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Everything posted by FireDownBelow

  1. Nifty yes...but it has the same flaw that LaunchCast does. It doesn't have any info on some of my favorite artists. Damn me and my love for world music.
  2. I snapped at picture of this when I went to the West End in Sept. Just found it and had to share it.
  3. Hickory-dickory-dock I never get good cock Always soft as tallow Till I met that rock hard fellow Plug to a socket Oh baby, did he shock it. is better than
  4. Words I like the sound of! (In no partiular order) Hemoglobin Wisteria Worcstershire Catgut Gonorhea Psyche Fiddlesticks Flummoxed Asterik Minerva Mundane Quintessence Quandry Bellicose Esoteric Houston Epitome And my all time fave: Epiphany
  5. Venison or dove. Though lamb runs a close second. Its greasy though. Anything but beef which is dull and chicken which I am hearitly sick of.
  6. Bad smells: My mother-in-law's house smells likes ass. I don't know what she's been eating but she's in bad need of...beano or something. The dog stinks too after I bathed her. Twice. I still smell like spunk and my whole office smells like burnt popcorn. I wonder if there's some way to kill off all my olfactory cells. the Nick wouldn't havr to listen to me bitch about when he last bathed.
  7. Every year when I put the Halloween or Christmas decorations back into the closet, something gets left behind. Last year there was the singing Scooby-Doo stocking that I left hanging on the back of the front door until March. Now it sits on the floor near the coat rack because I'm too lazy to put it away. I'll leave it there since Dec is so close now. The Halloween decoration that got left behind last year was a plastic skull. It looks real...in a plasticky kinda way. We had darts stuck in its head and then bolted it to the dart board. I forgot about it. Forever and a day it sat in the bedroom floor on my side of the bed. I picked it up yesterday and sat it on my night stand. Halloween is coming. I may use it again or I might leave it on the night stand. It doesn't look half bad there. Alas poor Yorik!
  8. Should go to www.albinoblacksheep.com All sorts of nifty things there.
  9. Huh? IR lost again. I don't use my microwave for anything. Except...well, softening cookie dough and ice cream. Chris, you should go to a pawn shop. You can sometimes find one there for afforable. Just make sure there's no roaches or spiders in it. Wouldn't want roaches in your three day old mac and cheese.
  10. My sister might be pregnant! Auntie x 2. More dinero out of my pocket for a baby she doesn't need. I hope its a girl.
  11. Everyone looks edible to day. I should not have left the house. As a matter of fact they should chain me to a wall. I think I'll have hair on my palms by the end of this month.
  12. Random junk: I smell good today. I get to work overtime next week. More cash for...stuff. I feel like I'm about to climb the walls. I bought my first square in a football pot. I hope I win. I should go before I get caught.
  13. If I said my name was Bob would people believe me?
  14. My husband is going to Tennessee for a week. I'll be all by myself. I don't know whether to throw a party like some kid who's parents have gone out of town...or to mope because in six years I've never been without him more than a couple of nights.
  15. Yesterday a customer asked me if I had children. No, happily childless at the moment. And then he says, well, you just look like a mother. And I wonder to myself, why? It's not as if I was wearing a shirt that said, World's Greatest Mom, or had spit up on me... Was it meant as a compliment? I'm not sure...he could have meant, oh, you're fat you look like you've given birth to three or four... Or maybe it was just an observation. However, I don't know what sparked his comment so I was at a complete loss on how to react to it. I'm still puzzling it out.
  16. I have seen the light! My husband and I both have converted. We are transformed. May he shelter you all in the embrace of his noodly appendage and blessings upon thy eye patches and hooks. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
  17. Afternoon Thoughts, from a full belly to Borneo My belly's full. It's a pretty day. I would like to sleep in the green grass instead of being at work. I wish it were fall but I can feel the sharp edge of the heat creeping in under the cold front that came through last night. We still haven't seen any rain. My grass is dead and the fleas are still so bad the dog whines when she scratches. I need to shave the dog. I need to shave Nick's head. I can't shave. Nasty ingrown hair still. I look like Bigfoot or an orangutan. I'll move to Borneo then.
  18. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die." -Princess Bride Don't know why but it sticks in my head. And "Either get busy livin' or get busy dyin." -Shawshank Redemption
  19. Cottage cheese is spoiled milk. That doesn't bother me. I still like it. But, could I make cottage cheese at home, by leaving milk out overnight? Or would I just make myself sick? The norsemen used to do it and according to my mother I'm norse...ish. I'm going to experiment. Everyone keep an eye on the obituaries.
  20. Wide open eyes You serious, you delirious Have you got a heart You could really lose it in the super people mart you are the most beautiful thing I know And the most beautiful thing Darling is when I hear your heart Beat, beat, beat, beat I don't remember the name of this song, but I sing it in my head at least once a month. It's by Frente from Marvin! The Album.
  21. Outside the window chain link wire and chain link gates lean precariously. I wonder what it would take to make them fall. Leaning Tower of Piza... I wonder if I could build a replica out of chopsticks and paste. I wonder if some random toddler would find a creation like that edible...
  22. I stuck my finger into an outlet once when I was a kid and it tingled but it didn't hurt. And this morning when I plugged the blow dryer in I could see sparks. I'm the type of person that wastes a whole roll of wintergreen lifesavers just to see the spark when you bust it with a hammer. I predict that one day I will die in a horrible accident involving electrocution, a condom, and a swimming pool. Or else I will become some strange sort of super villian with a name like, Electro-Phylatic Girl.
  23. Castigate not the fool because we all have our moments of foolishness. So sayeth the wise Alondo Mmkay....no more psuedophedrine before before bed. Because there's still 'By Mennen' playing my head.
  24. Metallica is so awesome. Makes me want to grow a heavy metal-esque mullet. I could start my own band maybe and call it Aluminium or maybe Copper Head. Now that's just silly.
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