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Jason vs Freddy

Guest Yahve

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When I found out that Jason vs Freddy was comming out, I knew that it entered my must-see movie list. It was going to be horrible. I expected a new level of cheese on par with Aliens vs Anything or even the horrible Kull the Conqueror.


I was shocked to discover at the theater that it was a New Line production. This means they actually had money behind it, and hope. I was even more shocked to see that it turned out to be a pretty good horror movie. Damned good. Plenty of shock scenes, tributes to gratuitous nudity, and puns galore. I only wished the five screaming girls to my right were a little farther away. Too loud :D


For the horror movie fans, it was great. Lots of action, buxom ladies in tight shirts, and the plot they cooked up wasn't half bad at all. I know most people won't spend their money on something like this but at least find some peeps to split hte rental with when it comes out.


8/10 Bloody hatchets :stabbed:

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Sketch, forgot to say this before, but wasn't Freddy killed by the people on Elm Street 'cause not only was he murdering the kids he was also a CHILD MOLESTOR. It was kinda strange the way that that was left out, but then again, a wise-cracking murderer is okay to root for in a flick, but a wise-cracking child molester...hmmmm. Not so good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I thought the plot and acting sucked but the humor was funny. I really didn't think this was much of a horror movie as it was more of an action. But action was all i was looking for. I'm just glad about halfway through the moivie they finally duke it out and it was cool. It's probably not gonna happen but i think it would be cool if they took the tyrant (Resident Evil Boss-the one with his heart outside his body and the huge claw) and pit him against Jason. That would be COOL.


MAJOR Spoilers ahaed.................


by the way why would they root for Jason the whole time?Did they notice he's the one killing everybody??and why would the main character give Jason bak his weapon??man they are stupid.

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But wasn't it great... :D


Sure Jason was killing everyone off, but Freddy was a childmolester (something that wasn't really addressed - the closest they got was the photo licking at the start I think - then again, I havn't seen it since it was released) so Jason is DEFINITLY the lesser of two evils. Plus he got hard done by first...

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  • 1 month later...

It's not that I think the billing is stoopid it's that I saw "Jason VS. Freddy" in the movies in Berkeley, but now it's coming out on video as "Freddy Vs. Jason". Did I just imagine the whole thing or what? I asked people in work and they said they saw "Freddy Vs. Jason". Now, sure the weed in Cali is some a the best out there, but what the fug>>>>????

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