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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. S6E6: Sundown The Good: This episode was basically the writers making Hello, Star Wars Episodes I & II. The Bad: No real answers revealed in this episode. Seems like a big logic fail. The Awesome: *Edit* Some wonderful soul posted a list of all the names on the : http://lost.about.com/od/clues/a/cave_wall_numbers.htm
  2. Alias was great. Not sure the world really needs another superhero tale of Jewel or any other monicker Jones may take. However, more fucked up fallen superhero, baby-mama stories could work. I'm behind on all my Avengers stuff. Are her and Luke Cage still together? They were rocky when I left off after Secret Invasion--ok, so I'm waaay, behind on my Avengers. Also this stuff w/ Cage joining the Thunderbolts has me wondering if something is up between them.
  3. K, people like that sometimes make me reconsider the validity of the whole burning at the stake thing. If only for a moment... Mrs. G calls a guy retarded? WTF!?! So random! Balrgh at its purest. Win!
  4. Eye-ties. Dagos. Goombahs. Wops. Guineas. Guidos.
  5. Thanks for the fix. But did you even click Ly's link? The game he's talking about is separate from Paper Mario. It deifnitely should have its own listing under "spin-offs."
  6. Fuck a duck! I meant to click on Super Mario Galaxy but apparently clicked "New Super Mario" instead. WTF is that game eve? Anger bonerzzz!!!!!!111! SMB3 was a close second, but that game is colored w/ the rosy glasses of nostalbia. SM Glaxy actually gave me hours of enjoyment as an adult. Outside of fap'n, there's not much else that can hold that claim. I haven't played the new Super Mario game for the Wii, but I haven't heard good things about it... The spin-off was no contest: Mario Kart. I prefer it on the Wii, but it rules in pretty much all its incarnations. LY is right, the RPG was never my cup o' tea, but it's a pretty egregious omission, Jax. Fix dat, son! See, pics of that (either in or out of your undies) would've clinched the hottest chick win for you. There's always next year.
  7. Amen, K. Fucking sham artist. And Montel deserves whatever horrible medical malady he had for pimping such bullshit on his show.
  8. I would so use the phrase "Don't be a Leno" instead of Indian giver. Plus the Leno ter is not only accurate but PC-- didn't a politician get in hot water for using Indian giver recently? Leno and Letterman go head-to-head in late night again starting next week I think.
  9. New KK trailer. Actually, this makes the film almost look watchable for me...
  10. Yeesh. This is their "wish" list? Krasinski might surprise though and pull a Keaton, but it's still not looking so rosy for Cap fans, like Senor Itchy Vag.
  11. 2k posts and over 1 year later--I'm not sure if I should thank you or not for getting me addicted to this place. :p

  12. Shit My Dad Says Motherfucker got a book deal and a TV series from his fucking twitter account! God is so unfair. But truthfully, his dad does say some funny shit: "Son, no one gives a shit about all the things your cell phone does. You didn't invent it, you just bought it. Anybody can do that." "You look just like Stephen Hawking...Relax, I meant like a non-paralyzed version of him. Feel better?... Fine. Forget I said it." “We’re banned from the dog park. Well, I guess it’s okay to hump, and it’s okay to bark, but both at the same time freaks people out."
  13. Interesting theory Spiffy. But are you talking God in the Judeo-Christian sense or as in something else? I tend to think the producers would lend more to the As for this week's episode, S6E5: Next week better be good after that promo they gave at the end of this episode as well. Aslo I dug the commercial where the V chick came on.
  14. We don't really have a thread here specifically devoted to posting and commenting on short films. So here we go... I just watched Terminus. This one is disturbing and has some outstanding CGI:
  15. Yeah, I kinda did. I guess if I were a fan of the series over the course of the 4 years it was on air then maybe spending entire episodes on some of those plot points wouldn't have felt like filler. But the " However I can see the appeal for long term fans, and the EMber Island episodes especially were fun. But when you're basically finishing up the last part of a season in one day you kinda want the series to get on w/ it already. I guess instant access is kind of a blessing and curse in that case. Avatar wiki points out two other mentions of it earlier in the series, but they were fairly cursory and didn't really point to it being a significant creature or part of the overall Avatar mythos at all for it to play such a huge (pun!) part in the finale. Yeesh, that's a tough one as I really think it works so well as an ensemble series. Seriously, the more I think about it the more I believe if done well it could be one of the best film franchises in cinema history. There are so many great characters w/ great story arcs. But, gun to my head, I'd probably pick Katara. Aang is a close second, but Katara becomes such a badass by season three. I'd have to think on my favorite episode for a while though. I might be able to go season by season, but one epiode for the overall series? Not likely...
  16. Thought I'd move our TV show discussion to its proper place, Jax. Quick comment after reading the posts about DVD releases: boy am I glad I waited until the series was over before I began watching it! I finished all three seasons/books in a little over a week. Probably Book Two is my favorite as a whole with Book One coming in a very close second. Book Three was outstanding up until epsiodes 10 & 11 (Day of the Black Sun) and the rest of the season kinda felt like mostly filler from then on. This thread has been dead for nearly two years, but I'll go into spoiler tag territory here to discuss my thoughts on the ending (?) of the series. I like that the show's finale focused on this conventional plot device "swithceroo" though. Very unique in these sort of epic tales. Also, I did find myself thinking about the ending more than I believe I would've if the series had ended was a very small sacrifice for the overall message the finale leaves viewers with. And in my mind that makes for a truly successful finale.
  17. Again, no sense made there. But if anyone had the collection of stupidity inducing techno music worthy of summoning an army of attitudinal teens I'm sure it would be you, good sir.
  18. You huffed glue before you posted that, didn't you?
  19. Yeah, Boog, definitely re-watch episode 4 wide-eyed and awake. You'll likely gain a new appreciation for it.
  20. To paraphrase Hurley, "Not a lot happened? WTF are you talking about, dude!" SRSLY? Not a lot happened? We finally got the meaning (well at least a very BIG allusion to the meaning) of the numbers! We also learned the numbers have to do w/ why the Temple Others and Jacob are so keen on keeping certain members of the Oceanic 815 flight alive. And that right there is another big reveal. Many fans have speculated about this, but this is the first confirmation we've gotten. As for the ending, based on this week's episode I'd say EW columinst Doc Jensen called it right when he said the show will likely end with This is completely possible even though real Locke is dead b/c Darlton has said that these two storyline sin S6 will somehow merge or cross into resolving one another.
  21. Your Hoodie-Footie order is on its way.
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