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Hondo's Bar


Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Jumbie

  1. So today I went to a movie website. They had all the latest news on Indy 4, Shrek 4, Spidey 4, Pirates 4, Saw 4 and fucking Rambo 4. We are sooooo fucked.
  2. So... basically, he's an opportunistic little bitch?
  3. I never said ASC was a prick, Skeeter. In fact, I FHD'd him for his new assertive ways. Nick gave him props for it too. ------------------------ And, Skeeter? you were NEVER sweet. When you came outta your momma, YOU slapped the DOCTOR.
  4. So far I've been listening to his intrumental stuff. It's easier to get into.
  5. I've been thinking about ASC's new agressive attitude on the board. I think it's a problem of outlets. Anyone remember the timid, deferential ASC who showed up here a few months back and was polite and tried to play nice all the time? WHere'd he go? I think what happenned is that without his Blaze Byrne troll to vent his anger, ASC's complete self is coming to the fore. Speaking of which, where'd all the damned trolls go?
  6. I'm sure they can think of better things to do with Angie during her lunch break. Either with or without a camera running.
  7. Well, Brian Doherty of reason Magazine has a response of sorts to Ellis, at least so far as the Superheroes in comics angle goes. WHich is amazing since Doherty's article was written in 2001 :-). Well actually it was written in response to Scott McCloud claiming that comics needs to break out from Superheroes. I just found the article and I'm going to post some snippets and then a link to the full article. Full article here: http://www.reason.com/news/show/28010.html
  8. I figured this thread was the most appropriate place for this. From my new favorite webcomic, 'Shortpacked!' They've got a point. Selina in Year One... All the women in Sin City...
  9. From my new favorite webcomic, 'Shortpacked!'
  10. My assistant tells me I've gote -1 new messages. Does that mean I owe someone a message?
  11. Sorry to get all political on you guys, but here's what congressman Mike Doyle had to say about Mash-ups and copyrights at a discussion about the future of radio: (bold type is mine) I think that's just about the coolest congressman I've ever come across...
  12. So I got out of bed and went to the sink and realized that my tongue was BLUE. I didn't feel sick, but my first thought was that it was a mistake to finish off that jar of peanut butter I knew had been recalled by the manufacturer. Anyways, just as I was about to call a doctor, I remembered I'd gotten up during the night and drank some purple Gatorade...
  13. In other news, I continue to love stumble upon. Thanks LL
  14. IN other news... Infiniti has always made quality cars with great engineering. Now, however, they've finally gotten around to making cars that look like something you'd want to be seen in. (and that look like something worth 45 000 dollars.) Why am I mentioning this? I have no idea. I'm riding a bicycle to school at the moment and I have no idea when that's going to change. I have no money for a car.
  15. So I was in a hurry this morning and I decided to go commando. Ok, That's not true. No need to sugarcoat this. I hadn't done laundry in a while and I was forced to go commando. That's not the point of the story. Tonight, I was taking off my jeans and had a Sometthing about Mary Franks and Beans kinda mishap. My little feller is ok, but he's not gonna be partying for a while.
  16. Hondo's has been really fucked up recently. I can't wait for 2track to come back so we can finally get some sanity in this place again.
  17. I often hear a recording when I call customer service that says, "Please note that this call may be recorded to monitor quality" or something similar. Is that a bluff or do they actually record you guys from time to time and then write reports?
  18. YOure apologizing to a troll? Giving them free speech is one thing, giving them respect is a whole other can of worms
  19. I'm not THAT familiar, but I know it happenned back before Skeeter had too much to do with Fightclub. My guess would be Irish Ninja listed madman as mod as a joke, but I can't be sure. I am very sure his elevation to mod was a joke.
  20. Yeah, but why? The reasons you give for saying so may not be things we find objectionable...
  21. IN that first pic, yeah... Looks ok in the others.
  22. madman was never given mod powers He was just named a mod as a joke. The current admins/ mods ARE accountable, because we knw who they are and can discuss with them. If a mod edits someone, it'll say 'edited by ______' at the bottom and we can argue with that person. If madman edits someone, then we don't know who did it cuz madman is a public troll. That leaves things open to abuse. That may not apply anymore however, according to what MH is saying. mARVeN, If you've taken over madman and changed the password so that only U can use him then it's true that he's not a public troll, but you've taken away the only thing that ever made him interestin (his multiplicity) and the rationale for naming him a mod in the first place disappears.
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