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the division of joy

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Everything posted by the division of joy

  1. Memorable Quotes from Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) Harbinger: Thank you, Topper. I can kill again! You've given me a reason to live. Harbinger: War... it's fantastic! Saddam Hussein: Now I will kill you until you die from it! Ramada Rodham Hayman: I had to come. It was a sequel. [Addressing a roomful of Japanese businessmen] President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: It seems like only yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes. Here I am today, begging you not to make such good cars. Topper Harley: These men have taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like their fathers, and their fathers before them... President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Cookie? Col. Denton Walters: No, thank you, sir. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Young lady? Michelle Rodham Huddleston: No, thank you, sir. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: No, I was just offering him a young lady. Rufshaad: I can see you're no stranger to pain. Col. Denton Walters: I've been married. Rufshaad: Ah. Col. Denton Walters: *Twice*. Rufshaad: Oy! President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: [He is about ready to battle Saddam Hussein] We'll settle this the old navy way; The first guy to die, LOSES! Topper Harley: Ramada, I want to be with you. I want to hold you. I want to meet your parents and pet your dog... Ramada Rodham Hayman: My parents are dead, Topper. My dog ate them. Topper Harley: President Benson. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: No you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height. Michelle Huddleson: Mr. President, this is Topper Harley. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Topper Harley, of course, the son I never had. No wonder I didn't recognize you then. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Gotcha! Listening at the door, huh? Well, Walters, looks like we've got our saboteur. Col. Denton Walters: That's your wife, sir. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Yeah, so it is. Lavinia. You're looking as lovely as the day we met. [to Walters] President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Find out what she knows. Topper Harley: Colonel, who are they? Col. Denton Walters: She's CIA. The other man's an extra. Michelle Huddleson: Now we have to go in to get the men who went in to get the men who went in to get the men. News Reporter: President Benson, where's your first lady? President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: I don't know. I've had lots of women. Lost my flower at the age of 15. I can't keep track. News Anchorman: In an emotional address at the state capitol Nebraska Governor, Paul Burmaster made a public apology for his state being so flat. Topper Harley: Of all the missions in all the jungles you had to walk into this one. Topper Harley: You're joking. Ramada Rodham Hayman: I'm not. Topper Harley: You've got to be. Ramada Rodham Hayman: If I was joking I would say: "A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'Why the long face?'" President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Every time I give an order, it gets screwed up! Plan a reception, wrong hors d'oeuvres. Appoint an ambassador, he leaves the country. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Here's the target area. Gerou: That's Minnesota, sir. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Damn it, man, that's the genius of my plan. Why go over there to fight? We can do it right here at home, and get in some good fishing while we're at it. Gerou: Sir, the enemy is over there. President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Then we'll fly them over here. Their families too. We'll teach them to skate... Do I have to think of everything? Topper Harley: I'm not saying I don't trust you, and I'm not saying I do. But I don't. Ramada Rodham Hayman: Topper, I was so young, just a schoolgirl. He was an older man, so wise in the ways of the world. He used to come around the schoolyard, day after day. I so admired his persistence. Even the restraining order my parents slapped on him was no deterrent. He opened my eyes to the arts: music, clog-dancing, WrestleMania. His work has meant so much to so