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Moral Orel


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Ignoring the entirety of season one and being selective about season two, Moral Orel is one of the best fucking shows I've ever seen. Starting with the two part finale of season two, Nature, and the entirety of season three, the entire thing became a dark comedy about American status-quo, alcoholism, and parents. Hell, I'd hesitate to even call it comedy, it was a peerless drama about one of the most fucked-up families I've ever seen and how their being fucked up messed up a well-meaning, perfectly innocent kid, and how the kid started to learn to grow out of their advice.


The show definitely started out weak, but it finished strong. I saw in the "favorite adult swim" post that it had also stopped people cold, and I can't blame them. I gave up on the show too soon, and it was only being too lazy to change the channel that brought me back to it.

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That's definitely not the same show I remember deciding to not watch anymore.


Yeah, I had the same feeling. If they had started with this stuff instead, if they had been this from the beginning, the show might still be around. I know I never gave the show a fair shake simply because I had been so turned off by season one. I'm sure that's why season two's ratings forced adult swim to cancel, though I'm definitely glad they allowed this final season to be made.


But season one was absolute shit. They shot themselves in the arm with it.

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That seems to be the way of Adult Swim shows, the few that move away from the "Random LOLZ" mode of humor that Adult Swim has become so fond of tend to be the best. Metalocalypse and The Venture Brothers both did this and were far better for it, it kind of amazes me that Moral Orel of all shows managed this as well.

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Start on the end of Season 2 you say? I bought season 1 sight unseen and soon regretted it, I don't think it otherwise has had any distribution in Oz.


Here, I'll give the end of S2 through the magic of the peopletube. It isn't out on DVD for a while yet anyway. The thing about Nature is that it starts like traditional Moral Orel and then just... changes.





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