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Best Comedic Games


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Played the demo of that one, loved it...what genre are those games? Funny as shit ones too...Monkey Island, Sam & Max, and my favorite, Maniac Mansion. I still have Day of the Tentacle, never beat it. Come to think of it, i loved those games but never finished one of em.

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Monkey Island! I know Nick sorta mentioned em, but I wasnt to assert, the Monkey Island games are funny as hell! Some of my favorite computer games.


Guybrush: What is the secret of monkey island?

Lechuck: I would tell you, but I'd rather make you guess...

Guybrush: That they had to shoot the dog in the end?

Lechuck: Why did you have to remind me about that? You know how that makes me feel!

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Ah yes, Monkey Island. Those were brilliant. Has anyone played the PS2 one?


And yeah the Warcraft games were great when you constantly click on the units. The newest one is even funnier. Starcraft was, too. In Warcraft I'm pretty sure if you click on the trolls enough times they'll say "Say hello to my leetle friend!"

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I know this is off topic (fuck you Tangent Man) but is Ico the one with the kid and the horns, where you lead the girl trying to escape from the fortress and get chased by sort of shadow creatures? If it is I loved that game but can't say I found it funny?


Can't believe I'm not getting much love for Grim Fandango, superior to its rival Monkey Island and Lucas' earlier effort Full Throttle. :!:

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Yeah, that's ICO...i still havent finished it, short as it was, weird. Really pretty game tho.


As for Fandango...i too was wonderin why it didnt get more attention in general when it came out. Again, i just had the demo, but really enjoyed it...is there a genre for point-and-click adventure games like that, or is that it?

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Sponge - you always judge shit without playin it...its a fantasy game. Zelda's cel shading looks like a cartoon, and its a game where an elf in a tunic plays flutes, talks to fairies and rides leaves....but its prolly gonna be one of the most fun games out there this year. Serioulsy, give somethin a chance before callin it cheezy, Ico was cool

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Spongebob - You want all games to be like Grand Theft Auto? Maybe you dont remeber State of Emergency..anyway, i think its weird you can appreciate 16-bit games that dont look so good (usually you gotta be older to dig it) but if a game looks halfway fantas/kiddy you jump it & say its corny/comedic...cmon now, if they make a telletubies game and its fun as hell im playin that shit. I mean, you & i play Mario party and monkey games, we cant say nothin....

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Hah...you know the AIM level goes back down right? You wont get banned, yet...

and hey theyre youre choices, just wanted to remind you even if it looks kiddy it might be fun...i know the Spongey rule is "no blood, no death = zzz" ...

I mean, would you play Medal of Honor if it was about bringing flowers, but somehow really fun? Assuming you couldnt be the nazis...

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