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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Lycaon

  1. Saw it just a week or two ago. Very amusing.
  2. Ah. I was hoping some might be somewhat interesting. If you happen to have any for the PS2 or N64 that you're interested in unloading, let me know.
  3. Some friends of mine are playing. I may ask if they'll me borrow it when they're finished. Looks pretty, but the plot sounds a bit limited. Heard goodness about from people that've played anyway, so I'll probably give it a chance at some point.
  4. The Kool-Aid Man is the ultimate killer...
  5. Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me Everyone else has had more sex than me. Everyone else has had more sex than me. Everyone else has had more sex than me. Does anyone else get that feeling? Teenagers naked, Couple and threes Grandparents swing from the ceiling. Everyone else has had more sex than me. Everyone else has had more sex than me. Corporate capers and office amore. Shenanigans outdoor and in. Resist and then later your find out there's more Regret in not doing the sin. Our lives have to die Of that there's no help My favourite way to end them Is the orb-weaver spider's whose pedipalp Enters the female pudendum. Then dies on the spot His corpse there still stuck, Left for his rivals to curse at. He would rather die than not get to fuck Personally I reckon it's worth it. Everyone else has had more sex than me. Does anyone else get that feeling? Everyone else has had more sex than me. Does everybody else get that feeling?
  6. I haven't read Deadpool in ages. Such good material. I heard they've changed it up in the past several years. Is it still any good? I miss Gerry Lequarre, the globe-trotting bum who'd show up in the oddest places talking crazy shit. Approximate quote (eh, what do ya want? It's been years): Gerry: "Pop Tarts. Everybody knows. They're bad mojo. Remember Toaster Strudels? The big competition? Then bam! Overnight they disappeared from the shelves, and the add exec in charge? Fitted for cement shoes and dropped off at the Great Lakes."
  7. Three, six, nine, the goose drank wine, The monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line. The lion choked, the monkey croaked, And they all went to heaven in a little row boat,
  8. *ahem* iggytiggydiggydo. That is all.
  9. Metaron What Dogma character are you? brought to you by Quizilla Alan Rickman, not bad. (edit)...odd, it won't post the picture. Ah well, as you can probably guess from my earlier comment, I scored as the Metaron.
  10. Yes. It is on DVD right now. I suggest watching the subtitled version. Hopefully without getting into the sub vs. dub fight, that particular version is better (the dubb is similar, but changes various things, such as the soundtrack. Having Kung Fu Fighting play during the movie is mildly funny, but just takes away more than it gives). The Hong Kong DVD translation is just funny. "kick the soccer over here!"
  11. You want webcomics? I got your webcomics right here: http://www.nuklearpower.com (8 bit Theater... Final Fantasy sprite comic... friggin' awesome) http://www.clanbob.net (gaming, supernatural roommates, comedy. Unfortunately down right now) http://www.sorethumbsonline.com (manga-style political gaming comic) http://www.rpgworldcomic.com (ever wonder what characters in rpg video games really go through?) http://www.penny-arcade.com (gaming comic.) http://www.megatokyo.com (manga-style misadventures of 2 American gamer/fanboys stuck in Japan) http://sinfest.net (hilarious comic by Mr. Tatsuya Ishida) http://www.somethingpositive.net (... Awesome, just... awesome) http://www.queenofwands.net (webcomic gem) http://www.goats.com (aliens, zombies, a talking animals/pets, the Chaos Pope, oh and beer) http://www.machall.com (college wackiness) http://shifters.keenspace.com (Yay werewolves! Oh other werecreatures and vampires, too) http://venusenvy.keenspace.com/ (disturbingly good comic concerning transsexuality, among other things) http://devilspanties.keenspot.com/ (Just started reading this. Interesting and amusing so far.) http://www.sgvy.com (Japanese fanboy becomes nordic magical girl. Messed up and amusing) http://www.punksandnerds.com/ (the name speaks for itself)* (umm... not always work-safe) http://www.animearcadia.com/ (otaku-drawn catgirl comes to life-wackiness ensues) http://www.applegeeks.com/ (general geekiness) http://nerdsofprey.imdanet.com/ (more geekiness) http://crap.jinwicked.com/ (Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, geeky humor) http://chugworth.com/ (Chuggworth Academy, anime-inspired art in a high school setting)
  12. Oh god, I remember reading that Spiderman issue when I was a kid. Actually, I think it was an "after-school-special" comic anthology of some sort. *edit* That didn't quite sound right...
  13. Watched it again this weekend, and managed to introduce someone else to it. Hopefully she'll watch thte series now.
  14. Sorry to hear that. Seems to be going around lately, as several of my friends feel the same. Hope you all get to feeling better soon.
  15. Indeed. It's funny, I just found out today that there was going to be a series.
  16. Watching frist season of Stargate. I very much plan to watch plan to watch Firefly (and Serenity) again. As for the sessions, are they just pictures, or is there some audio/video as well?
  17. Seen some of this series (not much, unfortunately). Very funny. A friend of mine has the first season and we talk about doing an Arrested Developement marathon every so often. ...crap, this is on Fox? Fox, as in the "Channel-that-kills-good-shows"?
  18. Serenity in 2000 words! Very funny. And true, too.
  19. Oops! Don't think I've seen this thread yet.
  20. This is a funny site. Especially these: http://www.superdickery.com/propaganda/11.html http://www.superdickery.com/bondage/5.html http://www.superdickery.com/bondage/9.html http://www.superdickery.com/other/192.html
  21. I need to watch Stargate SG-1; I haven't seen much of that series.
  22. Adoration and worship, obviously. :P
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