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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by TopDawg540

  1. Boss: "Why aren't you working?" Employee: "I didnt see you coming!"
  2. Yeah that infernal Body armor should be a limited item in regular play. Maybe respawn only after both players have died. I hate it when people camp the damn armor.
  3. :: a heavy Blizzard sends waves of snow across the planes of the damned and Diablo pulls his cloak tighter to keep out the draft. Iritated, he glances up at the ceiling above :: What in heaven are they Doing up there! Its fucking freezing down here! Hell isn't supposed to Freeze over damnit!
  4. Son: So paw, did ya Kill any Rebels in the Great war? Paw: No I killed 3 yankees and 1 rabbit, cause the only gave us 4 damn bullets and no damn food.
  5. So there i was, Laminating my testicles when suddenly...
  6. People Just need to fucking take responsability for the ramafications of their god damn actions. Don't take a 5 week vacation and then Call to bitch at me when you get cancelled. "I didnt get my bill!" I just dont fucking care! You know damn good and well when its due every month. Pay your bills on or ahead of time or have someone taking care of your finances while your away! Stop blaming other people for your ineptitude!
  7. Wonder if its all you can eat? :shifty:
  8. Not quite a Movie line but so damn good it had to be shared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the best comeback lines of all time. It is a portion of a National Public Radio (NPR) interview between a female broadcaster and US Marine Corps General Reinwald who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military installation. Female Interviewer: So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base? General Reinwald: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting. Female Interviewer: Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it? General Reinwald: I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range. Female Interviewer: Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children? General Reinwald: I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm. Female Interviewer: But you're equipping them to become violent killers. General Reinwald: Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you? The radio went silent and the interview ended :O
  9. Nurse: Dr. County says they can only take 1 Critical Patient, not 4. :: Dr. Romano grabs the phone quite pissed :: Dr: Hi there, Like your job? Wanna keep it? Thats great. Listen, Find your chief of medicine, you do know who that is yes? Good, Tell him Dr. Romano is sending him 4 Critical patients and I expect them all to be well recieved and treated like his dear old Mother... WITHOUT the inappropriate touching. :: Click, Dr. Romano Hangs up and proceeds to the medivac Chopper :: ~E.R. kicks ass
  10. Whatever it is, It looks BAD ASS. Definitely on my too see list. - This promotion brought to you by.... Thr "Yes i dragged you to see the thin red fucking line, Forgive me Already!" foundation.
  11. Speaking of Mayhem, Check out what some of our boys are flying out there in afganistan. Heh, Bet them fuckers are running for the hills when they see this thing coming!
  12. Drunken RPG has been taken on anew. I am putting myself in charge of either getting the source code and Completing Version 2.0 for general release or Finding my own Editor and starting fresh with my own code. I've got Lots of Ideas. Good things are a comin. Look for a new thread Shortly.
  13. Infernal Turkeys! I swaer the things twitch just as i throw them! Blargh!
  14. Yeah Good Co-op is a thing I miss, I think Blizzard is probably one of the few companies left that option the Co-op play (DiabloI & II, warcraft, starcraft, ect...) Microsoft actually came out with a DAMN good one with Dungeon Seige. HUGE game, great potential, lets you play through single player, get your character all leveled and play Completely different Multiplayer levels. Even has a VERY detailed level editor and a free Multiplayer Expansion levelset. But good Co-ops are few and far between.
  15. I think I'll add in a secret level for version 1 where you gather PM bombs in a speed round and if you get enough you get to Fling them from a tower into a field of Trouserless Zombie Yahve's and hitting the right one will cause his grave to open and reveal version 2! Mwahaha.... ha.
  16. Mag-light flashlights. Their just fucking cool.
  17. Just to make it a lil easier on the decision (kinda) I'm mainly looking for what you would do given the choice. (i.e. all the above have been offered, which woul you be most likely to do?) Some folks Hate competition and just like to beat the AI. Some folks live for vs mode, some live to make level Mods and skins to take to a Lan party, ect...
  18. Sweet! I'll take a look see if I can use any of my programming skills to tweak it a bit B)
  19. ::Cops yank a black guy out of a stolen car that he's been using for 3 hours to run from the cops and caused 3 major accidents and he says to them...:: "Naw man, ya dont understand! I DIDN'T DO NUTHIN!"
  20. Gonna get cracking to finish up the Sword of truth series I'm reading now So i can get started on these. IC's been raving about them since he moved here. Damn, Just about to empty my book que now 28 more jump in...
  21. The winner with me is PC online private gaming. Granted multi console is fun, and Lan parties Kick ass, but at some point you wanna stop invading houses or cash runs out. Online you can Aim somebody and meet up for a quick game or organize a game and have a mega-marathon into the wee hours of the morning and just kinda pass out when you've had your fill. Best memories of online fun include: Diablo - Absolute kick ass. Taking on the minions of hell with gamu Plundering shit left and right, IC deftly catching all arrows not fired directly at an enemy with his back and returning them periodically to reload, Chief charging around a corner... then fleeing from 30-40 hellbeasts he didnt expect. Again... Absolute kick ass. DOOM - I still cant belive me and Juan lanza killed a Cyberdemon (massive guy with the rocket launcher arm) with just our .45 cals... well and maybe a billion lives, heh. Quake - Pluggin in the Crow soundtrack to replace the ingame music and playing Frag tag with woody. Skins kick ass. "Ima Mario, ima gonna wi..." TopDawg says: eat that grenade bitch! eat it! Woody181 says: you whore! :rail: Heh, so for me nothing can touch getting some buddies together and getting a really good game going. B)
  22. I'm really wanting to give this thing a go, I'll PM bomb yahven see if that gets any results Havent really heard too much about it cept that its a drunken RPG. (An yes i'm too laxy to go back and read posts) So anyone mind filling me in on what the current version contains?
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