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Video Game Quotes


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Keeping up with the tradition of the "Movie Quotes" and "Television Quotes" threads on the Movie Forum, I present to you "Video Game Quotes"! The post format is just like the others, but in this case, someone posts a famous quote from a video game, and the next person is supposed to guess which game it came from, then continue with a quote of their own from another game, etc.


I'll start off with an easy yet famous one...


"Son of a submariner! They'll pay for this!"


Kefka from FFIII.




How about:


"Words! I need more words! My grasp of the language is not sufficient to describe the violent retching nausea you're singing has caused me to experience."


Eddie VanHelgen from Monkey Island 3: the Curse of Monkey Island


"Well, if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: never pay more than 20 dollars for a computer game. "


Cortana and the Sarge from Halo 2


"Magic is truly impressive, but now Minsc leads; SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!"

"Beware Evil! I'm armed to the teeth and packing a HAMSTER!"

"When the going gets tough, someone hold my Rodent."


Baldur's Gate




"Well, kiddies, it's been more fun than a jump-suit full of weasels. Now kindly get your freekish hide out of my home!"


Crap, I'm not too familiar with that series....the only way I knew was because I recognized the last quote from someone's signature somewhere...


If I missed it, just keep on going and don't mind me.


Are you referring to the one you asnwered, or the one you quoted? The one you quoted sounded pretty familiar ( and I just really liked that game), the one you answered was definately in the Balder's Gate series.


that's Resident Evil, it's too perfect not to be


This might be kind of hard because no one plays these games but me


"Oh great. An optimist with a gun."


Easy. Edge FFIV.



a tough one:

"Cowgirl has teats... more magnificent... than my sheep!"


and a not so tough one:

"Love? Love is for the living, Sal. I'm only after her for one reason... she's my ticket out of here. "

"Cowgirl has teats... more magnificent... than my sheep!"

Rumble Roses on PS2


"A secret told is one no more. The mystery left is only one's own."


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