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Original Art

Silent Bob

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I couldn't find the original version of this thread so I'm gonna assume it didn't survive. Let's start it up a-new then. We'll all agree that comic art can have a great feeling to it in it's raw original stage (pencils, inks, paintings etc) so we oughtta have a thread to showcase the stuff that we really like.


That said, these aren't much, they're just the quick sketches I was able to get in my sketchbook at WizardWorld.






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Despite his new style in Daredevil: Father that makes DD look like Batman's Bane on a bad day, I really dig Joe Quesada's pencils. Yes, I even like the wonky designs he does with the billy club cord. And I can see why Jimmy Palmiotti likes to work with him so much. The guy draws every detail. I could ink a Quesada page and I'm a lousy inker. Here's some stuff from his run on Guardian Devil.





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  • 8 months later...

I dont know how i missed this thread the first time, but im glad i found it. Damn fine collection (sketches by Thompson, Hester & Isanove? damn) SB, dont know when you went to WizardWorld but you made off like a bandit.


Ill post the one or two i got later, then mebbe just toss up the ones im fond of.

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SB, dont know when you went to WizardWorld but you made off like a bandit.


I went last August. Mostly just to get this signed:




An' if you like that Craig Thompson sketch, the one he did in our copy of Blankets was even better. Jess and I were just hanging out at the Top Cow booth and we happened upon a gorgeous hardcover version of Blankets (the last one ever printed, according to the guy there, but who knows) then we looked up and noticed that Thompson just happened to be standing there signing books. Wasn't on the guest list or anything, just was hanging out. So he put this in the front page of our new Blankets hardcover. Only the word "Blankets" is actually printed on the page.




He also did a quick sketch in our Carnet De Voyage.



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*le sigh* I'm such a girly geek but I have such a crazy crush on Craig Thompson. His art is fucking fantastic, and he himself is so humble and patient and giving for his fans - obviously, as he was courteous enough to give us not one, but THREE original illustrations, despite being stricken with tendonitis in his hands. How could you not love that???


And For those of you who didn' tknow - my Avatar was taken directly from the "Blankets" illustration above, which DJ was kind enough to color for me.

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  • 1 year later...

shit, i cant beleive i cant find the other original art thread, either...i know we had one! what kinda self-respecting comic forum doesnt have a...alright, see if anyone else can find it somehow; if not, ill get this one going soon.

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Dave Gibbons taught me more about the mechanics of drawing than high school and college combined. I've got a nifty Rorsharch on the front of watchmen, and (arguably better still) a Rougue Trooper on card that I treasure, in a can't remember where I put them kind of way.

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shit..i guess the thread's gone, then? that doesnt make sense, coulda sworn ive seen it since the crash...ill keep looking, then ill just dump all the original art jpg's i have on our boards or somewhere sometime.


meanwhile, once again, the :welcome: piece Darick Robertson did for me, 1 of only 2 or so original pieces i have (the other being a classic from Panch!)



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