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Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Iambaytor

  1. Did you ever get around to Clock Tower last year? Also, you're going to want a guide for I Have No Mouth, it is confoundingly unintuitive.
  3. Look, if there's a way to get some of the PS1's deeper cuts in an affordable format I am fucking down and then some. I dropped $60 on Tomba, and that was a cheap copy!
  4. Scarlet Witch could be a real chance to tell a story about Rromani people on a mainstream platform. It won't be, but it could be.
  5. We just started Luke Cage last night, I really liked Iron Fist season 1 so I'm looking forward to this.
  6. Really striking while the iron is hot if that's the case.
  7. That last one is so much of Super Mario Odyssey, fuck those controls man.
  8. Murder Party makes my Halloween rotation every year. You all need to watch it, it's nothing like Blue Ruin or Green Room and it was madr for basically nothing by it shows Jeremy Saulnier's talent as a filmmaker in spades.
  9. But where on Earth shall we find another nondescript white man who doesn't talk a whole lot? Cavill was never the problem with those movies (I would argue the same could be said of Affleck) so I'm sorry to see him go but hopefully they'll pick someone good. Armie Hammer could play either role, and should.
  10. They've finally done it, a Die Hard movie I don't want to at least give a chance.
  11. Directors already confirmed he attacked when he did because he didn't know where the Soul Stone was until he captured Nebula.
  12. Well Keef, you have an opportunity that a lot of Hondonians don't because you work in a used bookstore in Texas where Joe R. Lansdale books litter the streets. Last time I was in you guys' mystery section was an embarrassment of riches in regards to Joe R. Lansdale books, particularly Hap and Leonard.
  13. Death's Head is fully owned by Marvel but only because Simon Furman had the foresight to write a single-page introductory comic so that Marvel could retain publishing rights ahead of his first appearance in the Transformers books. Dazzler was a partnership with Casablanca records, the deal was for Marvel to create a singer superhero and Casablanca would create a musical act and would create a movie with Filmworks productions based on the property to basically create a cross-platform IP (Dazzler was originally meant to look like Grace Jones, which would've been rad) but the deal fell through on Casablanca's end and Marvel ended up with this weirdo Olivia Newton-John lady in a jumpsuit and rollerskates whose super power was razzle dazzle. So they made her into a bisexual mutant rockstar and she was rad for the rest of her days.
  14. I'm sure Aaron will do a bang-up job. Outside of Original Sin I love everything he's ever done. I just hope all the old Marvel Conan stories are canon again (except, presumably, the Red Sonja ones. Never was sure how Marvel let that IP slip out of theit grasp.) Of course now I want a team book of random characters associated with various other companies/public domain that Marvel has: Death's Head, Circuit Breaker, Conan, Ikon, The Prince of Orphans, Mantis, Bug, Dazzler, Superpro, Miracle Man/Marvel Man, and Angela.
  15. I guess they finally cut all that red tape in regards to Conan being in the public domain, then?
  16. The whales are scaring off all the small fish and without the fish to subsist off of the whales will eventually starve
  17. 1. No more single issues - Single issues were meant to be a disposable medium, it was the industry's lack of willingness to reprint back-issues that made the few surviving copies of golden and silver age comics have value. Single issues are hard to store and the art of writing a single issue that's enjoyable outside of a trade is dying. Instead of 6 22-page issues of a comic that get released over six months in a trade we just release one 132-page book every six moths. Stagger them so there's always a book coming out every month. 2. Get rid of Diamond and review the business plan. The comic store business plan is notoriously bad for the comic store and though the publisher experiences initial success from it that only works so long as comic stores stay in business. The current model is entirely dependent on pre-orders and comics absorb 100% of the loss on the front end. This is further exacerbated by Diamond, the ONE company that distrubutes comics being an awful rinky-dink operation that robs both the publisher and the store for their shitty sub-par service. Allow stores to sell unsold merchandise back to the publisher like the regular book industry does, market more to big box stores and gas stations. People like me living in areas far away from cities got into comics because they were carried in Wal-Marts and Kum and Go (yes I know, I didn't name it) and when they stopped carrying them was when I stopped buying them and even after that I only ever bought at Borders or Hastings or Barnes and Noble because comic shops were rare THEN. Get every comic on the shelves of Wal-Mart and Target and they'll sell, especially if you charge $10-20 for a 132-page story. 3. Let writers finish their stories. How often do you start getting into a book only for it to get cancelled? It's rare you see a case like Dan Slott's Spider-man, Fraction's Hawkeye, Palmiotti and Grey's Jonah Hex. Allow the authors a chance to finish their stories because if you cancel mid-run it devalues the issues that came before because the story isn't going to have resolution. 4. Fix digital. Get every single back issue online, make reading lists for new readers and curate the books so if a person needs to have read another issue prior to the one they're on then there's a link they can click to go back and do so. 5. Print-on-Demand. Omnibuses are great but we're at the whims of the publisher on these and it's annoying when they'll release Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 1 and then Volume 4 and never go back and print volumes 2 and 3. Allow the customer to pick which issues they want, their binding, their cover and I think fans will pay for it. 6. Stop catering to speculators. I know, speculators are big business but they're really just taking money out of the company's pockets by buying up product and hoarding it until they can flip it at a better price. Creating manufactured shortages only creates a rift between the actual consumer and and publisher.
  18. Well if there's one thing the LGBTTQQIAAP is about it's standard conventions. A standard pronoun will never exist, we can't even stick with an acronym! I've been told at times that gay and homosexual are slurs yet we're all now united under the blanket of "queer" which literally was invented as a slur. I'm not entirely sure whether I should identify as bisexual, pan-sexual, or omnisexual based on jargon, the whole sorting hat scenario is bananas, so I'll call someone by whatever pronoun they're most comfortable with.
  19. Maybe but Ze seems like a perfectly cromulent workaround, why is "Ze" controversial?
  20. Eh, at least we don't gender inanimate objects, we have that going for us.
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