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The Grassy Knoll
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Everything posted by IguanaDon?

  1. We should all have a game of Mario Kart Snes. You can play that shit online... Emulation................Online. YOU. CAN. PLAY. FINAL. FANTASY. 1-6. MULTIPLAYER.
  2. DOJ, I had to wait 2 weeks for Blood Money.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That needs to be inserted into the hondo's gallery.. hall of fame or something.
  4. Saving private ryan also. His performance in that was pretty shitty. He just had the pleasure of being in a decent film.
  5. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465494/
  6. Seriously, if they made some Teabagging RPG I'd be the first to buy it. MM, please.. make some sort of photoshop addition to this, with a ps2 cover or some shit.
  7. Can you imagine 47 squatting down performing a teabagg though? Someone needs to model that. Hole in the front of his suit, his bollocks just hanging out.
  8. I dunno how he doesn't look out of place sometimes. It's pretty obvious who the Hitman is. Not like i'd try to stop him hahaha. Watch your back IC... 47 knows you like to teabag... so he's thinking of giving you a 47 crewclone cut and dipping his bollocks onto your skull. Watch it.
  9. Hahaha!, Mm I love your 47 sig, mate! The little '' Hondo's '' logo on his suit, classic!
  10. Fuck, what was that level called? with the skyscrapers and low-grav. I fucking adored it!
  11. http://isohunt.com/torrents.php?ihq=Hellsing&ext=&op=and 'Hellsing.[dub].[eng]' I started it tonight and it's on 50 percent, 2 gig file. I dunno if it's worth it or not. I rarely watch anime. I own Akira and Ghost in the shell, but my mate really recommends this one.
  12. that's a tough one. The hours of fun I've had on UT: GOTY skirmishing with bots, or going head-to-head online overrules HL2 though I think. Although.. If I can use garry's mod along side hl2 It shits all over UT. Garry's mod literally ruined my life for about 8 months.
  13. Yeah, I didn't mean British as in the Brits made it. Just it's set in london with British voice over
  14. I'm currently downloading '' Hellsing '' all eps. My mate said it's some British take anime, so I'm fairly interested.
  15. Whey!, you've got the coolest sig I've seen back. That one's always been a personal fave.
  16. That's classy, mate. MM, you've really outdone yourself. You went all out!
  17. cheers for adding the borders by the way MM.
  18. Contracts was good, but if you've played 1 and 2 it's just more of the same. It's basically 1 and 2 flashbacks.
  19. Yeah, as IC stated on the Knoll '' its shitty when a game comes out that's made just for you, and you haven't got your hands on it '' Of course, that was a dumbed down piece of shit quote, but it was along those lines. I didn't know you had played 1 and 2. Blood money is basically what Contracts was supposed to be. You haven't missed anything by not playing contracts.
  20. See DOJ, that's why I love Hitman so much.. it combines button bashing action with stealth and non-linear gameplay. There's too many ways to do everything.
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