many. And I owe him everything, Topper. Everything. Topper Harley: I'm happy for you, kid. But if you think you can hurt me again, you're wrong. I left my heart in my other pants. Michelle Rodham Huddleston: Oh, Ramada, how could you have been so blind? You were too wrapped up in being Miss Perfect College to notice me. Why concern yourself with the feelings of one insignificant roommate? One fabulous day, one incredible experience. Ramada Rodham Hayman: I had no idea it meant so much to you. Michelle Rodham Huddleston: I remember that day as if it were yesterday. The exhilaration of experimenting sharing something so new, so dangerous, so intimate. Ramada Rodham Hayman: And I'll never forget the look on your face. The way the sweat glistened on your hard body. Then you tied my ankles. Tighter. Tighter. But it just wasn't right. It wasn't natural. Bungee-jumping is just too dangerous a sport. Topper Harley: Ramada, I do love you. I've tried to forget you but no matter what, your face is on the tip of my tongue. [as they jump out of an airplane one by one] Harbinger: Geronimo! Rabinowitz: Geronimo! Geronimo: Me! [Dexter is being rescued] Dexter: You don't understand. I can't walk... they've tied my shoelaces together. Topper Harley: A knot. Bastards! Topper Harley: [narrating] Somebody once wrote, "Hell is the impossibility of reason." Well, that's what this place feels like - hell. I hate it already and it's only been a few hours. I'm so tired. We get up at four in the morning... Capt. Benjamin L. Willard: [narrating] At first I thought they handed me the wrong dossier. I couldn't believe they wanted this man dead. Third Generation West Point, top of his class, Airbourne, Korea, about a thousand decorations, etc, etc... Topper Harley, Capt. Benjamin L. Willard: [as their boats pass each other] I loved you in Wall Street. Rabinowitz: What are you reading? Topper: Great Expectations. Rabinowitz: Is it any good? Topper: It's not what I'd hoped for. Iraqi Boat driver: [as his men leave] Kareem of onion! Al Jarreau! Topper Harley: [dazed] That's right, Cindy. It's twenty three minutes past the hour, and now heres the Buckinghams with "Kind of a Drag"... [Topper collapses] Iraqi Boat driver: [after failing to kill Topper] Omar Sharif! Saddam Hussein: They've dicked with the wrong dictator! Typewriter: On October 15, the President of the United States ordered a covert mission in the Persian Gulf for the purpose of rescuing soldiers taken hostage during Desert Storm. Only a handful of our highest government officials were aware of the operation, as it included an attempt to assasssan... assisss... kill a guy. Col. Denton Walters: It seems there were three bears. And one morning when their porridge was too hot, they went for a walk. And a little blond girl came skipping through the woods... she ate their porridge and she sat in their chairs... she slept in their beds. And when those bears returned and discovered that mess... Do you know what happened then Topper? Topper Harley: No. Col. Denton Walters: That little blond girl get scared. Ran away. Topper Harley: So you're saying is that little blond girl is me. If this is about me coloring my hair... Rabinowitz: Know what I'm gonna do if we make it? I'm gonna go back to Eagle River and marry my gal, Edith Mae. Gonna get us a nice little place with a white picket fence. You know the kind. Two-car garage. Maybe a fishing boat. And in 15 years, when they're all paid for... I'll set my charges and blow the shit out of them. Topper Harley: I'm putty in your hands. Michelle Huddleson: In my hands, nothing turns to putty. Topper Harley: You're the only one that knows how to get to the copter pad. If I'm not there in 15 minutes, you know what to do. Col. Denton Walters: Yeah, we get the hell out of here! Topper Harley: No! Wait another 15 minutes! Topper Harley: We both know you belong with Dexter. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. I'm no good at being noble, but... do you have any idea what would happen if you stay here with me? Ramada Rodham Hayman: Of course I do. Sex. Wild, free, passionate, unbridled sex. I would fondle you in ways you can't imagine. I would pleasure you at any time, in any place, in any way, for as long as you could possibly desire. Topper Harley: Do you know what its like to have your heart shot out of season and tied to the top of a car? How it feels to be passed like the world's largest kidney stone? Ramada... I don't THINK so.
