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Hmm, I still don't get that line of thought on this being one of the strongest seasons. I'd actually rank it among the weaker seasons (possibly the weakest) on the whole. Strong development for Roger this season though. Again, I still need to watch this most recent episode though.

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I still haven't seen the last episode. Panch decides he wants to watch them at 2 in the morning when my ass is sleeping for work the next day. Rude!


I love Megan in this season. She is definitely the main star. There's something about her. I have to say I like her role better than Joan's now.

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I agree w/ Jax about "The Other Woman" (S5E11) w/ the parallels between Joan & Peggy. Good stuff, but calling this season the best is borderline hyperbolic. Y'all are forgetting a lot serious/memorable shit went down those first three seasons. Don's past being revealed, coming to grips w/ the past, the take over, the exodus to start a new biz--all really big, sweeping, epic stuff. This has been a great season, no doubt. Don being challenged by Ginsberg, Fat Betty, Roger's acid trip, the disastrous ball of disillusionment, the surprise party--all of that's good stuff. However, nothing this season can really be considered BETTER yet--I've still got two more episodes to watch before the season is up--than the first two or three seasons.


I still haven't seen the last episode. Panch decides he wants to watch them at 2 in the morning when my ass is sleeping for work the next day. Rude!


I love Megan in this season. She is definitely the main star. There's something about her. I have to say I like her role better than Joan's now.

You had me on your side until you talked smack about Big Red. :2T:


Also, not sure if this was ever posted, but go Mad Men yourself!

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Lol, Chris. I would never talk smack about Joan. She is and always will be the most memorable woman on the show. She just doesn't have as memorable a role this season. She's still hotness and always will be.


Last night's ep was f'in awesome and a season highlight (if that word even does it justice)


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Heh. Well, done Jax. You're kind of like Paul before he went Krishna.


S5E12: Hmm, I may have to eat my words about this season. Saw that coming a mile away at the office, but it was still powerful stuff. The car not starting was a moment of brilliance. Glen is such a creeper, but a likable one. One episode to go...

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S5E12: Hmm, I may have to eat my words about this season. Saw that coming a mile away at the office, but it was still powerful stuff. The car not starting was a moment of brilliance. Glen is such a creeper, but a likable one. One episode to go...

Wait, when did you see it coming?

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Honestly, I thought he was going to jump out of the window of the building during the meeting with Don. Then I thought it again when he first went back into his office and was spinning in his chair. I knew he wasn't making it out of the episode.

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Yeah, I also knew when


Lane had the reaction he did w/ being fired.


Don always thinks people will react the way he does (or tells them to) to situations. He lost Peggy over it and he helped push Lane to an early grave. If he'd known anything about the man he'd know Lane was all about image w/ his family. Remember when his dad paid a visit to the offices a few seasons back and beat the shit out of him? The sad thing is Don actually thought in his own sick way that he was doing Lane a favor by firing him.


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Out of curiosity, what happens when a partner resigns at a firm, be it an ad agency or some other kind of firm? Would his name stay on the sign? Do the other partners have to buy him out and give him a cash settlement? Would he be forfeiting his shares of the business because of the embezzlement? Wouldn't his forfeiting of his shares indicate to the other partners that he was resigning due to wrong-doing, which is what Don promised Lane the other partners would not find out about. Was Don willing to let him be bought out and maintain the illusion that Lane was leaving voluntarily, not being force out? Certainly Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce is worth more now than it was when it was started, so Lane's initial $50,000 investment should be pay out as significantly more as of his resignation. If that were the case, his money trouble would be mitigated, and he'd just have to get another job. I guess I'm wondering if there are holes in this plot, or if I'm seeing holes because I don't fully understand how business works when you have partners.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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I believe you are forfeiting everything. Don was trying to help Lane keep his reputation clean and gave him the out by making it look like it was Lane's decision. That way, he could have still gotten a job anywhere. But, Chris is right. Lane wasn't seeing it that way. I think he reacted too soon.

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Panch, I think he could've kept it quiet. He and Lane were the only one's that knew the truth. Don reacted too soon. He's been given plenty of second chances in life. He could've thrown one Lane's way.


Jax, I was thinking about that, too. . .


How can he be 'fired" if he's a partner? He couldn't, right? Then again, it was DOn's signature on Lane's paychecks. So I guess Don was his boss.


Maybe the other partners would have to vote Lane out or buy him out. But I doubt Lane would want that option. The whole reason Don wanted the resignation was to keep the whole check incident quiet for Lane. I wonder if he'd get some sort of insurance policy, but didn't Pete say to his train buddy that their life insurance policy would be paid to the company? Maybe he was just bullshitting the guy on the train to see his wife again, but if it's true then FML-Fuck Miserable Lane.


The whole financial thing w/ Lane is a puzzle to me. Lane was saying he was operating at a loss for the past three years, too. WTF did that even mean? Don gave him a dismissive look, so maybe Lane was talking out of his ass. Anyway, he didn't really hang himself over the money, it was the shame and inability to face his family as a failure.


Matthew Weiner talks about Lane's motives in this behind the scenes video.


Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Well, the season finale was good, but with the season as a whole being as good as it was, I was expecting something really above and beyond, perhaps a big event like what be saw in the previous episode, but nothing like that came. If I had been watching without knowing what was a season finale and what wasn't, I would have guessed last weeks episode to be a season finale and this week's to be a run of the mill, middle of the season episode.


Anyways, looks like Don might be up to his old tricks.

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