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Nintendo Wii U aka the WU


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its easier than the (presumed) xbox system, which uses my greatest enemy, math

and Geoff Keighley asking Reggie the tough questions! you can kinda see dude squirm, it's funny...glad he did, or we'd still not know a number of the things we do.


Part One


Part Two


Part Three


Interesting interview. Very informative, and I think the CEO let slip a bit more than he intended--at least at that point the interview was conducted. Anyway, at least I understand their logic behind the name now. It's cool to see how Nintendo is trying to embrace the hardcore gamers while not leaving behind the gamers that only became "gamers" b/c of the Wii.


Also, predicatble move not using blu-ray. If it will be as Net connected as he's implying then I wonder if they'll emphasize streaming video, such as Netflix, as a selling point? I'm also guessing you will able to watch the streaming vid on the controller as well, yes? To bad you have to communicate w/ the console and not your router though as it'd be cool to be able to go from the living room to the bathroom and never stop playing your game. Well, I guess you may be able to do that depending on the layout of your home.


A few questions I still have :

* Will Wii hardware such as the Wii-motes & Fit be able to communicate w/ the new console?

* If so, will they only work w/ older Wii games or newer games as well? My guess is the latter won't be an option.

*How long after launch will it take someone to hack the iPad to simulate the Wii U remote?

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Yes wiimotes will work and it's looking like you'll need them :/ after some digging it looks like for now at least there will be only one tablet per controller with mulit player needing wii motes but they did say they would look at maybe adding a second controller. Also nintendo PR said that you can't buy the controller separate from the console.. WTF if thats true I have no idea but that kills so many cool ideas and destroys local mulitplayer for anything other then wii type games.


I'm still kinda underwhelmed by this, I'll need to hold a controller and look at the games coming out for it. Will I pick one up? at some point I will due to the fact I'll want to play Zelda, mario, metroid. I don't know that this will do as well as the wii though, but as with all things we need to see how games really use this.

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honestly, the wii ate everyone's lunch. if this doesn't stray horrifically far from their $250 price point - and brings graphics greater than current-gen, along with publishers they've been courting for this + their handheld - well, predicting gaming stuff is apparently unwise (fuck, look how natal's been selling), but i can't see it struggling, seriously. they're building on huge brands here.


i also cant see why anyone's taking the notion of them never selling the tablet controllers separately as a serious thing, either - you guys remember how long we couldn't buy standalone rock band instruments for, too? if i had to guess, they're trying to focus on all the conceptual stuff (hence not naming price/launch date & titles etc) and they're going to want to get the system/bundle prices circulating before dropping the bomb that standalone controllers are going to be something like 1/3 of what you paid for the system (pulled that # from my ass, you get my point).


oh yeah, they're already talking about games that use multiple tablets, so the idea that only one can somehow be used has already been debunked.


of course you're underwhelmed; they haven't shown games yet. i'm only hyped on tech demos (the way i was years back with GC ones) because of all the companies to buy into the potential of their offerings, nintendo's (sadly) about the only one to not burn me yet: mostly reliable hardware, fair price, and if no one shows up with 3rd party stuff (shouldnt be the case here), they've yet to let me down with their 1st party offerings. i really do hope the new IPs this gen do more for me than wii fit etc did, though.

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Wiimote question- of course they will. I can't see waggling a tablet when you wanna play a wii game. Also, didn't you see in the video the wii peripherals working on the control/tablet?

Not necessarily. They've already introduced games that ONLY work w/ a Wii Motion+ remote. Just b/c you've seen Wii-motes & Wii Fits in WU (It's catching on, Custer!) demo vids doesn't mean they're not some supped up version you'll have to buy specifically for the WU or buy some other expensive peripheral to add to your existing Wii-mote or Wii Motion+ remote. :/

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Show me where Nintendo has stated that it uses multiple tablets? They've shown nothing about that at all, it was in the 3rd party video that said that, they also said you could play in bed which would only happen if the unit is in your bedroom, since you can't take it around the house.


