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The Machinist

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I thought it was pretty fricken unorigial and um... the opposite of clever. Plays out like a mediocre episode of the twilight zone, and it's plot twists don't work in a world where stuff like Fight CLub and Donnie Darko is the mainstream, some of this stuff might have surprised people 30 years ago... Christian Bale is really really good though, it's almost worth sitting through just to see his emaciated skeleton. Other than that, nothing much to see.

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Cj got this and burned it, but gave it to our friend Logan to watch. I think it's since been BAH-leted from the computer, so we haven't gotten a chance to see it. We're too silly to purchase or rent it, so I guess if what Junker says is true, we can wait a little longer to watch it. heh.

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Aside from Christian Bale's skeleton there's still a bit to be watched. It isn't as good as Session 9, Brad Anderson's previous film, but if you see it through to the end it's got a twist which, while not the strongest ever, should do its job of making you look back over the whole movie in a different light.


I thought it was a well decent movie, Bale is excellent/disgusting, it's gotta be worth a rental.

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Cj got this and burned it, but gave it to our friend Logan to watch. I think it's since been BAH-leted from the computer, so we haven't gotten a chance to see it. We're too silly to purchase or rent it, so I guess if what Junker says is true, we can wait a little longer to watch it. heh.



i thought it looked interesting... and now i really want to see it... hey you guys should totally come over and we can rent it and watch it... and I think the jesse wanted to see it too! and I can rent it since you and cj are too silly to rent or buy it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah most of the appeal comes from Bales freakish torso. The subtext that runs through the movie is pretty heavy handed and doesn't leave much to the imagination. It's still worth watching to see how your suspisions pan out and there's a few nigling details that I'm pretty sure are never explained.


Like Kos mentioned Brad Anderson's previous movie Session 9 is far superiour in the scare department (and it's got Peter Mulan) but both are worth a look.

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But Nanno nearly puked when you see the side profile of bale in the bathroom!


Scary as that was the scariest part for me was seeing Christian Bale with his shirt off for the first time in Batman Begins and reasising that that's the same man. If he is a man that is, and not some psychopathic method-machine.

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