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Hondo's Bar


White Bread USA
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Everything posted by FireDownBelow

  1. Just cause parts of the board are crass doesn't mean the logo has to be. Hondo's is about more than titties and curse words. I think the true spirit of the board is about community and bravado. Yes, I realize that sounds cheesey. (Though it doesn't negate the truth) If you want to mock because of that, have at it.
  2. I like mornings. But only if no one else is up. Otherwise, they're just like any other part of the day: hurried and filled with noise. I miss living alone.
  3. Welcome! I hope you like it here. Seems like you're fitting in and that;'s fantastic. Stick around.

  4. Well thank you, Ly. Always a pleasure to be here and you're quite welcome for the card.

  5. I haven't had issues. I mean, other than it seemed like my cookies were acting weird.
  6. Fresh pizza is good, but it's got drawbacks. It burns your mouth, the sauce is sloppy, and the cheese gets everywhere but your tongue. Cold pizza has none of these attributes and maintains the same flavor. Not to mention the crust becomes nice and chewy, without being stale. Yeah, cold pizza is where it's at. Except frozen pizzas...those aren't good hot or cold.
  7. Wow...hmm, I'm the one that does the all the cooking at gatherings so...you know, I don't make anything special and certainly nothing that's gonna be passed down from generation to generation. I make a pretty good fruit salad though. No cool whip, real whipped cream. Apples and bananas in addition to fruit cocktail. No marshmallows.
  8. Oh, oh! The contest in Hell was pretty nifty. I have to agree that Vol. 1 is meh. Which is why I gave it to Ryan. ;) I think I might try Vol. 2 but its not big on my to do list.
  9. Heard on the radio this morning: Cindy Skull: And Chuck Norris is endorsing canditate Huckabee. But, i still think I'm going to wait and see who Mr. T endorses before I decide to vote.
  10. Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Taarna, Agent 355, and Julie Strain's animated counter-part from HM2000, and Lady Death
  11. The sour skittles commerical with the milk machine...just grosses me out.
  12. Robert Rodriguez and Preacher...I think I'll order HBO just for this if it ever happens. I'm thinking I have plenty of time to finish the series though.
  13. Thank you so much, Nick. You're the sweetest.

  14. There's a Dairy Queen commerical that reminds me of the Rocky Horror Picture Show opening.
  15. I'd be all over Animal Crossing on the Wii. I need to find one.

  16. No. I never did. I got a little more than halfway through. Now, I can't get past the first level. Its harder than I remember.

  17. Oh man, I hate to post this, but the first movie I remember seeing in theaters was Pure Country. I was nine, I think. Yeah, my folks were poor so my very first movie was that one. I went to it when I stayed over at a friend's house.
  18. I think the average age was to 17 and this has to do with nutrition. The world wasn't always as prosperous as it is now, thus nutrition was worse. The bearing nutrition has on female puberty has to do with girls needing to attain a certin body fat percentage in order to ovulate. Thus, poor diet means it takes longer to reach this threshold. Skinny girls are late bloomers as both my mother and my sister were 14 when they started menstrating, but me, always being prone to heaviness, I was 12. Hell, a lady at work, her 10 year old granddaughter is already of breeding age because she's a bit of a porker. An I'm not being mean, the girl is fat. Any rate, my point being, well, I already made it. The average age would prolly be around 13 now due to our high fat diets and better diets that we are seeing worldwide. Also has to do with a move from an agrarian soceity to that of industrialization. Which is why I think its BS that everyone claims Mary was only 13!! If she was a poor Jew, I'd place that closer to 15. But that's a whole nother kettle of fish.
  19. I've got this game and I really like it, but man, talk about having to use my brain! Its hard to connect the dots sometimes. Trauma Center...wow, that one takes the cake in my opinion. I could do without all the conversation bits. The surgeries definitely keep you on your toes.
  20. Off topic, but related note, I see that remaking TMNT in this millenium wasn't bad enough, now thaty've done TMNT: Fast Forward. Its like 2512 or some shit. I didn't even bother to watch it. >_
  21. I liked Rocky IV but I wasn't sure about this one...I thought Stallone was just milking it, but I'm willing to see it if at least one or two people say it isn't bad.
  22. 'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com
  23. I lost. Losing wouldn't be so bad, if I at least had someone to play the game with...
  24. Sorry, but its not my cup of tea. My HR class is making me fall asleep. Though, I think its the quality of the textbook rather.
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