Third Man A+ This is a beautifully filmed noir thriller that the less you know going into it, the more you’ll enjoy all its twists and turns. A man tries to uncover the circumstances leading to his friend’s death in post-World War II Vienna. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. Get the Criterion version if you can, as it not only has a beautifully restored transfer, but some great special features as well. Now go rent it!
  5. Conan O'Brien McFarlin Auditorium Dallas, TX Thu, May 13, 2010 08:00 PM Tix range from $40-$700. Fuckin' hell, CoCo! You got like $30mil for yourself when the Peacock sacked ya!
  6. Are you for seriously? The website says the tour doesn't start until April. . .
  7. Alright, wishenheimer. You caught me with my "LL" where my "nn" should be. Any comments on the actual ending?
  8. Are we digressing on a Bjork love tangent? If so, then allow me to say Post, its re-mix album--Telegram, and Homogenic are the fucking tits! Also, I must DL new Gorillaz! Thanks for the reminder Dr. Chikins!
  9. The last issue (#9) came out last week. Ellis got one over on ya, sir! Aside from the obligatory narration by the guy about how the Crossed are just humanity amplified to the highest negative aspect we all apparently have in us, it was a relatively surprising ending as far as the way it seemed to be going. I thought it fit well. Also, looking back, the violence or at least the degree of absurdity & perversion to the violence seemed to decline rather than increase as the series progressed. I wonder if this was an intentional device used to make the reader question their own perverted desire to see more spectacle w/ each issue? Or did he just blow his wad of fucked up ideas too soon?
  10. A Conan O'Brien tour would be great, but I doubt it happens. Apparently CoCo has been twittering some good stuff, but I'm not on Twitter. JZA would be the guy to ask about that... *Edit* Ok, apparently I couldn't have been more wrong about the tour! He'll do a 30 city tour this summer and it's heading by the TX and Nh chapters! I smell HCon destinations! See all the cities at www.teamcoco.com
  11. S6E7: Dr. Linus The Good: Jack's chat w/ Richard. Hurley stalling poorly. The Bad: I've a sneaky suspicion this is the most we'll ever get in way of explanation about The Awesome: William Atherton as Every scene w/ Miles!
  12. And so it begins--the dismantling of NOLA's first Super Bowl Championship team. The Saints had a lot of free agents, so this wasn't unexpected nor is it likely last player to leave the team for bigger paychecks. I can't blame Fujita though, $14Million for three years as a linebacker? No-brainer. The city will miss him though as he's been a fixture for the past few years he's been on the team. . But at least he left the city on the right note:
  13. LOL! You just saved me from writing my own review! I went to a 10pm IMAX 3D showing and was surprised to see people dressed up. Never crossed my mind this would be "one of those" kinds of films, but apparently I was wrong. The girl next to me wa sin a Mad Hatter top hat like the one Depp wore in the film. I guess it's been a while since I've been in a Hot Topic b/c I didn't know they were available for purchase. Again, I agree w/ your assessment of the film, and if I felt like I was not the target demo for this film. I also think it'd be a very odd film to expose a child under 11 or 12 to. I disagree though, I thought the creepiness of Crispin Glover shined on beautifully as The Knave. I probably will never watch that film, but I am goign to my third rollerderby bout tonight! Big Easy Roller Girls bring the pain!
  14. I read the whole series through in like one or two sittings. You really should go back and dust it off. IMHO it's some of Bendis' best work.
  15. S6E6: Sundown The Good: This episode was basically the writers making Hello, Star Wars Episodes I & II. The Bad: No real answers revealed in this episode. Seems like a big logic fail. The Awesome: *Edit* Some wonderful soul posted a list of all the names on the : http://lost.about.com/od/clues/a/cave_wall_numbers.htm
  16. Alias was great. Not sure the world really needs another superhero tale of Jewel or any other monicker Jones may take. However, more fucked up fallen superhero, baby-mama stories could work. I'm behind on all my Avengers stuff. Are her and Luke Cage still together? They were rocky when I left off after Secret Invasion--ok, so I'm waaay, behind on my Avengers. Also this stuff w/ Cage joining the Thunderbolts has me wondering if something is up between them.
  17. K, people like that sometimes make me reconsider the validity of the whole burning at the stake thing. If only for a moment... Mrs. G calls a guy retarded? WTF!?! So random! Balrgh at its purest. Win!
  18. Eye-ties. Dagos. Goombahs. Wops. Guineas. Guidos.
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