As for it doing well or poorly... man I agree that shit is hard to call sometimes, sure fire winners seem to fail and dumb shit rises... That said this won't sell like the wii, it's very hard to catch lighting in a bottle twice(ask every company in this industry about that.) Part of the problem was is they need to work on their message for this thing, the confernce was kinda muddled(all the people on gaf who thought it would be for wii) and the fact that so many of those mom's and dad's who bought wii ended up putting them away. In their favor I think Nintendo knows this and thats why they are after the hardcore gamer again.

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i knew it would!


i think wiimote+ is now standard when you buy remotes, could be wrong - but if you missed the debut vid (wait, didnt you post it? im so goddamn tired), JZA's on about that the balance board was demo'd. pretty sure reggie said all the old stuff would work, so if youve got any crazy plastic guns or bows or whatever, they'll still have a place.


gun - this mostly, and again, neither confirmed nor denied from reggie. i dont get where this assumption's coming from. also, far as i saw, only Ken Levine's crazy ass talked about "playing from your bed", which you still can, if you've a TV in your bedroom :2T:


either way, this has way more buzz than sony/MS are gonna get, and since they dont really sell at a loss, i dont think they're sweating it, man. also, if gaming devices' futures hinged on their debut conferences, we'd prolly never get anything that lasts longer than a dreamcast. :/

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Look at what they said, looking into 2 tablets on one system? looking?? come on man, that should have been worked out early in the dev documents for this system, not something they are looking at. now I think it's partly a bandwith issues but who knows and they might work it out, but I think if they had they would have showed something on it already.


btw I dunno if george said this but he thinks this could be dreamcast all over again(minus the whole company going software only thing)

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haha, wow, that's some GAF level hyperbole right there. on one hand, i loved the DC (which he didnt own :2T:) and my low-for-nintendos-#'s selling GC, so this oddly works for me; on the other, i dont care for sales-age but that's so ridiculously stupid, i wanna make some money off of anyone that thinks that.


what im saying is, its so early on, we just saw the opener and they didnt even wanna show the freaking box. they're being crazy-vague even by nintendo's standards. think about this: they outsourced their entire online system and have said not a single word about it yet. there was zero comment on using more than 1 pad, prolly because they had 20 minutes and wanted to show birds flying so since Geoff didn't ask, all we have is a kotaku article with one rep saying stuff. you know? there was a point when people fretted that kinect woudlnt pick up black people or those sitting down or something either...me, i'm gonna wait on the next roundtable (tonight at 8:30!) and see if any of this gets talked about, but considering miyamoto told us yesterday that it's getting Pikmin 3, i'm really hoping for more software leaks like that.

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Whatever, I'm saying I'll be pissed if I have to spend another $40+ on a new Wiimote to play my OLD Wii games on the WU. Ditto for buying some add on to the Wii Fit. :mad:


Show me where Nintendo has stated that it uses multiple tablets? They've shown nothing about that at all, it was in the 3rd party video that said that, they also said you could play in bed which would only happen if the unit is in your bedroom, since you can't take it around the house.

I think that statement about playing it in the bedroom is a slick marketing play b/c didn't the vid say there will be WU-mote specific games? I believe the one shown was some form of go.


Which, to digress, makes Nintendo--or at least Reggie--to be full of BS b/c he said they didn't make the screen "multi-touch" b/c they wanted to focus on how it was a remote. Well, if that's true (which it isn't) then why make games in the WU system playable on the WU mote and WUmote specific gaming content? Don't get me wrong, those options are great on the WUmote, but don't try and BS the consumer on why you made a single touch screen when we know the real reason... (*cough*Pulling an Apple and saving that feature for the v2.0 WUmote*cough*)

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haku - you're not gonna have to buy new peripherals. they were using standard wiimotes on the show room floor. it's kinda official.


did nintendo say they were going multi-touch? when it was said you could draw on it, i assumed it made sense to not do that. again though, ive played mostly shit on ios, so i dont mind.


benny - :x:

