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Darth Fluffakins

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Darth Fluffakins

  1. Just saw a tv ad for the new episodes, been long a time coming. Makes me happy.
  2. Yeah, thats the jump gypsy jump guy, that's taken from one of his concerts. P.S. Nick I'm watching your every move, and I love the nom thread
  3. I need a much higher resolution of this picute please.
  4. I recently got a fresh bash of mash-ups I was about to send baytor, if anyone else would like 'em, let me know.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. I have yet to cataloge them, that'll be the next step.
  6. I just can't really recall a very well done water color looking tattoo. I'm sure they're out there, I just can't recall.
  7. Havn't really yet, I still have to get my last tattoo finished, and I'm uncertain of where exactly I would put it. My arms are still blank from the elbow down so that's the area I'm leaning towards. I really like Quesada's work, some of the covers for "father" were awesome. I like Mack's work, but that whole water color thing would just be weird for a tattoo, I don't know. That Finch one you posted is pretty cool.
  8. torrent for complete series in .cbr format http://thepiratebay.org/tor/4038773/Preacher torrent for complete series in .pdg format http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3555843/Preach...complete_in_PDF
  9. He does have a good point, I've felt the same way on different posts. What I started doing was ignoring the thread entirely until I finished whatever comic/movie/tv show/etc.... that was the topic of discussion.
  10. Yes, god bless the candlesticks, I would have to say in the terms of rifftraxs, that transformers has to be number one at the moment. Recently watched "Batman & Robin" with Stillbored and that borders on punishment. I have yet to make it through "Troll 2" the movie about goblins, this piece of shit is just epic. Another stink egg was the "Star Wars Holiday Special", that one took about five different viewings to get through. I swear no one could take it all in one go, no one.
  11. I'm also tired of being a cabbage washer.
  12. Watched this recently with StillBored and was very pleased on the gamble of buying it new. Alan said it reminded him of "Pan's Labyrinth" in some ways, but I still havn't seen it yet. Very cool spookey/in a big house/scary kids sorta flick. Its originally in spanish, but for those to lazy to read subtitles I believe the dvd also has english dubbing, would strongly recommend if you like spooky movies. Anyone else catch this? IMDB Listing Foreign Trailer American Trailer
  13. A buddy of mine is really into this show, I've liked my fair share of british comedy, but havn't checked this out yet. Perhaps now I'll go torrent hunting. Thanks for the reminder.
  14. Fallout 1&2 are hands down my favorite games of all time. I've been looking forward to this for LONG time.
  15. Anyone thats a fan of MST3K I think would love "Lost Skeleton of Cadavra", I've been waiting for him to make another movie forever, its nice to it finally happening. Rach, oh yes, We'll rock that shit out like it ain't nobody's business.
  16. Words just can't explain Why is this youtube not working? What do I gots to do?
  17. As a python fan I gotta give you love for that. I like sig's more simple design idea. It would be a good start just to even find a cool looking font and go from there, doesn't have to fancy. Less is more kinda thing?
  18. Yeah, it deffinitely does. My friend picked up the first hardcover of it and we both dug it hardcore, I'm guessing there isn't enough content to really hook ya in the tpb. It of course helps if your into zombies. I would say give it another chance if you can borrow from someone or something like that.
  19. One more I forgot, "Walking Dead" is very cool, and its on Image.
  20. More just recently found out about "Midnight Nation", Straczynski, Top cow "Mouse Guard", David Petersen, archaia studios press
  21. Others that get my attention on a regular basis would be -powers (image), written by Bendis, greatness -Ex Machina (wildstorm/dc), written by Brian K Vaughan -Rising Stars (top cow), written by Stracynski All of these are awesome.
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