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Hondo's Bar


Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by spiffytee

  1. It's a gangster movie with some great, great acting. Comes off as an episode of a tv show, but it has a charm to it that isn't in other gangster films. I don't know how to word it, but it's like a spark you don't see in other crime dramas. Mabye it's the combination of characters and story that set this apart.
  2. So, Chihiro's co-worker decides to have a birthday party and requests it here (japanese hooters?): She says she will never go again. I take no responsibility for what he has done... or what craziness the japanese come up with
  3. dead rising 2 free now for xbox live gold members
  4. I was attending the 1992 American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New Orleans and a forensic pathologist related the following story (paraphrased as best as memory will serve): "Sometimes, when an individual living alone dies unexpectedly, several days may pass before anyone takes notice. Some of these individuals may own a dog or a cat, which will go unfed. In my experience, a dog may go for several days before finally resorting to eating the owner's body. A cat, on the other hand, will only wait a day or two. Just goes to show you which is more loyal. So, the next time you're falling asleep on the couch with the football game on, take a look at your cat. He's not watching you because he's enamored of you; he's checking to see if your chest is still moving." Oh, those wacky pathologists. I can't explain why a cat may be so quick to turn on the hand that fed it. I can only tell you that yes, it does happen. As a single guy living alone with three cats, I can tell you that I keep plenty of kibble about, because you never know.
  5. KESHA AND PITBULL TOURING TOGETHER! they go so well together.
  6. spiffytee


    All I am saying is that that's a lot of money that could be going to the game developers and microsoft if they could move towards an online sales/retirement of codes for games (a la amazon). Hell, they could make a process that would make it more competitive than trading in your games and you wouldn't even have to leave your home. You would have the game the day it came out without waiting in lines. I think this is the future of videogaming and what microsoft has done is move in that direction (despite the simcity mess) And yes, i understand you like to borrow stuff and I like to burn things, but I like to see game makers make something to keep creative entertainment flowing. (I don't even know why I argue this, I haven't really been buying or playing anything new!!!)
  7. spiffytee


    I couldn't find some numbers that were comparable to Gamestop's 1.2 billion from used games last year until I was reading somewhere else the Microsoft red ring failure "fund". So here is a number to compare it to. MS $1.05 billion to replace RROD and e74 error xbox 360's vs. Gamestop $1.2 billion in used games last year.
  8. spiffytee


    That was taken from gamestop's financial report. Basically says that they are operating at a loss (only last year), however their revenue from used game sales are almost 50% (compared to their other income sources - new games, new hardware and "other") has increased in the past few years despite the end of the current generation curve (slump). Yes, clearly some mismanagement somewhere in there. Not a big fan of that other group you have there, but there are a lot of new developments in the portable phone/tablet arena and they shouldn't be shrugged off. I don't think that it will take over the pc or console industry, but I bet the ownership of these devices are greater than consoles or gaming pcs. The opportunity seems to be there.
  9. spiffytee


    a new article for the slump from forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2013/05/29/despite-soft-earnings-gamestop-looks-resilient-amid-slumping-industry-sales/
  10. spiffytee


    Growth in the electronic game industry is generally driven by the introduction of new technology. Gaming consoles are typically launched in cycles as technological developments in both chip processing speeds and data storage provide significant improvements in advanced graphics, audio quality and other entertainment capabilities beyond video gaming. The current generation of consoles (the Sony PlayStation 3, the Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii) were introduced between 2005 and 2007. The Nintendo DSi XL was introduced in early 2010, the Nintendo 3DS was introduced in March 2011 and the Sony PlayStation Vita was introduced in February 2012. A new console cycle is developing as Nintendo launched the Wii U in November 2012 as the next generation of the Wii. Also, Sony has announced that the next generation of the PlayStation will come to market by the holiday period of 2013. Microsoft has not formally announced definitive plans to introduce a new console. Typically, following the introduction of new video game platforms, sales of new video game hardware increase as a percentage of total sales in the first full year following introduction. As video game platforms mature, the sales mix attributable to complementary video game software and accessories, which generate higher gross margins, generally increases in the subsequent years. The net effect is generally a decline in gross margins in the first full year following new platform releases and an increase in gross margins in the years subsequent to the first full year following the launch period. The planned launch of the next-generation Sony PlayStation by the holiday period of 2013 will negatively impact our overall gross margin in that quarter and in future years. Unit sales of maturing video game platforms are typically also driven by manufacturer-funded retail price reductions, further driving sales of related software and accessories. Historically, new hardware consoles are typically introduced every four to five years. However, the current generation of hardware consoles is now over six years old and consumer demand is declining. We have seen declines in new hardware and software sales in fiscal 2012 due to the age of the current console cycle. The introduction of new consoles, like the Wii U, or further price cuts on the current generation of consoles could partially offset these declines. We expect that future growth in the electronic game industry will also be driven by the sale of video games delivered in digital form and the expansion of other forms of gaming. We currently sell various types of products that relate to the digital category, including digitally downloadable content, Xbox LIVE, PlayStation and Nintendo network points cards, as well as prepaid digital and online timecards. We expect our sales of digital products to increase in fiscal 2013. We have made significant investments in e-commerce, digital kiosks and instore and Web site functionality to enable our customers to access digital content easily and facilitate the digital sales and delivery process. We plan to continue to invest in these types of processes and channels to grow our digital sales base and enhance our market leadership position in the electronic game industry and in the digital aggregation and distribution category. In fiscal 2011, we also launched our mobile business and began selling an assortment of tablets and accessories. We currently sell tablets and accessories in all of our stores in the United States and in a majority of stores in our international markets. We also sell and accept trades of preowned mobile devices in our stores. In addition, we intend to continue to invest in customer loyalty programs designed to attract and retain customers. So Gamestop's info is a little outdated (Feb 2013), but it's the end of this generation and sales are going down since it's the end of the current generation from 9.4 billion to 9.5 billion to 8.9 billion in the past 3 years. (hardware and software sales total) But that hasn't stopped their used game sales, which is now the highest of its last 3 years: Gamestop as of FEB 2013 Pre-owned video game products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 billion 48.1% (Gross Percent Profit of Operations) 48.1% of their profits. Pretty much half. Oh and by the way, 2012-2013 Gamestop was operating at a loss of 270 million, also a steady decline in the past 3 years
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzs0dEE_9A4 guys in the background should be doing the harlem shake
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbqvTg3RW0Y&feature=share&list=RD02zItKxjn57YQ krimzonknight 1 week ago dude. Its Jesus singing Aeris's Theme. my life is complete. Thank you. lol
  13. spiffytee


    I think they are moving towards the future of gaming and trying to make the gaming world more like nintendo, towards a more casual type. I know yall are going to hate but more and more people are getting high speed internet access, the gaming industry is shrinking compared to tv, movies and music. Gamestop is killing people with -5 less for used, new releases. I would rather pay that used game fee and have it go to the actual gaming peoples than gamestop. It's a lot like boarders and barnes and noble vs amazon. We'll have to see the prices for the final determination and how much you'd get actually selling your game though. This is the wave of the future. If it fails, they could always go back to having it on disc since it does have a disc drive. So chill out people... I think what they are doing is taking the plunge and looking forward, based on how technology is always moving forward and how media is being delivered.
  14. is that what's her name dawson in kids? rosario. yeah that's her first name. and add the korean film "audition" on there. hate that thing - i don't know if id call it great though
  15. interesting little tidbit on leo's 'angry' scene: http://youtu.be/JMUhaCXPyg8 wow.
  16. http://screencrush.com/greatest-movies-never-again/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_56908 Interesting read... funny how little we know about the "movies" out there
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