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Hondo's Bar


Town Sheriff
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Status Updates posted by The NZA

  1. happy birthday to you, uh, kira's-cousin! long time, no see.

  2. ~Baby come back, you can blame it all on me/I was wrong, and I just can't live without you ~

  3. holy shit, but i miss you man. hope you're doing alright back overseas, i keep watching HBO to see when they inevitably premier your feverishly-wanking pilot show...pilot.

  4. Happy belated, my love. here's to hoping the irish po-po's arent keepin you down.

  5. you gotta ask Sir Jaxalot, he added em somehweres in town square, i think his birthday thread or something? i forget. he'd know.


  6. oh, mysterytramp, you've been missed, i assure you.

  7. that time of year again, sam - happy birthday! ill see if timbo can get in touch with you.

  8. Rule # 1: it's never, ever a big-titted woman that needs help. The only exception is when she's massive and you lose said tits for her gut, in which case, you will get that call twice a day and three times on tuesday.

  9. oh, its already happened, and if you let it, i imagine it gets more awkward than on rescue me.

  10. I'm gon eat yo family.


  11. You gotta let me know whe's good for you so we can hook up, man. Panch has been wanting to grab some drinks, hook up with some ho's and all too. Holla!

  12. it was really good having you by, missy, props on your recent recruits as well! and yeah, im just happy to not have what looked like an extraterrestrial dong by my firm, inviting buttocks.

  13. it does indeed suck to be sober tonight.

    it truly does.

  14. you are ridiculous, and i will not tolerate your shenanigans.

  15. oh, lindsaymothafuckinbroooown, how are you? youre still missed, every day till aug 10th.

    ps you cant stay away, i loves it.

  16. ah sooo....i hear you are burminating ze deerty south ahgain.

    welcome home, Mees Cunterson.

  17. Happy birf! alright, off to myspace, where you'll see this.

  18. man, we cant keep you round for more than a month eh? I swear, "freebird" plays in my head when you come 'round.

  19. Long time no see...happy birthday m'man, hope its a good one.

  20. stop calling me.

  21. Hiro is the shit, even when he's stuck in the past.

    "I get a sword?!"

  22. "I'm not Mr Right...but I'll fuck you till he gets here." That shit's brilliant.

  23. You, me, bob & booze, next week. I gotta be able to find you more than just every 2 years or so.

  24. I will get you back round these parts, just you wait.

  25. Megacon's comin. You down for another meetup, or are we not allowed at that Friday's anymore?

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