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Posts posted by C_U_SPACECOWBOY

  1. I'm ticked off about the outsourcing more than anything. I'll be honest, had capcom released that trailer in a vacuum I wouldn't be upset. I'd be confused, yes, but not upset. I'd just assume it was being done in-house, and while it was the most radical departure so far, at least it was in as competent hands as the previous entries.


    Now, everything's in question.


    Typically, it's bad news when sequels get outsourced. (How Dead Rising 2 turned out so true to the original (if we use Case: Zero as evidence), not to mention good is beyond me, and certainly the exception, not the rule.)


    Now compound that with the fact that the director of Ninja Theory all but said that they were blatant pandering to "what's hot" in the aesthetics and design.


    That's what's got me upset.


    ...I was ok with how DMC 4 went honestly and I would not have minded more of Nero. This? I am REALLY on the fence about. I love this series but if they are just trying to make it "edgier" then part of me will die inside.


    p.s: I LIKE the music in the DMC games fuckers, I don't need you going and fucking with that too. I mean we already lost Silent Hill...now this?


    Glad you mirror my sentiments Bindy. When all was said and done, I actually liked Nero, and DMC 4 felt like a big setup for things to come. Now that's all abandoned I guess...


    Dude Heavenly Sword was awesome @.@ in terms of gameplay it kicked GoW's ass. As long as the action stays crazy, I'll be satisfied.


    I gave Heavenly Sword an honest shake. I just couldn't help feeling 'Meh' about it. Of course I've always been 'Meh' about GOW also! LOL!

  2. What is Capcom thinking.....


    Continuing the trend of outsourcing big sequels to western studios, Capcom has unveiled Devil May Cry 5. This time, Ninja Theory is at the helm, the studio behind Heavenly Sword and the upcoming Enslaved.










    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCcIiEBfdGs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCcIiEBfdGs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCcIiEBfdGs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


    Wow. Where to begin.


    First off, I don't care for Ninja Theory's work, at least thus far. I thought Heavenly Sword was SPECTACULARLY average, and Enslaved doesn't interest me in the slightest.


    Second, here's what Ninja Theory's Director said on stage at the unveiling "We're taking a younger Dante that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art..."


    WHAT?! I'm not even sure why you would want to do that or what that even means!? Was Dante dated? DMC takes place in a cracked-out alternate reality. It's modern and mythic at the same time. It can't be dated!!


    What I really hear from that quote is "twilight is the biggest thing going now, so lets cash in by making dante an angsty emo teenage vampire like thing."


    Fuck you Ninja Theory. Fuck you.

  3. ...i wasnt as bothered by anakin being tossed into the ending, but the point of contention of han shooting first...you might want to wait on a fan edition of that.



    ...if the Blu-Ray doesn't have Han shooting first, the Blu-Ray is not worth the investment.


    Bad news guys. Not only will the bluray PROBABLY not have Han shooting first, I've uncovered a scene from the Bluray edition with even MORE retcon shenanigans!!


    Brace yourselves:

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajFd_Tf7D1M?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajFd_Tf7D1M?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajFd_Tf7D1M?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

  4. I heard about it, but I didn't believe it. I thought they learned their lesson from Quarantine and others.


    Sadly, the only lesson to be learned by hollywood is to keep churning out remakes. Quarantine paled in comparison to REC in my opinion, it made about 30 million, and only cost 12. I don't think the studio CARES about the quality of the product, just if the produce produces. 30 million is probablly a hell of a lot more than REC would have made in a domestic theatrical run.


    And for every Quarantine, Godzilla and *ugggh* TAXI *shudder*, there's a TON of movies like The Departed, Birdcage, and The Ring or shows like The Office and American Idol.


    I don't know who to blame here though.


    I think it's partially do to the fact that the majority of the movie-going public don't see movies the same way as we do. They don't appreciate it as an art form. They don't want to go to the movie and have to read for an hour an a half.


    Of course, I also think advertising and theater count is a problem. Every so often a foreign film does penetrate the barriers and financially succeed (see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). I remember them advertising the SHIT out of that movie, and it did pretty damn well, so maybe the blame isn't entirely on the stereotypical "big fat lazy american"


    Boogie - you reading the latest scans? im somewhere in volume 35 or 36 as of last week.


    not sure how far behind Dark Horse is right now, but i know they're damn close last i checked. anyway, art:



    Dark Horse is releasing volume 34 middle of September. Then we are pretty much volume for volume with Japan at that point, as volume 35 isn't even out in japan yet (one or two chapters left).