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haku - you're not gonna have to buy new peripherals. they were using standard wiimotes on the show room floor. it's kinda official.


did nintendo say they were going multi-touch? when it was said you could draw on it, i assumed it made sense to not do that. again though, ive played mostly shit on ios, so i dont mind.


benny - :x:

It's showing fine for me... http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/fucking-awesome-defense-base.jpg

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benny - also :x:


gun/others who might be missing the ongoing Ubi/nintendo conference:



two people playing, each on their own Wii U


shortest-lived dumb rumor ever, i shouldve bet you & bish money on this.

edit ok, theyre not being clear if its consoles or controllers, so not 100% official? im still willing to take bets on this shit then!

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might be part of the design for drawing, might be cost-saving since they want it to be competitive...might be i dont give a fuck personally and they never said it was there, so maybe we shouldn't make shit up?




back on topic from ubi showing WU GRAW shooter:


Personalized account system

oh please dont let that just be in-game! theyre searching for friends and everything, this better be a unified system.


new ass creed!

: Persistent on-screen Map, Interactive database, fast weapon selection, alt puzzle, eagle vision or sense are all options for the controller itself.


spec stuff kinda


Powerful multi-core architecture and large memory capactiy of Wii U is helpful for the devs "
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might be part of the design for drawing, might be cost-saving since they want it to be competitive...might be i dont give a fuck personally and they never said it was there, so maybe we shouldn't make shit up?



This just in: Site administrator veers off topic and makes nonsensical claims when he can't concede the point at hand.

Twice in one day, Nick. Kudos!

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you asked a dumb question about "will my wiimotes still work!?" - answered in the videos (possibly the one you posted) and this thread, and JZA told you so, and you're still unsure about the answer.


you then decided it had multi-touch before anyone said anything, then said you were BS'd about a feature because something incoherent about apple and and


anyway, conference over....every big question "more than 1 tablet controller? sup with online" etc got "lol ask nintendo" and then Reggie dipped (ahahaha) so uh, guess we're still in the dark.


its 2005 all over again. here's to whenever the fuck they feel like dropping details.

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oh god this is exactly what i'd feared when reggie didnt wanna talk about it...he meant ubi's thing was the solution, didn't he.


crap in a hat, nintendo: i know you know what a unified online system looks like, YOU JUST PUT ONE ON THE GODDAMN 3DS.


brb gotta go set up my KONAMI ID, maybe make capcom and like 20 other ones.


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ok guys ive had time to process this and it totally makes sense


1) no competent online system = harder to hack

2) nintendo's all about retro: franchises from decades ago make more sense on a platform with circa 2001 online (consistency)

3) dot dot dot

4) road is paved for steam overlords to come in and do right here

5) entire presentation looked so "this shit's not even in the oven yet" that there's still time to auhahaha i cant even finish this one



oh god GAF is right im gonna have to mail in a memory card to have games patched goddammit nintendo sega had this shit better sorted in '99



ps for gun - post from GAF @ nintendo's studios & presumed activity:


Monolith: Probably a Japan/Europe-only Wii U RPG

EAD 1: Just finished Nintendogs/Cats & making Mario Kart 3DS

EAD 2: Wii Play Motion, probably Animal Crossing 3DS

EAD 3 (Zelda): Finishing Skyward Sword, probably working on HD Zelda some

EAD 4: Pikmin 3 for Wii U, probably Super Mario Mii

EAD 5: Just finished Steel Diver

Retro: Mario Kart 3DS, probably working on Wii U game

EAD Tokyo 1: Probably working on a Wii U title

EAD Tokyo 2: Super Mario

Nintendo SPD 1: Rhythm Heaven Wii (rest of this group partners with external studios)

Brownie Brown: Fantasy Life (3DS)

HAL: Kirby Wii

Intelligent Systems: Paper Mario 3DS (probably some Wii-U titles)

ND Cube: Probably making Mario Party 9

Project Sora: Kid Icarus Uprising, then Smash Brothers Wii U/3DS

NST: Seems to just make downloadable games/Mario mini stuff

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