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Everything posted by FireDownBelow

  1. For the new franchise. It's not the same. As Crim pointed out many, many posts back, this is truly for the next generation. Oh, god...I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. Really though, this jumpstart is for a new type of fan in a different era. I'm glad you liked it, but it's realy not the same thing anymore.
  2. Actually, I saw the 2009 one. I didn't think it was a bad movie, but I didn't think it was a good movie. Very action oriented much like the later TNG movies such as First Contact and Insurrection were. It didn't have much in the way of a deep plot but then neither did any of the preceding Star Trek movies. In all honesty, I don't wish to see this one because I don't feel that the 2009 'revamp' or jumpstart (whatever you want to call it) added anything of value to the franchise. Instead of going with what the various shows had already established and somehow trying to make a really good movie, they just scrubbed it. It feels as if they took the coward's way out, the path of least resistance. If there had been something inherently wrong with the franchise, I might be inclined to forgive this, but there wasn't-other than being outdated. And face it, everything and everyone gets old. So, I just don't feel that this new movie is relevant or needed. It seems like a sell out. And I have no urge to go watch another 'meh' action movie. I did that when Ryan dragged me to the latest Die Hard flick.
  3. I read Ender's Game before Orson Scott Card outed himself as a douche. I'm glad I did. It's hard to reconcile the book I read with the asshole that wrote it...but even jerks have something worthwhile to say. You know, kinda like broken clocks still being right twice a day, even if it is just an accident. What I would recommend, if someone really wants to read it but not support Card, don't buy it new. Buy it used and support a business you like or better yet, just download a copy. You get to read it and douchebag gets no money. Win-Win Also, the reason for this edit, I watched the trailer when I had a spare moment. My only comment thus far: eh. Granted, it's not a very long trailer but I still find it lacking. Firstly, is it just me or do the children seem a little too old? I've made this arguement before about characters suddenly aging for the screen but I think in this case it would be a mistake. The 'children' from the book were hyperintelligent; children physically rather than mentally. I hope this carries over. Also, I do so hope the subplot of Ender's obsession with the Gian'ts Game is included. I feel that it was crucial to his character growth. That being said, the trailer seems more action-y and less focused on the inner turmoil that made the book what it is. I hope that's not the case for the film. I always felt the action was just a convenient vehicle for the coming of age story that it really was. I hope, i hope, I hope...three times. Maybe my wish will come true? I'm reserving judgement about whether or not to see it until I've seen a few more trailers. But I think I might read the book for a fourth time. Or is it fifth... And because I can: the quality of Frank Herbert's writing is questionable. And I am justified because I have read Dune often enough that the cover fell off.
  4. Sacrilege is acceptable in an abstract manner. Constantine is a good example. But then you have more blatant stories such as the rest of the His Dark Materials series, which has not seen the screen and likely won't. I think Preacher is on the more blatant side. I think that is something HBO won't touch. Just like I bet you dollars to donuts that if American Gods ever makes it to the screen, they will leave out the sides bits about Jesus and Mithras. And don't tell me Carnivale was sacrilege. It wasn't. It never got that far. The worst was a corrupt priest. It was only hinted at.
  5. Say, Hakujin, I got curious about the thing you mentioned and went and looked it up. It's called GhettoHikes and the guy has an account on Tumblr and Twitter. Some say it's a hoax, but its still funny as hell.
  6. Ha! I love it. It reminds me of something else I've seen. http://www.cookingcomically.com/
  7. Y'know, there are Mormons and then there are Mormons. I have been to and LDS church on numerous occasions and most of them are extremely nice, some of them not so much. Their religion ha just as many hypocrites as any other. But as far are conservative Christian religions go, I will pick Mormons to hang out with anytime hands down.
  8. Legos piss me off. I have no creativity and no talent for spatial reasoning so I never able to build anything beyond a tower unless I had the instructions. Even now as an adult, thinking about them makes me uncomfortable and shameful. Same with Lincoln logs, Megablocks, and K'nex.
  9. Do red lights make you wanna run them?
  10. Oh god...I forgot about this thing. She was supposed to be a robot guide to my writing. Like a programmed librarian, but I got bored. :( Now I don't write enough enough anymore for it to matter.
  11. Ah, see...those suits, Eamonn, are Wonder Woman. Now, the first photo, that woman embodies her, in my opinion. I mean, I dig the pants. They suit more than her bathing suit/aerobics mess she used to wear. And once I was old enough to understand her backstory, the clearly patriotic aspect of the suit irritated me. But, yeah, the battle shirt bit is awesome. Don't like the actress though. Wonder Woman should be stern, with a strong jaw. Attractive but not porn star pretty like the moon-faced , sweet-cheeked thing in the first photo. She does not inspire fear, respect, or awe. That pisses me off.
  12. I'd reply, but your own words say it all
  13. You should try unpasteurized milk, I hear that in a lot of cases even lactose intolerant people can drink it.
  15. Mel had plenty of reason to get pissed off, it's kind of a dickish move to bring up something shitty that anybody did any earlier than recently. I mean sure, people made Ike Turner wife-beater jokes for decades after the crimes in question happened, but they at least had the decency not to do it to the man's face. There's plenty of loved celebrities that have done far worse things than getting drunk and saying some stupid shit. Also, playing the footage after the interview has officially ended: dick move, straight up. As for the Marvel thing, if they can stop Sony's Spider-Man reboot monstrosity from existing then I don't even care what Disney does after that. EDIT: FUCKSICLES! This is Baytor.
  16. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
  17. I was going to say, it was supposed to be a trilogy, so another movie would be necessary.
  18. Let's be realistic, Ultimates had just a bit more staying power than 2099 and half the originality. It was a good dog, but now it needs to be put down before it chews somebody's face off. EDIT: This was Baytor, my bad.
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