    I remember thinking how excruciatingly spread out Dark Horses' release schedule was for this book, with only 6 a year. And yet here we are. Waiting on one volume a year like the rest of the world...

  6. holy fuck, Namco. you could've been awesome this gen.




    story goes that, instead, we got Ace Combat 6.

    thanks, spiffytee!



    Oh man! I REMEBER seeing this a LONG time ago and thinking it looked awesome. Damn it Namco........Dammit.


    Also, don't think anyone has posted THIS yet:

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


    Actually, we never got the REAL Mother 3 either. Fuck you TWICE for that nintendo.

  7. am i reading this right? friends lists + achievements?

    no wonder there's no major consoles in the next few years; nintendo's handheld is looking to own them.


    When I saw there was a 'home' button on the 3ds, I was secretly hoping it would have a dashboard and some achievement/trophy analog!


    Oh man, it that's true....Nick, our struggle enters the 3rd dimension!!

  8. Taking out the phenominal watermelon cutting footage, we see a whopping 12 seconds of actual gameplay. I think it's a tad premature to make ANY judgements about the gameplay, especially given Kojima's record of being coy with initial trailers.


    Plus both the van and the watermelon scene show that you dont HAVE to be in slow-mo to pull off a precision cut.


    Personally, I both thinking and hoping that this is post MGS4.


    My only worry is that it's not Kojima's A team working on this one....

  9. WOW! So last night's Red Dead session was the most fun I've had on Xbox in a LONG time. Hat's off to Rockstar for making a stellar single player AND a multiplayer that doesn't like a "me too," tacked on obligitory add on.


    SO.....when are we gonna hit it up again.

  10. Oh my God...THIS WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!! Please let this happen!


    I've been secretly hoping this would happen since the first murmurs that Wheton might direct. Fillion would be a perfect Pym.


    And for those who think he'd be a better Scott Lang Ant-Man, no.


    Do we really need TWO Ant-Mens in the movie continuity?, no.


    That kind of needless devotion to the comic continuity is only going to hurt the film and the franchise. I don't care how good Irredeemable Ant-Man was. There is an EXTREMELY fine line between being faithful to the comic and making a good film. Does anyone really care if they "nail" Pym? Pym's one of those characters that, not only can you get away with a liberal interpretation, but should. In a movie with Iron-Man, Thor, Cap, Nick Fury, the mother fucking Hulk and whatever villian they end up fighting, do I really give a shit if Pym beats his wife or not?


    Fuck and No.


    I mean, this project is on the razor's edge as it is as I see it (Luckily, Wheton has proven himself to be more than capable when dealing with an ensemble cast) Between Wheton and Fillion, if left to thier own devices, there's hope to make what would normally be fanboy window dressing, into an engaging character who could hold his own against the great ones, or perhaps even steal the show, and leave us clamouring for a Ant-Man spin-off.


    Combine the great aspects of both Pym and Lang and give us something new. This film is going to have to be bogged down with continuity issues, both from the comics and the other movies now. Ant-Man should be one of those aspects that are free for the creators to play with, to the benefit of the film as a whole.


    I mean, are there any Blade purists who were upset with that movie? Anybody?

  11. Oh man. Most of this is terrible news


    * Script is finished and written by the same duo that wrote the Clash of the Titans remake.




    * Same production company that did WANTED is set to produce said script.




    * He said he of course had no real input at all on casting, but he'd gotten e-mails from Rob Cordy wanting to play The Frenchman and Sam Worthington seemed keen on playing Butcher.


    For the love of GOD no. While he looks the part, Sam Worthington has less that zero acting ability. He is a talent black hole, sucking so bad that he negates the positive performances of all those around him.


    A friend of mine put it perfectly after we saw Clash.

    Worthington has only one mode when acting: Smoldering Indifference.


    * I said that Wee Hughie was already cast and he made a face like "don't jinx it" and said, "Fingers crossed on that one." So Pegg is a possibility but not a lock.


    Obviously, Pegg's perfect for Hughie, and a great actor to boot, but I fear not even he can overcome Worthington's anti-talent.

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