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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by C_U_SPACECOWBOY

  1. I remember seeing a trailer for this ages ago. Thought it was never going to be released. Reminds me an awful lot of Tailenders, another project that has been in the works forever:


  2. The plane was on autopilot, so it wasn't going to crash. If the cube was powering the plane and you wanna say the plane 'started crashing' when the cube was removed, well, if they were over the arctic that means they were somewhere between 2500 and 4000 miles from New York. How the plane's supposed to fall horizontally, for several thousand miles....I just don't know.




    Also, anyone else not caring at all about the Stackhouses? Sooki & Eric? Yawn. Jason & Jessica? Double yawn.



    It is physically impossible for me to give less of a shit about either of them.



    The guy that plays Sam is a damn good actor. His posturing and mannerisms were spot on for Tommy.



    Right!? I actually got into an argument with a friend while watching that episode! During those scenes I mentioned how Sam is an incredible actor, because he captured such subtle mannerisms and intonations.


    My friend's reply: "Nah man, they just dubbed him over with Tommy's voice. That's Tommy's voice."


    Me: "Yeah, he's that good, your brain is questioning what you are hearing, but believe me that's fucking Sam!"


    We actually ran back the DVR a couple times, much to the chagrin of the other six or so people that were there :2T:.


    Speaking of which, I hope he's the next one to take a trip to the gator pit.




    Bring on Skinwalker Sam!! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!


  4. So, was talking with a friend of mine about the game and...



    he starts telling me how he really liked Erica and how she looks like a female Ronald McDonald (it's actually true!!). To which, I reply "or a post-op male Ronald McDonald, lol!". He chuckled, but one of those chuckles were you can tell they don't really get the joke. I mention the whole Eric/Erica thing and he has NO recollection of that revelation! He remembers Toby wanting his V-card back, but he somehow missed the whole sex change revelation!!


  5. Plat.




    'Grats Mal.




    Did you have to play through the game 8 separate times to get all the endings, or could you jump back to saves to change your karma?



    In a huge-ass ship that is powered by an energy source that very little is known about? Who knows, it could've done more damage hitting new York than one of those manned bombs would have. Just sayin'.



    Two things.




    The plane was never set to crash into New York. It was on autopilot and New York was just the first stop on Red Skull's Annihilation World Tour.





    The Cosmic Cube was no longer on board.


  7. So, saw Cap, and I gotta say I was kinda disappointed, especially after everyone has been beaming over it.


    Don't get me wrong I liked it, ESPECIALLY the first hour, which was brilliant (Tucci and Jones were GREAT!), but shortly after the procedure the movie kinda falls apart in my opinion.


    I've compiled a list of some of the things which REALLY bothered me:


    Issue 1:


    We don't really see Cap training once he's the Super Soldier. An untested Cap, fresh off his tour selling war bonds goes AWOL and saves Bucky and all those Hydra prisoners. Next scene, BOOM, in the suit throwing the shield around like a pro. Cap throwing his shield is like Spidey Webslinging or Wolverine popping his claws, it is arguably his most defining move/skill. Showing him just doing it all of a sudden, with no training or rational for it, and in a series of MONTAGES no less, cheapens it for me. Which brings me to my next issue...



    Issue 2:


    Montages. I understand the need for montages in film, especially a film like this. It just sucks that so much of the cool action from the trailers were just from montages in the film. Good action scenes are about pacing, build up, and payoff. Cap taking out a mammoth tank is cool by itself but it is so much more satisfying when a scene like that is part of a paced scene with the proper set up and payoff, otherwise you might as well just save your 12 bucks and just watch the trailers over and over again.



    Issue 3:


    Lack of characterization of Cap's squad. Follow Cap, Bucky fighting Nazis Hydra alongside thier fellow soldiers: Brit in a Beret, Black guy who speaks German, dude in a bowler hat and, everyone's favorite, Asian from Fresno.



    Issue 4:


    Other than his Tour selling bonds, Cap doesn't participate in World War II. Not at all. He doesn't punch a single Nazi or particpate in ANYTHING that aids the actual war. Hell, RED SKULL kills more Nazis in the movie than Cap!



    Issue 5:


    The Cosmic Cube. We are to believe it will play a major role in Avengers (based on the Thor post credits scene) as well as in the future of the Marvel Movie Universe. That first scene where Red Skull procures it gives it so much weight as well, but really, it didn't have to be in the movie AT ALL. If you were grabbing popcorn and missed that scene you wouldn't even know what the big deal was about the cube.



    Issue 6, and to me the MOST GLARING:


    Why exactly did Cap have to sacrifice himself?

    Because all of New York was in danger!! I guess Cap forgot the bomb intended for New York was already destroyed. The manned bomb, by the way, which requires a human pilot, of which there are no longer any left. There was absolutely no immediate threat to warrent his sacrifice. Christ, this is the ONE THING above all else that they had to get right. The culmination of the film and the set up for all the Avengers movies which will follow, and they totally dropped the ball.


  8. I literally got up and cheered when


    Tommy killed his parents! Man, the show was in DIRE need of some culling and Sam's Fam was at the top of my list of people I wanted to see dead. Would have preferred if Tommy had bitten the big one too, but I'll take what I can get!


  9. Yeah Cap and Iron Man were better films, but this is why Hulk was my personal favorite:


    I loved the Incredible Hulk. It was about as good as a stand alone Hulk movie could get if you ask me. Norton was great and the Hulk looked amazing (incredible?). Probably my all time favorite Hulk design in any medium. Sad to see it seems they are going with a more 'Kirby-esque' design for Avengers.


  10. I haven't played the demo. Don't intend to. I'm committed to taking the plunge on this one. I was worried however after talking to some people who had played the demo. SEEMS a lot of people "don't get it". It's getting rave reviews though! Can't wait to get my special edition in the mail!!

  11. Kinda bad news everyone. So the three 'new' films that all these stills and trailers are from, apparently all three are only going to cover the Golden Age Arc. I couldn't find the original source I read it, but here's one saying basically the same thing.


    So we waited all this time to see a shiny new anime that's basically a rehash of the original.... :pinch:

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