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The Grassy Knoll
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Everything posted by IguanaDon?

  1. 8 and 9 were always my favourite. and 10 mind you
  2. Just waiting for this on DS, that is all.
  3. I still need to set this up for my DS but I haven't got around to it. Metroid prime would be superb with Wifi.
  4. Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music Slave to love: Tell her i´ll be waiting In the usual place With the tired and weary There´s no escape To need a woman You´ve got to know How the strong get weak And the rich get poor You´re running with me Don´t touch the ground We´re restless hearted Not the chained and bound The sky is burning A sea of flame Though your world is changing I will be the same The storm is breaking Or so it seems We´re too young to reason Too grown up to dream Now spring is turning Your face to mine I can hear your laughter I can see your smile No I can´t escape I´m a slave to love
  5. Duran Duran - PLanet earth Ohhhhhnly came outside to watch the night fall with the rain.
  6. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/rainbowkidsshow.html
  7. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Krisco Kisses I can't get the fucking chorus out've my head! Myyyyyyyy loveeee yeah, KRISCO KISSES ( BACKGROUND ) KISSEEEEESSS! Never Misses (Background) MISSE-HEEEHH-ESS!!!
  8. Frankie goes to Hollywood - Black knight White knight.
  9. Well, I'd rather this than Brittany Spears.
  10. "My name's Tommy Monaghan, and I kill people for money. It's a living. " It is quite the opening.
  11. I reckon Uma would do an alright Tulip, maybe a little younger though. ( First image on google images by the by. )
  12. That's the funniest shit I've seen all day.
  13. Ramones - Shiela is a punk rocker. Marvin Gaye - ? Credence Clearwater Revival -? James Brown - ? Buddy Holly - ? Stone Temple Pilots - ? Lynyrd Skynyrd - Havn't got one. Led Zeppelin - When the Levee Breaks. Sade - ? The Clash - hatefull. Queen - Magic. The Specials - Dislike 'em. Green Day - Fucking despise them. The Replacements - ? Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child Wu-Tang Clan - Not into them. The Beatles - St. peppers lonely heart band. Doors - The end, obviously. ( Blantantly because of Apocalypse Now. ) REM - Shiney happy people. Bjork - Nah, havn't heard much. LL Cool J - Dislike. Alice In Chains - Don't listen to them. The Cure - Desintegration.
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