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Spider-Man: The Clone Saga


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sorry man, you hadn't earned that S just yet.


id take you up on it, but im still holding out for a trade...i forget, did they ever get around to it? i swear, there's a Maximum Carnage TPB ive wanted for a while, a Clone Saga Omnibus would be awesome.


I'm going to shove a live snake up your ass if IT ever happens. :wink:

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  • 3 months later...
for those who have no clue about what i am about to talk about check out here: http://lifeofreillyarchives.blogspot.com/

it is a long read, but it is a behind the scenes look at what was happening in the Spidey Office during the Clone Saga. but i should warn you, it is a long read as it is made up of 35 parts.


those who already know about this, may b interested in checking out what one of the writers of the Life of Reilly has been currently doing. http://grayhavenzine.blogspot.com/

they guy is making it into a book. cool thing is, he has a lot more information that he has been adding, due to conducting a lot of interviews with some more writers (like DeMatties).


i am really looking forward to this, hope i will b able to get my hands on a copy. might need to buy it over the net, as i doubt that it would reach Australia in any other form. looks like it will b coming out in '09.


just read this article on the net. talks about a 4 part mini series that shows the x-men and spidey in different time periods throughout the history (it is all canon) and Ben Reilly is going to b in issue 3 of this series as Spider-Man. how cool is that? also, Christos Gage says that all the issues are stand-alone stories, so there is no need to get the others if u just want he one with Ben in it. anyway, here is the link:



Holy shitballs, ye heard about this?

Edited by alive she cried
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  • 5 months later...

Still nothing. You all realize that 'Uncle' Ben Reilly shows up in Amazing Spider-Girl, right? I wouldn't be surprised if he made it back to the 616 universe (it was bound to happen), but what's going on right now? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

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If you must know



Marvel plans on screwing up spider-man even more. You think they'll learn by now but Marvel just won't stop writing shit nobody cares about.













P.S I'm having a bitch of a time burning dead snow for you.

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ah, that's too vague. you had a day panch, so here goes:

we find out that the whole time, Ben Reilly wasOHMYGOD ITS TOO BIG TO SPOIL

seriously, i gotta go re-read it just to wrap my head around it!!


The best part is

that Nick and I can torrent the issue and read all the spoilers.


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