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Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by TulipO

  1. That post about Doug the homeless guy--he was from Portland I believe. Sad.
  2. I...I think I'm in love with Rob McElhenny.
  3. I've read the books too, but I think the show is great! I don't think something like this has to be 100% faithful to the books. Especially since the books read like a diary. Also, I dig what they've done with Tara as a character--way more interesting for TV. I LOVE the evil baby scenes. They are hilarious! Also, I think Jason is a great character--he never gets away with his bullshit. He is always comically/disturbingly punished.
  4. "American" Chop suey. Its really just macaroni and beef with tomatoes and onions My grandmother wasn't much in to cooking, but it was tasty. Also, maybe Benny can confirm this--all of my New England relatives eat "Steak Tips." They're really delicious, but I think they are totally regional. I haven't seen them in a market or on a menu anywhere else in the country! Mom is a raw vegan now, so there isn't a lot of cooking in her house any more. She taught me the secrets of her awesome roast chicken, and baked macaroni and cheese before she quit cooking/eating meat and cheese. My dad taught me to make the best spaghetti sauce ever, as well as calamari--but I'm really the only cook in the family these days. I make all kinds of stuff though--none of it rooted in any family traditions--I think I'm developing my own. For instance while living in Tucson I actually picked up some really awesome Sonoran Mexican recipes, I developed some baking skills in Portland, and now I'm back in NY and I'm getting really good at making shit up.
  5. Anyone else finish book 5 yet? Also, some good casting on Season 2 so far! Stephen Dillane as Stannis...
  6. The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition was AWESOME. I don't know what you're talking about :P Anyway, last season wasn't that awesome, but 5 was solid. "I'm a full on rapist."
  7. The fifth book will be mine on Weds. I totally disagree about The Millenium Triology. Its really a 3 part story about how the state and ruling interests fuck with/supress the media. In the age of Wiki-leaks thought that was pretty rad.
  8. Haku, honestly, the series did such a great job--read the last couple chapters of Book 1 for continuity, and then skip ahead if you want to. I caught up to and then passed the series, so it still held some mysteries for me to start. What I really got out of it was a little bit of deeper character development than I would have. The actors on the show did such an awesome job that it almost felt gratuitous being privy to their inner monologues. Rex--I remember Compu-Serve! I personally had trouble getting in to Dune. I liked both movies well enough, but I never really cared that much about the characters. What I like about ASOIAF is that it keeps taking me by surprise. I do care about some of the characters--and loathe others, but thus far some of those I loathed have become my favorites and ones I liked to start have developed and--I see the soap opera analogy, but I would compare it more to a gory car accident. Just can't help but look
  9. Almost done with book 4. Book 5 is coming out on July 12th. Will I pay the 30 some odd bucks for hard cover? Yes, yes I will. But then I'm going to go through crack withdrawal until he finished writing the 6th and 7th books...
  10. Ahhh! Jay read the books man. Its a serious crack addiction--but the whole series leaves you going "NO! NO FUCKING WAY--You DID NOT!" But he did. George RR Martin is a man who appears to adore torturing his characters--and then he likes to give them unexpected victories. I can't wait to find out how it ends... Anyone know when the new books will be out? Also--Haku just wait. What happens with Khal Drogo is pretty fucking crazy.
  11. Well, they did it. I know HBO doesn't usually pull any punches--but I was worried that they wouldn't follow the books--especially in the latest episode. This story is so awesome. As far as main characters go, Tyrion is an obvious favorite--but Arya, now she kicks some serious ass. For those who haven't read the books--just wait. Or don't wait--cause that will take a year. Go get the books. Any favorite villans yet?
  12. So I have been here for a long time, albeit on and off. I post almost exclusively in politics these days, whereas, I used to post in all the forums pretty broadly. Part of that is that I am now much more politically active than I was 10 years ago when I joined. Mainly though, its just hoping beyond hope that when I get a reply, its from someone OTHER than archangel, or Jumbie. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate and consider ALL of Jumbie's posts. Sometimes I don't reply to him because he usually posts a really long article that I do not have time to read, OR I would really like someone else to weigh in! As far as arch is concerned, I am really tired of the same circular arguments that we have. No disrespect to him as a person, but our ability to have any kind of serious political discussion is limited by the fact that we are utterly diametrically opposed to one anothers point of view. Every argumnet we have must neccessarily go back to the beginning. Lately, I post things to balance out his stuff and without the rest of you weighing in, its not a discussion, its a soap box. Like i said, i've been here a long time, so if I have ever attacked anyone for their views rather than tried to discuss them with you (Benny) I apologize. But I would love it if more people posted in politics. I want all people to be thinking and acting politically whenever they can. Regardless of your beleifs the shit going on affects us all. Why not discuss it? (This includes Arnah. We have an international community here, we should know whats happening. Please post more.)