  2. im after adding about 200 snes games to my collection.... viva la ol skool gaming, list coming soon
  3. Thermite... Use With Caution Thermite is nasty shit. Here is a good and easy way to make it. The first step is to get some iron-oxide (which is RUST!). Here is a good way to make large quantities in a short time: Get a DC converter like the one used on a train set. Cut the connector off, separate the wires, and strip them both. Now you need a jar of water with a tablespoon or so of sodium chloride (which is SALT!) added to it. This makes the water conductive. Now insert both wires into the mixture (I am assuming you plugged the converter in...) and let them sit for five minutes. One of them will start bubbling more than the other. This is the POSITIVE(+) wire. If you do not do this test right, the final product will be the opposite (chemically) of rust, which is RUST ACID. You have no use for this here (although it IS useful!). Anyway, put the nail tied to the positive wire into the jar. Now put the negative wire in the other end. Now let it sit overnight and in the morning scrape the rust off of the nail & repeat until you got a bunch of rust on the bottom of the glass. Be generous with your rust collection. If you are going through the trouble of making thermite, you might as well make a lot, right? Now remove the excess water and pour the crusty solution onto a cookie sheet. Dry it in the sun for a few hours, or inside overnight. It should be an orange-brown color (although I have seen it in many different colors! Sometimes the color gets fucked up, what can I say... but it is still iron oxide!) Crush the rust into a fine powder and heat it in a cast-iron pot until it is red. Now mix the pure iron oxide with pure aluminum filings which can be bought or filed down by hand from an aluminum tube or bar. The ratio or iron oxide to aluminum is 8 grams to 3 grams. Congrats! You have just made THERMITE! Now, to light it... Thermite requires a LOT of heat (more than a blow torch!) to ignite. However, magnesium ribbon (which is sort of hard to find.. call around) will do the trick. It takes the heat from the burning magnesium to light the thermite. Now when you see your victim's car, pour a fifty-cent sized pile onto his hood, stick the ribbon in it, and light the ribbon with the blow torch. Now chuckle as you watch it burn through the hood, the block, the axle, and the pavement. BE CAREFUL! The ideal mixtures can vaporize CARBON STEEL! Another idea is to use thermite to get into pay phone cash boxes.
  4. boredom + chemistry = fun This is sort of a mild explosive, but it can be quite dangerous in large quantities. To make touch explosive (such as that found in a snap-n-pop, but more powerful), use this recipe: Mix iodine crystals into ammonia until the iodine crystals will not dissolve into the ammonia anymore. Pour off the excess ammonia and dry out the crystals on a baking sheet the same way as you dried the thermite (in other words, just let it sit overnight!). Be careful now because these crystals are now your touch explosive. Carefully wrap a bunch in paper (I mean carefully! Friction sets 'em off!) and throw them around.. pretty loud, huh? They are fun to put on someone's chair. Add a small fish sinker to them and they can be thrown a long distance (good for crowds, football games, concerts, etc.)
  5. "Don't look don't look" the shadows breathe Whispering me away from you "Don't wake at night to watch her sleep You know that you will always lose
  6. 68 percent downloaded on this, my loins are quivering in anticipation.....
  7. The Unholy Alliance Tour Slayer Mastodon Children Of Bodom Lamb Of God In flames (possibly) more to come.... hits ireland november 5th... i cant wait
  8. vintage gaming = the shit... times 1000.
  9. i know... and its not enough i keep getting told to go and check out the videos on youtube either which make me want to play it even more... on a side note, how are you finding demonoid?
  10. still at 42 percent... im itching for some high thought killings here and world snooker championship 2005 isnt doing it for me.....
  11. rolling stones - i cant get no satisfaction... i think
  12. progress on the torrent of this game... 42.1 percent.... cunts wont seed.... this is quite the annoying after the days and days of hyping up ive been hearing on here and from my friends who got the game....
  13. the only good thing vin diesel was ever in had to have been pitch black
  14. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
  15. for some reason i think footie hardman vinnie jones would be good... especially in his juggernaut look
  16. hmm uncanny except statham is too happy... we'd have to change that.... i say we let don teabag him when his balls drop
  17. i want proof of that shit man.... sounds funny
  18. maybe in the new one it will be a form of torture and a good way of getting info out of people... fuck, if i found a skinheads balls on my eyes when i woke up id tell him what he wanted to know and make sure he didnt kill me
  19. speaking of teabagging, i got some guy at a party a few days ago.... it was made worse by the fact it was a really hot day and i was pretty sweaty.... he was none to pleased
  20. patience my friend.... patience..... who fuckin needs it
  21. oh man, i think it was fractal.... i know the one... that was fuckin intense.... bodies Everywhere....
  22. i love playing the UT on godlike... its just so fast paced.... its near impossible not to get fragged to bits.... i love setting the frag limit as high as possible and playing a last man standing match.....
  23. totally fuckin agreed man... totally fuckin agreed.... at the moment im having a mini dilemma between UT and Half life 2......
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