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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Jumbie

  1. There's worse movies than Hulk. Case in point:
  2. Um, no, actually. She's weird lookin... and not in the good She-Hulk, Angelina Jolie kinda way...
  3. Whatever you do at Nick's place, remember... The Kingdom Come HC is mine. Literally. Fucker borrowed it like 5 years ago...
  4. "I command you to WANK." ? I think I had a headmaster like that once...
  5. mighta made more sense to pos those pics sideways. Woulda eased my neck pain too...
  6. And some people use flashlight handles as sextoys. What's your point?
  7. The metaphor is "As alike as two peas in a pod." If Gizmo and Archimedes are gonna become 2 peas in a pod, it means they're gonna become alike. I'm pretty sure you were going for the going to become best buddies angle... which'd prolly be sometihng like "as close as two fingers on a hand" or something.
  8. How delightfully you misuse your metaphors...
  9. Um, cuz that's also how he rolls. Man, I wish I was on my own computer right now so I could post a pic of Nick from back when he had totally homosexual hair... Is there a firefighter code on personal appearance when on duty, Nick? things like jewelery, hair length, paleness, sunglasses, length of fingernails etc?
  10. Well, it'd be ironic, since, i believe, according to the Directors cut of Donnie Darko Jake's character was in love with his sister, played by Maggie...
  11. Yeah, seeing as Home Alone 2 featured a similar tommy gun scene, I'm betting the gangster scene was done just for Home Alone. First movie I ever saw at a cinema was either Jaws 2 or Star Wars. Can't remember which was first, but they managed to make it to Guyana by the time I was about five. Saw The Love Bug soon after that. Then Abbot and Costello in Jack and the Beanstalk. Then the movie theatres in Guyana became real seedy and my family stopped going. First movie I went to on my own was ID4 I think, in highschool, since the cinemas had improved back to tolerable levels by then. ----------------------------------
  12. Am I the only one that saw the title of this thread and thought it had something to do with an amalgam of Rachel and Pancho?
  13. Jumbie

    Organic foods

    Well, LL, I'm a have to ask for link to info, since it seems the burden of proof is on those who make claims that food that uses fertilizer/ pesticides/ hormones etc is tainted.
  14. WTF? You mean this isn't a dildo thread?
  15. Actually, Jont, the guy works for google, according to hat Rachel said in another thread.
  16. 9 out of 20 votes so far for beef. If I was a cow reading this, I'd be feeling real panicky about now and thinking abou- ------------------------------ This post has been comandeered for an important message: ------------------------------ ------------------------------
  17. If he shaved, he'd look a lot like a cute guy in my Shakespeare class... You should put this in the Hot Guys thread, you know
  18. Dammit! >. You can't make a comment like that and then not post a picture. Now I've got the mental equivalent of blue balls
  19. Just want to say, I heard Deadwood got cancelled cuz the guy behind the series wanted that. He's trying to start up some show on surfing instead, apparently.
  20. Go fuck yourself. Cricket is a great sport. (1 billion Indians can't be wrong.)
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