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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Aartemys

  1. In my previous life, I could've handle that piece of beef...now I am stuffed with 3oz
  2. Cathy, if you're ever up this way...in Boston there's a place called Durgin Park that serves this: It's the size of a dinner plate...32oz of Prime Rib, served with the potato and vegetable of the day -- $50 a pop...I hear its awesome.
  3. I had considered watching it, now I'll wait till it comes out on RedBox or something...Michael Fassbender, full frontal nudity, I don't have to say anything else. -------------------------------------------------------- Anyone else watching Grimm or Once Upon a Time? Any thoughts?
  4. Did you ever see the British version? I've been watching that since I was in high school -- you know us drama kids!
  5. Checkers chili cheese burger & chili cheese fries...
  6. You are on a roll, DoJ! I lift my mug of Earl Gray in your honor!
  7. Are you a member Star or do you need an invite...I'm on there, but I sometimes forget to track
  8. Bertolli's Dinner in a bag thingies...<shudder> Taste nasty, smell even worse...and the sodium content!
  9. Ah...Pollo. I miss that place. I might have to swing by there the next time we're in Miami...
  10. Could & would are two separate entities...your spoiler tags keep me in the loop enough. As for the arc of each season being a new house, I can dig it unless it becomes predictable.
  11. Ben & I eating with our Star Wars Lightsaber Chopsticks that Dark Kannigit & Princess Meia sent us! I got Luke Skywalker Ben got Darth Vader
  12. Agreed. I think it tastes like Play-Doh... Yes, I know what Play-Doh tastes like...I also know what paste tastes like and deodorant...I was a curious child--sue me!
  13. I eat greek yogurt all the time because of its protein content. What I do is sprinkle a packet of Crystal Light into it to give it flavor and bada-bing! My fave is fruit punch... You can also use it as a low-fat version of savory dips (i.e. ranch dip, french onion dip). In cooking, you would use it to substitute sour cream...I guess its an acquired taste.
  14. MH has won "Nicest" since the first awards [Year One was a three way tie between her, me & MisSarah (sp?)]
  15. If we were to do decade awards, I think it should be the winner's of the past... I worked somewhere that the nominees for employee of the year were all the employees of the month...
  16. Hrm, I've got to tell Benny about this thread...he's been watching it (of course, when I'm not in the room!)
  17. Most Valuable Poster - Logan, Bindy funniest - Logan biggest bitch - Mr. Hakujin, Iambaytor best thread - Hondo's Pictures We've Gone & Done, Xtranormal, Interview With A Hondonian best couple - Iambaytor & FDB, JZA & Arnah rookie of the year/best newjack - Master Star most helpful - DoJ hondo's underdog best troll... - Gene Shallit, Juggalo Pete
  18. I had to request an invite code...do you have one for me or do I have to wait??
  19. It never interested me and honestly, still doesn't...but I want to see The Avengers seeing all of the previous ones...Ben says I'm going to like it, but eh...
  20. Ben & I saw this one tonight...I know, we're a bit late to the game. We saw Thor last night and now all I have left is to see the two Iron Man's and I'm caught up, I think...that dang trailer for the Avenger's got me all excited... Was is OMG awesome? Eh...it was ok. I'm glad I caught it at the theater that charges $3.50 a ticket because they play movies that have long since been pulled from theaters (they were also playing HP2, Zookeeper & Horrible BOsses) I did like Hugo Weaving, though...
  21. All of this awesome stuff can be found at Neatoshop Ice-Cube Trays For that special overlord in your life! This is so going on our Christmas Tree!
  22. Awesome Star! I've already used my +1 for today, so I'm going to Haku one for you!
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