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Hondo's Bar


Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Aartemys

  1. I've seen bacon toothpaste, bacon toothpicks, bacon candy... I've bought bacon mayonnaise for Benny. It was OK...
  2. I heard those taste God-awful...
  3. I'm totally impressed with some of your drawings...mine suck, I know...I hope to get a better hang of this before y'all start hating on me.
  4. Nick and any other Hondonian, if you got one from Benny today, its actually me.
  5. Me too, Ly. I don't eat it anymore, but when I did, it had to be more on the rubbery side...
  6. Oh my...I'm making that seed cracker recipe as soon as possible!
  7. OMG, I am so excited for this!!! 20 days!
  8. Benny & I were talking about it over lunch and we figured that the premise of the show (since we watch so many damn reality shows we could write a book) will be that weekly they will have a challenge and the bottom two will meet in the ring to see who will stay in the house. Don't know, but since we're going on nothing, it sounds pretty good.
  9. I'm hoping that whatever coach does pick him up--and I have a feeling they will both fight for him--will help him wrangle his flaws. I think that is the basis of this competition. They most likely train all week, then have a matchup live on Friday nights. I haven't heard or read of anything along the elimination front and from what I gathered, only one pair will fight a week. And as far as the coaches, if I didn't hear wrong, in the beginning they were talking about how they actually do not like each other. I think Cruz took the title away from Faber or something like that. I'd go back to the recording to reference, but I deleted it once I finished watching.
  10. We're watching it right now...its so cool how much TV time he got during the intro before the fights...
  11. It's not chocolate covered bacon or anything like that. Its a chocolate bar infused with bacon. You know, how they also make some with chili's in them or cayenne?
  12. Mmmm...we sell bacon chocolate at work.
  13. Anyone going to go out of their way and watch it in 3-D when it comes out again? I saw it 3 times in theatres when in came out...oh Lord, I was a Senior in high school.
  14. Done. I've also got the show set on my DVR...
  15. This was last night's opening credits for The Simpsons: <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://c.gigcount.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEzMzA5ODg5MjkxODAmcHQ9MTMzMDk4ODkzMDkzNiZwPTQyNjg4MyZkPSZnPTUmbz*3OTgzMDJiOWU3MGE*MGY5YmEz/ZjhlZmVkN2ZhODBhNCZvZj*w.gif" /><object width="500" height="305"><param name="movie" value="http://vds.rightster.com/v/01z11sx6x2qxu0"/><param'>http://vds.rightster.com/v/01z11sx6x2qxu0"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://vds.rightster.com/v/01z11sx6x2qxu0" width="500" height="305" allowscriptaccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" FlashVars="gig_lt=1330988929180&gig_pt=1330988930936&gig_g=5"></embed> <param name="FlashVars" value="gig_lt=1330988929180&gig_pt=1330988930936&gig_g=5" /></object><br/>To watch more, visit <a href="http://www.heyuguys.co.uk/tag">tag</a>
  16. Jax, you posted somewhere once that you were eating stuffed peppers...I don't remember if it was here or on FB, but that looked sooooooooo good! Can you possibly post it here? I've been wanting to make a stuffed something dish and it just looked so good. I'm not vegan, not even close, but post surgery, I have eaten less and less meat -- however, since I need to eat things high in protein, I wonder if its possible to eat this way and still get what I need (minimum of 60g per day)... I look forward to trying some of these recipes. Our new apartment is within walking distance to our town's Co-op market that has bunches of vegan goodies. Do you guys ever cook with TVP?
  17. Word! I might not have said that verbatim, but it was close!
  18. Ditto. I tried...but it's not going to happen.
  19. Still, this was the best National Anthem I've heard...
  20. I too am a huge fan of 80s music... You can't have an 80s thread without My all-time fave song
  21. Is there a way to see the quests? Or do you just happen to unlock them?
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