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Friend of mine invited me to a free screener of Split on Wednesday. My opinion of a film has never changed so drastically, so suddenly in the middle of a viewing. Don't read ANYTHING about this movie. Go see it blind if you can, please I implore you. It's a little clunky at times, and while watching it I wasn't sure if I liked where I saw it going....but damn. Okay, that's all I'm going to say.


So, went to see Split at the little theater down the street from my house. I left with about 15 mins til showtime because it's 5 mins away, but when I got there the place was slammed. Honestly, in all my life, I'd never seen it like that. I don't go that often because its old, the seats are crappy and the screens are yellow. It's nice for a sunday night or matinee, but not big releases or anything. I stood in line for tickets and, fuck, it was sold out. So, got Magnificent 7 on Redbox. It was fine.


M.Night is pulling a Tarantino or Kevin Smith



A twist! It's a backdoor sequel to Unbreakable. It's official, all his original movies exist in the same universe?


When was the last time you went to the Palace man? Its completely redone and all leather recliners now.


What?! That's why there was so many people! Going tonight.


What he said! I'd wager this is M. Night's best yet (not saying a lot depending on who you are). McAvoy killed it, and... yeah. Go see it blind for sure if you can.


Yeah, saw Split tonight... and my heart is happy. Also, that fucking theater, Jon! Wow! What an upgrade. Those seats? *swoon*


damn, now i wanna see split


yeah, that's crazy - donny was just saying how she'd heard they redid the whole joint. that was my spot in college (after the dollar theater across the way died), but a few years later it turned into the trashy theater, like the ghetto 8 down south did - fights in & out of the theater, sound cutting off, just a shitty experience & no reason to go with dolphin nearby. now we've got passes there & i'm hearing it's a fine time to revisit it!


I am down for both the theater and the movie! Taking Spacecowboy's advice and not watching and trailers for it. Weekend plans?


weekend plans!
Edited by Da Cap'n 2099
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...okay, so who else saw this, so we can talk in all spoiler tags





donny pointed out how hard this would've failed with a lesser actor playing DID & all, mcavoy had fun hamming it up here & there but was just great here


meanwhile -





why the fuck is it so far off?! apparently bruce & sam jackson are both on board, hyyyyype


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seriously though, someone less talented than mcavoy & this would've been a goddamn mess


it's crazy, because it's M Night so i didn't figure it'd go the way it did until



the beast pulled his spider-man stunt, donny saw it well before that but i just didn't see it as much beyond supernatural horror, whereas she'd connected the dots to a supervillian flick long before.


i felt bad for the victims - well, except for the old lady psychiatrist, she was straight up dumb and passed on several chances to survive - but the wide-eyed girl from The Witch was great here too, i'm happy we'll see more of her with the rest of the crew.


i've been speculating since this one tied up: so the horde's power set is tied to what he believes he can do? that totally opens him up to penetrating unbreakable skin of his enemies, but mr glass instilling some fragility would be great too...

i should prolly take this to the glass thread, but there's no way that thing's currently spoiler-free. if any bit of it references this move, it should be tagged. i think. so, so glad i went into this late as hell & not knowing the connection, it made the post credits super satisfying.


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