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  • Quote


    • Mark Cerny is once again the Lead System Architect.
    • 8 core AMD 7nm Zen 2 based on third generation Ryzen.
    • Ray-tracing support with custom AMD Navi GPU.
    • Custom AMD unit for 3D Audio, also aided by ray-tracing, a big upgrade. Hot on the heels of Sony having acquired near-industry-standard AudioKinetic.
    • Extremely fast high-end custom SSD storage faster than any solution currently available for PC:
      Spider-Man load times on PS4 Pro: 15 seconds → 0.8 seconds on next-gen PlayStation. That's ~19x faster!
      Huge practical game changer opening up for new design opportunities.
    • Technically supports 8K but Cerny demoed Spider-Man load speed improvements on a 4K screen (I would only take this as confirmation of HDMI 2.1).
    • New Virtual Reality platform strongly hinted at but also supports current PSVR (meaning millions of VR users 'day one').
    • Death Stranding might be a cross-gen title (speculation in article based on Cerny reply).
    • Physical Media.
    • Backwards Compatible with at least PS4.
    • Devkit is with developers and they recently accelerated its deployment.
    • Four years in development so far.
    • 2020.




looks like it's time to save up with that 2nd job - that loading time increase sounds nice!


almost there y'all


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  • 4 months later...



prolly a dev kit or design option but let''s pretend this is the real product right here


i should state that i stayed up overnight to purchase a purple lunchbox at launch so i mean ima buy it either way and my views should not be given much weight in this or any other matter ever

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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

thank fuck i found a shelf that fits this & the last 4 playstations, i love weird consoles but this really is like a big funky alienware setup without the aliens


space cowboy pointed out how the box is massive but still couldn't fully fit the image of the system on it so they hide cropped it off 


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asc - yeah, ps4 for instance is really cheap right now - I've seen pro models go for less than $100 on forums - and the last year or so i've picked up a ton of games for $10-15


baytor - yeah the inevitable hardware revision + price drop are worth waiting for.  that said, what bugs are you seeing? i read spidey remastered in rest mode wasn't great or something, not much else?

and sony launch lineups are traditionally so abysmal that this is prolly the best one for me since...the vita? but i'm  a huge demons/spidey fan to be fair


also the plus collection was smart and they really ought to do more like this during the first 6-9 month software droughts we always see 


also this controller really is something, took like 20 years to really innovate on the ps1 dualshock but i think they finally did 

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I waited a few years to dive into the ps4, and I'm very happy I waited. Not only did I get an informed perspective on which console suited me, but I also got a perfected version of the ps4. Along with that I got so many games at severely discounted rates, I only spent over €30 on three games this/last gen, Spider-Man, Fifa 20 and Red Dead 2 (which was my only launch purchase). I've still loads of games left to play and even some from the ps3/360 gen to get around to. 


Have to say though, that new joypad has me very excited to try it out.

Edited by alive she cried
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  • 1 month later...

Secured mine earlier today and it should be here Sunday. Aside from my Switch, my last new console was a PS2, and even that was a few years after it came out, I believe. This is certainly the first time I've gotten a console within a couple months of launch.


Hell, aside from the Switch my most recent console was an Xbox 360

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  • 3 weeks later...

P5 Royal looks fun, but i can't put another 100 hours into that game.  been in the mood for another old persona soon, though.


ran through miles morales quickly, i loved the into the spider-verse aesthetic & character they gave him.  city is still an absolute joy to swing around, the lighting & reflection effects are really crazy.  looking forward to the spidey remaster sometime this year.


demons souls - yeah, still hard (some bosses can't be cheesed the way they could before), i got to the last boss and put it down for a bit...his ability to de-level you is a stress i don't need right now, haha.  got my build down and blazed through most of the game though, it's a real joy when you get that sorted.  blighttown depths without the slowdown can be just brutal, though.


been playing mostly ps4 stuff since then, the biggest upgrade for me is the loading times - both miles & demons literally booted up in seconds, and only seconds more to load the game & be playing.  i really do love that feature, and haven't yet played astro bot or other games using the dualsense better.


the PS4 collection is loaded with games ive yet to play (detroit become human, batman arkham night, didnt finish FF XV, crash trilogy, days gone, mortal kombat x, other stuff - they just added some tomb raider to plus this month too), so i'm good at least through RE VIII.

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