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the division of joy

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Everything posted by the division of joy

  1. Its still offputting. Food colouring or no.
  2. Man, I've only recently come around to the idea of eggs being tasty after years of not liking the concept of them. That is deeply offputting.
  3. Silly americans with their puny eggs...
  4. I was reading about why the FDA does that. Seemingly they're power washed which utterly fucks the shell of the egg. Were you to buy fresh eggs from a farm, you'd likely be able to keep them out for a while.
  5. Guess its what we're used to I guess. But it doesn't seem too uncommon.
  6. They go all watery by comparison to when they're left out at ambient temperature. All the eggs in markets here are on shelves.
  7. Refrigerating eggs is just wrong.
  8. Just about finished the first volume of The Incal. Shit's strange and weird futuristic in a Transmet kinda way. Its just lacking something to bring it to a similar level in terms of plot and delivery. That said, I'm really digging it regardless.
  9. Yeah. Usually I would prefer a curvier woman in the style of Annie, but eh, anomalies.
  10. Indeed. No idea what that is from, but I felt it pertinent to this thread.
  11. Was it me, or did the male owner guy remind you of the nazi pope a bit? Gimme dat tip!
  12. If it were any other gaming company, I'd likely give them the benefit of the doubt, but you are probably right. PREPARE YOUR ANUSES GENTLEMEN!
  13. http://uk.gamespot.com/news/ea-dropping-online-passes-report-6408426 Its a start EA. Its a start...
  14. I do love how the Murlocs sound like Nigel Thornberry.
  15. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/this-is-the-most-epic-brand-meltdown-on-facebook-ever
  16. Diet Dr Pepper is awful! I do agree that The History of Ross should get its own sub forum though.
  17. We are historically great friends with the English and have had great luck with the potato crop. Irish history done. Whats next?
  18. I like the idea of openly discussing J-Biebs alongside gun control without getting crapshacked.
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