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The Grassy Knoll
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Everything posted by IguanaDon?

  1. You think I agree with the tagline ? :/ not a chance. You're right, there have been some killer films from '99. Human Traffic isn't even in the top 50 I don't think.
  2. Human Traffic again. A great British flick. Sometimes I get the feeling it's way over directed, it's a flaw that I find annoying. Now and again I just start thinking " This is trying to be smarter than it really is, now. ". A good film none the less, and is sometimes very underated.
  3. Entire " Loveless " album by My Bloody Valentine. Possibly in my top 5 list of the best albums ever produced. And too short it was. GZA - Swordsman
  4. There were parts in 28 days that made it so good... The brutal scenes where cillian murphy pushes his thumbs into the prv's eye sockets, the drive past the gigantic wind turbines, first scene that included the shot in the London bridge, the soundtrack, etc, etc. I thought Boyle did a great job in directing it.
  5. A Scanner Darkly it's 8 years from now into the future and there's a new drug around " Substance D " This film's basically what I'd class as a stoners film for a good hour or so. and Waking Life Dream within dream perspective. Lot's of long conversations about the universe, life, yadda yadda. I loved it. I definately enjoyed Waking Life alot more than ASD.
  6. It's just going to turn into a cheesy resident evil hollywood piece of shit now. I'm not looking forward to this. They should just leave it as it already was.
  7. Cocteau Twins - Cherry Coloured Funk Beetles and eggs and blues and pour a little everything else You steam a lens stable eyes and glass Not get pissed off through my bird lips as good news Still we can find our love down from behind Down far behind this fabulous, my turn rules Beetles and eggs and blues and bells and eggs and then blued Beetles and eggs and blues and pour a little everything else You steam a lens stable eyes and glass Not get pissed off through my bird lips as good news You'll hang the hearts black and dull as the night We hanged your pass and start being as you in ecstasty Still being cried and laughed at before Should I be sewn in hugged I can by not saying Still being cried and laughed at from light to blue And should I be hugged and tugged down through this tiger's masque And should I be sung and unbroken by not saying You mind not saying He'll hang that heart's black and dull as the night Still being cried and laughed at from behind me, from gains We hanged your pass and star being as you in ecstasy Still being cried and laughed at from behind me, from gains Should I be sung and unbroken by not saying Still being cried and laughed at from behind me, from gains Hugged and tugged down through this tiger's masque for key
  8. My Bloody Valentine - To here knows when. Forgot how beautiful this song is.
  9. My fault. I told IC to make a seperate member group for me. " Grassy Knol " Instead of " THE Grassy knoll " Unlucky mate.
  10. The Rolling Stones - ( I can't get no ) Satisfaction.
  11. I generate a new cartridge of sperm everytime I come in this thread.
  12. I'm popular. I own this board mate. HSAHISUhsaHSAHs.
  13. Footie. Footie... Footie. ( Soccer. ) Hah. Nah, but seriously... from what I see of NFL it literally is just commercials and waiting. 2 seconds of violence... waiting. 3 seconds of violence. Waiting. 1.1 Seconds of violence! waiting, still. Footie is fast ( When there aren't any diving cunts. ) and is magic to watch in my opinion. It isn't as good as it used to be, though. Each player is a walking advertiser now.
  14. can't wait for Casino Royal. I hear it's going to be the darkest bond to date.
  15. Yeah, I didn't expect a reply at all. There's nothing better than writers/actors/directors/any creative persons taking an interest in the internet community! Much like View Askew forums.
  16. I just signed upto that Engine forum. I emailed Warren Ellis asking him about Transmetropolitan, if Spider was based on Hunter S. Thompson. He replied in about a minute! All he said was " Partially. " Which I thought was pretty kick arse.
  17. Nice rant Arch.... But this be the Suggestion Box. We're pissing on the system!
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