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Hondo's Bar

the division of joy

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Status Updates posted by the division of joy

  1. I have done... Though my extravagant teadrinking and cooking means i'm so not ghetto which makes me wonder why i hung my head in shame in the first place..

  2. I haven't said hate, its just nothingness really.

  3. I must admit, your last few posts are amazingly full of win.

  4. i never said i am old, i'm just saying i outgrew them is all. i'm into a lot of odd stuff these days

  5. I see what you did there... How lateral thinking of you...

  6. I see you're balls deep in the irish chapter thread, lemme know what you think.

  7. I shall use it tomorrow. I'm seeing my friend for cinema fun, so i'll see how it goes, i'll let you know how slapped i get.

  8. I should only hope you're more attractive and just as mental.

  9. I would like to register a complaint!

  10. i wwas here for the moment, you owe me a wank

  11. I'll let you know when i know, for now, i'm just on to you...

  12. I'm always good for musical reccomendations, i could also suggest some Juno Reactor, i'm doubting your love of tribal techno. You got msn or anything chat thinger, it cuts out the intermittent commenting

  13. I'm no stalker... Thats an acalis job!

  14. I've been cut before, a fence did it to me, i was climbing over it, and i fell and impaled my leg, nothing you can do can compare to that kind of pain!

  15. I've outgrown them to some extent these days, but i can't help but on occasion sticking on an album and feeling young again

  16. In light of all this name changing, can i be known as "notarch13: the forgotten troll". Thanks in advance.

  17. Just because you're an ill educated swine who was raised by wolves and only knows of meat to eat doesn't mean that having a bit of garnish on ones burger is a bad thing ya inbred boganesque cunt. Ps, you rock my world.

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