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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Jumbie

  1. hy·po·thet·i·cal adj. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical situation. See Synonyms at theoretical. Suppositional; uncertain. See Synonyms at supposed. Conditional; contingent. n. A hypothetical circumstance, condition, scenario, or situation:e.g. OK, let's consider this possibility then just as a hypothetical.
  2. Friends get into the strangest fights. Apparently Jules got pissed off cuz Vince wouldn't share his Royale and the two of em got into it. This is a no holds barred, weapons of all kinds fight. Only one lives.
  3. As I post this, there's just 4 days left to the largest sporting event in history. The first world cup I saw was in 1986. Maradona kicked serious ass. Ever since, Argentina have been my sentimental favorites. But looking at the leadup, England seem to me as the most likely to win. Of course, it might just be that they're overhyped.
  4. Well, I spent all afternoon getting the rifle scope calibrated. Tomorrow is the big day... Hmm. Did I remember to get clean undewear?
  5. Jihad!!!! ANNA hu akhbar!
  6. Historical photo #450694 (Young Soldier of Fortune discovers the source of all his knowledge)
  7. Well, if it's an issue of panty shots...
  8. Or you had a cucumber in your pants...
  9. If this doesn't settle the issue, nothing will...
  10. Yeah, I prefer one chick to another... so I MUST be gay . I ain't saying I don't like the Kylie video. But it's clear she isn't anywhere close to Shakira's level. If you liked the 'Head' video, no problem... If you think the "head" video gives Kylie the advantage over Shakira (especially after seeing the 'Whenever, wherever' video) then you're 'visually challenged' and gay
  11. Well, it would if he's been overdoing the jacking off since his loverboy left...
  12. Dude, I saw my first Kylie video last week. She doesn't even deserve to breathe the same air as Shakira (as far as this poll is concerned. I'm sure she's a perfectly decent human being otherwise)
  13. Violent video games are under scrutiny again. http://msn.com.com/2100-1106-899612.html
  14. One of the most awkward things that can happen in a pub is when your pint-to-toilet cycle gets synchronised with a complete stranger.
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2002....sidebox username: drunkennews password: pinky The 'truth is stranger...' comment refers to the movie Chasing Amy. If you've seen it you know what I mean. If you haven't - Well, what're you waiting for? It's a kickass flick.
  16. I've often wondered: If I was stranded and had to eat myself for survival, which part would I go for first?
  17. I'm going to edit this post when I'm done. ---- There. I just did. I told you I would.
  18. I think Batman is the kind of book I'd like to write. I'd say Books of Magic too but I'd be too afraid of messing up a good thing. And I'm not a nasty enough person to write Hellblazer. The Original Ghost rider and Hulk seemed to have a similar dynamic which lent itself to great character stories.
  19. Athlete's salaries depend on how much people are willing to pay to see them. WE invest ourselves in sports so much that it translates into lots of money. And it is We who are responsible for low teacher salaries. Teacher raises are voted for in school districts and are rarely approved.
  20. Pancake Recipe from my friend PsygnisFive: 1 1/2 cups flour 2 1/2 Teespoons baking powder 3/4 Teaspoons salt 1 egg 1 1/4 cups milk 3 Tablespoons oil Mix together, fry on pan till golden, get them off pan, try to move pan, burn fingers, scream, suck on fingers, dump water on pan, dodge steam, stick the cold pancakes in the microwave, heat, eat, spit out because they taste nasty from being microwaved, throw them out, get frozen packaged pancakes from the store.
  21. Lies. They're all Lies! I dont care what the photographs show!
  22. Lets try for John Goodman to Charles Bronson
  23. Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman in 'Unforgiven' Gene Hackman and Will Smith in 'Enemy of the State' Will Smith and Randy Quaid in 'Independence Day' Randy Quaid and Rick Moranis in 'Honey, I Shrank the Kids' Rick Moranis and John Goodman in 'The Flintstones'
  24. damn. I just mentioned this flick in the Lady of Guadalupe thread up in Aristotle's Lyceum. Thought I was the only one who knew about it. The NYTimes review seems very enthusiastic. Whoever sees it, could you give it a mention in the Guadalupe thread if there's any relevance? Hope the movie's as good as it seems.
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