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Metal Gear, Silent Hill & Zone of the Enders HD collections


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I have high hopes for the NGP too. Looks like it has a lot of potential. Right now though, the 3DS is a bad little motherfucker. The only people that will tell you otherwise prob'ly don't own one.

I really disliked the PSP pretty much from the get go, the price didn't help. NGP seems to be fixing a ton of the problems I had with it (price issue = TBA).2


The ngp stuff looks fantastic and it's only first party so far, third party stuff is next week., I'm really stoked at the fact we may get stuff like zoeHD on the ngp as well(and sadly all this hd remake stuff proabbly means there goes any hope for just putting the ps2 classics on the store)


We know that you can transfer saves between mgspw on the psp and ps3 and zoe has the same symbol on it's boxart... Also there was some interview where they did talk about including both ps3 and ngp in the same package but details were still being worked on and I'd guess it'll be up to the publisher and vary from game to game. Also there is already cross play with wipeout, you'll be able to race with ps3 players on the ngp... call of duty here we come.




Motherfucking ZONE OF THE ENDERS HD REMAKES for Xbox 360 PS3. Also Metal Gears 2, 3, and Peace Walker. I care less about that.




EDIT: I should read the articles first. There's also a Silent Hill HD collection containing Silent Hill 2 and 3 coming.




This basically makes E3 for me this year. Any other announcements are just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned.


You know what though, with a ZOE HD collection, can a ZOE3 announcement be far behind?


NO Jonathon, you can't let your fool mind run away from you.....but a man can dream. A man can dream.....




E3 aint even started, and there's 3 games im buying. who called it? Los called it.


MGS3 @ 60 FPS! SH2 in 1080p! some lesser mech games with Anubis content! excuse me, i have a few PS2 titles to sell on amazon...


also, gun's news also made me immediately think of the loan ill need for 4 controllers. that said, while an upkicked Skyward Sword could be a launch for project cafe, i read Anomura saying new Zelda title for said system...which could very well be another collection (god knows if they'll remember LTTP and link's awakening this time...), so here's to buying that day 1, again and again.


i mean, for your sake i guess i hope they do, but...i wouldn't count on it. giantbomb kinda called it, nothing about the pacing for these titles (especially MGS) says portable-friendly.


so? I think Giant bomb is wrong here, not all handle has to be cheap fast IOS shit and not all console gaming has to be huge deep rpgs(though prices need to become varible).


I dunno I do admit that I do play 30 to 50 hour rpgs on handhelds and I love it. I think there's plenty of room fro both in the market and I think that will bear out. People always get caught up in the latest thing and right now it's mobile gaming, All I ever hear about is about how such and such will change everything and the old shit will die, when instead it ends up that old and new can live together.


Rememebr it always comes down to games so we have to see how that goes.


they like RPGs? but yeah, i agree with you, i think long games have a place on said systems...and we'd better, if sony/nintendo/etc's dream of one day more or less going handheld only comes true.


i dont play them a great deal currently, just sort've anecdotal...people bitching about kojima cutscenes on the go, which sure they can go sleepy mode, its just the pacing that's kinda killed i guess. either way, you're asking for more, solid effort from Konami, a company whose offerings this E3 were the ones they had like ten freaking years ago, is all i'm saying.


it kills me to say that. they were like my favorite 3rd party for so, so many years.


latest talk: redone voicework for SH collection (why? it aged well, i thought!), plus vita collection for gunsmith, so rejoice! plus something about a portable online mode? good luck with that!


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