  13. Aarty--avocado?! Really? So good... I hate eggs. Quiche can be "ok" and in fried rice it doesn't bug me, but just plain old eggs=barf. And strong tasting fish. Mild white fish, and shell fish, along with ahi tuna, I can do that, but salmon, trout, anchovies--ugh. Bleu cheese. Mold=yuk. Also, no organ meats.
  14. Absolutely. I have a friend who taught in a Baltimore city school before The Wire came out. After she saw S4 she said that is exactly what it was like. Its rare that you see a show that not only addresses the class nature of the war on drugs, but also the political forces that intentionally hinder the project that the government took on and the reasons why. Awesome writing. There was an interview with Wendell Pierce on one of the special serves. He said that The Wire shows that "there is in fact an underclass" and the show points out who it benefits to keep those people there.
  15. Prez became one of the characters I liked the most toward the end. Idiot Savant thought he may be. Carver too. Its funny how it was obvious from the first season how Carver and Herk would turn out individually--pretty much as expected--I thought that was a cool piece of continuity. I still love the second to last episode of season 2--with the Greek music-. What I loved about the final episode was
  16. Yeah, Freamon has been one of my favorites from early on. I'm not as enchanted with McNulty as I'm supposed to be. Although his undercover stint in S2 was HILARIOUS. Maybe the look on Pearlman's face when she finds out is the funniest part about it but... Anyway, someone writing fot that show has a serious jones for The Pogues. Love it. Gotta say, Brother Mouzone is a pretty awesome character too. I think its a great fake out. *Side note: Delaney Williams who plays Landsman is my former boss' cousin. Its like the fucking Patty Duke show. They are IDENTICAL. My former boss, Pat is about 70-80lbs lighter, but the resemblance is beyond extreme. Don't believe me? Go to www.pasticheme.com
  17. He looked so old. That was not the man who made me want to be a hot archaeologist when I grew up! Also, I know Karen Allen as an aquaintance. I took a yoga class from her and she owns a hippy-lady store in Great Barrington, MA. It was just weird for me, She's like, my mom's age. They talk about hats and organic food. Oh well, I was otherwise entertained. Could have done with a little less cheesy moralizing from Indy, but I'll live. I enjoyed the film. It is not in the top 3 for me, but I will watch it again someday.
  18. Yes. Yes you do. On a side note did anyone else know that the actor who plays Stringer is British?
  19. Personally, I like the non-horror adaptations the best-except Hearts in Atlantis. They could have done SOoooooo much more with that one. I mean we live in an age where indie film styles have become mainstream. He could have taken a page out of Altman's book for a story about a bunch of seemingly unrelated people who are tied together by common experience and aquaintances. Anyway, I never feel that the films are as scary/interesting as his books, and there is always a horrifying casting chocie that ruins an otherwise decent script i.e Molly Ringwald in The Stand, all 3 lead actors in the TV mini-series re-make of The Shining-seriously that was just unwatchable. Between the guy from wngs and that little mouthbreather moron of a kid, I have never gotten past the part where they take the little fucker to the doctor. Everytime I've seen it I hope they're having him put to sleep. Then, it was set in the goddamned 90's! Which practically renders the story impossible. The internet would have saved them. Anyway, I'm gunning for an HBO mini-series of The Dark Tower personally.
  20. I love this show. I was almost at the end of season 3 when Tim got here and I started all over again for his benefit with no complaints. Everything Nick and Sen tell you is true. One of the best shows ever. I NEVER liked cop dramas before this show, but its really different. Personally, I though Season 2 was the strongest so far. The show itself deals with true humantiy of everyone involved, whether they are cop or criminal, and blurs the lines between who are the REAL criminals and who are the REAL victims. Like Sen, one of my favorite characters is Omar, but I've got a lot of love for Bubs too. Frank Sebotka was one of the greatest characters I've ever seen on television. That was a very well written character. He was fucking Shakespearean. Can't wait to see seasons 4 and 5! I love Netflix...
  21. Sunshine. FUCKING AWESOME MOVIE. It's everything a movie should be. Seriously. I think Danny Boyle is becoming one of my favorite director's of all time.
  22. Too old? The Saint is, dead. Can't get much older than that. I think he just wouldn't do it. He's all artsy/historical now. Doesn't go in for controversy or comic books much.
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