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Everything posted by Iambaytor

  1. I've never cared for that it's clumsy due to the fact that it's inherently pluralized.
  2. Requires it's own thread and I'm probably wading into deep water here with what information I have but cliff's notes: While sex is defined by genitalia there are in fact several more genders than male and female based on what chromosomes a person received in the womb. A person can receive a vagina and internal testicles, a person can have both sex organs, a person can be born with a penis but develop breasts and appear feminine after puberty. But gender is a largely social construct because behavior and appearance aren't inherently male or female so while many transgendered people (which is itself a blanket term for people with various conditions) will choose either male or female some choose to identify as both or neither, some people choose swap back and forth (model Ruby Rose is famously gender-queer). Also Jordan Peterson is the fucking worst. Now to answer your first question: Remember how we had a thread about whether Lady Gaga was secretly a man and whether we'd have sex with her if she was? Now remember how we had a transgender member sign up a few months later and we were all super respectful (give or take a few bad taste jokes that were rightfully negged) and changed our behavior to be more welcoming? That's pretty much what we should do going forward (minus the sniping comments from people). Remember how after Amy Nicole's brother died we all got a lot more careful about using suicide as a joke? And despite the fact that WhoDey and KaraSwims haven't been on in probably a decade we're all careful how we characterize differently abled people and don't make jokes about the special olympics and shit like that? We're gonna fuck up from time to time, things change and I think that's apparent to anyone who has looked directly into the blowtorch that is their post history (fuck I probably accidentally said some wrong things above and I'll cop to that if corrected) but ultimately if you're respectful and read the room and you're not too proud to back off and apologize when you step on somebody's toes then it's fine. And sometimes you're just not going to be able to discuss stuff like you want to, I've backed off on topics of completely unimportant pop cultural nature because it was clear there was not discussion left, just a fight. Similarly I rarely if ever discuss religion on here because that's always a fucking shitshow, I don't bear people ill will for it because I know people are having strong reactions due to scars from their real life experiences. Point is you can never tell when a topic can get too heated by the amount of real world importance it has (see: the fucking Star Wars thread, any time I've disagreed with Nick or Pancho on any sort of pop culture ephemera.) Pick your battles, be respectful, know when to let things go, take warnings seriously. You'll be fine.
  3. Just remember, simplistic art means a more dynamic range of motion for the characters. You want Frank Frazetta shit it's either going to be 4 episodes long or look like Clutch Cargo.
  4. Like I said, they're going to have to paint her white anyway. But I did mock-up an alternative:
  5. Batwoman wears a costume that covers everything but her face so that's not going to be a problem and her character trait is being obscenely pale so they're either going to have to cover her in pancake make-up or touch her up with CG in post anyway.
  6. She's an Australian model among many other things but she's been popping up in supporting roles in movies like xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, Resident Evil The Final Chapter, John Wick 2, and this weekend's The Meg. Her most prestigious bit was a recurring role on Orange is the New Black. She's a big advocate for queer representation and rights and is gender-fluid, I really don't want to understate that she's an awesome person who totally deserves fame, she's just a really bad actor.
  7. It's not that she's not a good actor, it's that she's a terrible actor. She's hot, she's a queer icon, she seems like a genuinely nice and wonderful person, and basic straight girls like to titter around a wine glass that she's their one free pass but on the scale of stunt-cast vanity actors from Pavarotti to Shaquille O'neal she's at about a Ronda Rousey.
  8. He posted nude pictures of a girl he claimed to know, proudly proclaiming her age to be 16. They were taken down, he was told not to do that again. He did it again.
  9. I have to wonder when they folded on insisting that Andrew Garfield remain cast or why they though most of those ideas were sensible or sane (Animated Amazing Spider-Man 3? Amazing Spider-Man vs. Spiderman? Emma Stone as Carnage?!) I appreciate the bonkers approach to film that Sony was apparently going through at this point (this was around the same time as that proposed Men in Black/21 Jump Street crossover we never got) but holy shit no wonder that studio's not doing so great.
  10. It seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it? Certainly moreso than Moon Knight or The Vision.
  11. I kinda want Kelly Thompson to go back and rewrite Alias and The Pulse now.
  12. Was that one of the leaked Sony emails? They were hoping to bring back Toby McGuire in 2020 as Spider-Man?! I almost wish they would've done it just so we could've gotten Spiderman 4 (though I doubt Sam and the cast would've signed on) but what the fuck would Amazing Spider-Man vs. Spiderman have even been other than good universe vs. shitty slapdash universe? And does that deal with the rights reverting in 2020 still hold?
  13. The variety article just cites speculation from unnamed sources who claim to know how Disney makes decisions. They're likely right but the article is glorified clickbait.
  14. God, one issue into Kelly Thompson's run on Jessica Jones and it's already better than any of that bullshit Bendis wrote, I feel like Jessica Jones is a real character for the first time in ever and not a rough assemblage of tropes.
  15. I mean there were entire episodes dedicated to how obnoxious Dawn is, we were meant to think Faith was cool.
  16. Now I'm thinking more outside the box to stuff like Cruisin' USA and Cruisin' World, that motorcycle racer game, the arcade version of Moonwalker. This is far harder than I thought it would be when I came up with the idea. I'm surprised no-one else listed Star Wars Trilogy, that machine is expensive as shit but goddamn it's a lot of fun. I'm also proud of all of you for not cheating and saying NEO-GEO.
  17. A bit but Hulk's more of a misguided sense of justice rather than Banner's dark side, I like Hulk books that decide to go in different directions. We've gotten too much of dumb hulk: Green Scar from Planet Hulk, Joe Fixit, Doc Green from that great run following Indestructible that unfortunately got stepped on by Secret Wars, The Maestro, those are all far better takes on the character than more "HULK SMASH"
  18. If you guys aren't reading Immortal Hulk you should be. Two issues in they've kind of taken the idea of the TV show, Bruce Banner hoboing around solving problems with the Hulk, and given it a horror bent like they did with Moon Knight. It reminds me of the John Ostrander Spectre books and it could easily be this year's Vision.
  19. Aw fuck, I forgot about Primal Rage and Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
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