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Hondo's Bar


The Grassy Knoll
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Everything posted by IguanaDon?

  1. I am 100 posts from 1,000. A milestone.
  2. Stravinsky - Firebird Suite. Cheers for that Doj, epic. Tchaikovsky - 1812 overture.
  3. I actually liked Carradine. I thought he was quite the evil cunt in volume 2.
  4. Sonny has cast his vote and made it an even break. Part one, definately. It's the sickest, and had more entertainment value in my opinion.
  5. 18 beautiful minutes with Beethoven and his 9th symphony.
  6. I think the only way someone can officially leave a message board is through death. No matter who goes for what reason, for how long... They'll always come back.
  7. They're just about to release TF Source actually. TF classic was and still is a very, very fun game.
  8. I got five headshots in a row once on CS. That was fucking class... I mowed down about 15 people in the time I was deployed with the mg42 on Day of Defeat: Source. That was pretty kick arse aswell.
  9. MusicManiac Posts: 4860 Joined: 23-August 05 Jont Posts: 1617 Joined: 16-May 02
  10. I think the PS3 is going to drop in price within the first year. I don't know any parents willing to pay $1000 or £700 for their childs birthday, christmas, or whatever. I can't see many kiddies saving their pocket money to get one either. It's definately for the adult working class...
  11. Swastika Eyes - Primal Scream. " Love's a dangerous language Survey the damage "
  12. I'd happily help out in sports.
  13. ..................................................................................
  14. Yeah DOJ, you actually manage to d/l this?
  15. Chumbawamba - I get knocked down but I get up again. Part of my World Cup music month.
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