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the division of joy

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Everything posted by the division of joy

  1. I watched an awesome Irish film, I Went Down. Also, I should really watch JP at some stage....
  2. Will do. I'm currently trying not to soil myself while playing it. My next purchase is likely to be the Thief series.
  3. Ripley. Because not choosing Ripley would be madness.
  4. Already gave Haku's my condolences on FB.
  5. Picked up Amnesia. I forgot how much I liked PC gaming.
  6. So, I powered through all of them. Dear god, the feels....
  7. You can just tell cutty's all like "I can't wait for this to be a boxing gym..."
  8. Bought The Walking Dead episodes. Finished the first one. It seems like it has the potential to pluck away all the feels in my heart.
  9. I've read TWD too. So stop trying the holier than thou stuff with me. Her name is Dodger, for the record.
  10. I've read up to the end A Storm of Swords. I really want to see how it goes. So stop yer whinin.
  11. Mother of Dragons > Dead mother of Karl. That said, I will be downloading them.
  12. Y'should watch the wire.... But eh, I'm not digging the show as much as other people seem to. it has good moments, but I don't look forward to it as much as I do other hows at all. And I figure that's as good a gauge as any for my judgements. I genuinely cannot wait for GOT to start again so i can watch it weekly, but I could easily not watch the next few eps of TWD.
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