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Hmm...did you read Venom & Carnage? Pretty, but it was basically a drawn-out mini to introduce this offspring of Cassidy's, only he's kinda a good guy, i think.

Ever since "Planet of the Symbiotes" ( :ill: ), marvel law quietly dictates no more than 2 symbiotes are allowed, so if you've been readin New Avengers (and i damn well hope you have), you know that it looks like one of the classics aint around no more, to make way for this guy... :D


Ive no idea what Milligan has in mind for him beyond this, but i sure hope its more than a regular series of mini's where he fights the juggernaut, or his wife becomes the sin eater and eats brains, or any of that.

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I was gonna pick up the Venom Vs. Carnage trade but I went for the Wolvie/Punisher one instead. Once I get my cash up from jack shit to littlebigballer I'll get it. The art looked sweet and Milligan is one of my favorites, but I was more up for Logan and Frank than the symbiotes when I saw the trade.


As for New Avengers my trades only stand means I'm still waiting...

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Hmm...again, the art was top notch, but it wasnt anythin to write home about, that mini. I wanted to care more than i did...havent been as up on symbiotes in general since the 90's (damn you, Vertigo). Download it if ya can.


How was that Punisher/Wolvy one, you talkin the manga one a few years back, or that recent one? Ive never gone for their non-Ennis crossovers, sadly..


Tell you what, were about 2 issues shy of a New Avengers trade, and you gotta jump on that one like stink on a monkey when its out, man.

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The Wolvie/Punisher was the recent Milligan one. It was good for what it was, I can't say I regret buying it, it just wasn't all that life changing, it just kinda reminded me of when I was young and I'd get all excited when there'd be a team-up with the big guns (fuck, remember that when Wolvie was guesting all over the place...Cap Wolf kicked his Canuck ass).

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  • 6 years later...

Either that or Anti-Venom will come back again seeing as it wasn't even a symbiote to begin with. I really liked Toxin (the book) it had an interesting character dynamic and the current Venom book kinda bit a little bit off of that which is what I like. I don't know when Mulligan lost Toxin, it was likely in some book I don't like, haven't read, and never will. Still, I'd be okay with Brock being Toxin, isn't there another Venom symbiote running around somewhere? The one that that woman from Alaska had?

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I don't know that they've said how they became separated, but I may have missed it as well.


As far as other symbiotes go, I'm pretty sure at least Scream, Hybrid and Scorn are still around too. And I guess Lasher...sort of. So that's what? Four Venom babies and two grand babies?



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No, this was literally another Venom symbiote, it was actually a Venom book but with a different main character who had a Venom symbiote that looked exactly the same except it was a dark gray instead of black (which I think was entirely to make it distinguishable from Eddie Brock's Venom who had a lot of face time in the series)

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