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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. For those who enjoyed Entertainment Weekly's website commentary of Doc Jensen & Dan Sniersen, they've FINALLY posted the last installment of their video commentary "Totally Lost." It covers the finale (so DO NOT click it unless you want spoilers--Nick.) and it's insightful, hilarious, and I highly recommend you check it out! Click and scroll down to the end of the article for the video. And here's a guy explaining all of LOST in 3 short minutes. Obviously. . . Spoiler alert!!!
  2. Films on DVD/BR: Book of Eli C If you’re not a fan of post-apocalyptic films or Christianity (more so the latter) then you can pretty much skip this film. The Hughes Bros. create a stylized post-apocalyptic Westernesque landscape and scenario that is similar in many ways to Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road. Unfortunately for Book of Eli, the only thing it didn’t crib from McCarthy’s novel was the exceptional writing. Apocalypto [blu-Ray] A- Mel Gibson the man may be a class ‘A’ pinhead, but Gibson the director has managed to create a beautifully shot and unique action film experience. Gibson uses the twilight of the Mayan civilization as an allegory to showcase both the towering heights and dark depths humanity is capable of reaching. Wolfman [unrated] C+ I never saw the original Wolfman film, and perhaps I’d have more appreciation for the tedious and predictable plot of this remake if I had. Benecio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins deliver surprisingly hollow performances, but there are two or three pretty spectacular sequences where the Wolfman transforms and goes primal that make this otherwise forgettable film worthy of a hardcore horror fan’s time. Wings of Desire B+ For all the praise this 1987 German film about angles in Berlin received in its day, it left me a little disappointed. You have to wait around for an hour or so for any semblance of a plot to emerge, but some of the random, rambling monologues on humanity and pre-unification/Cold War Berlin are fascinating--some are just random and rambling. The DVD extras are what saved the experience for me. The interviews with the director and cast were revealing and helped me gain more appreciation for the film and the influence it’s had on cinema since its release over 20 years ago. This film was later re-made into the romantic drama City of Angels, and this film has that element of a romantic-drama, but it begs so much more of the viewer than its Hollywood offspring. Wings of Desire is a rambling (sometimes frustratingly so) love story for pre-unification Berlin, and also, in a sense, for all humanity.
  3. If anyone is going to Celebration V, be sure to snag me one of these, please.
  4. guess this means i'll have to hear panch go on about this some more...
  5. Just when you think everything dumb has been said, along comes Snooki. God love Homer J. Simpson & Drifter for that reminder of his epicness.
  6. Co-signed. Saturation was great and put 'em on the map, but Exit the Dragon was an underrated album. Yeah, not sure about the video. I remember it from back in the day, and it was kind of a bummer. Speaking of underrated bands...
  7. Loved Tennenbaums & Life Aquatic. Give Darjeeling Limited a watch as well, Jay. I need to DL Gomorra. I recently watched It was outstanding in Blu-Ray. The jungle looked beautiful and the scenes where they enter the were especially outstanding. Although the scene w/ looked especially CGI on Blu-Ray and I don't remember it looking as blatantly CGI when I saw it on DVD.
  8. Good luck w/ Hellblazer from the get-go. I tried it a year or so ago when I DL'd a megatorrent. I didn't get far. Right now I'm trying to catch up on INVINCIBLE. According to Panch it starts "slow," I'm on issue #4 and I tend to agree.
  9. Really? I thought it looked pretty good. Here's the international version:
  10. Here's a list of 15 cartoon to live action film characters. The last pic is a new one of Hank Azaria as Gargamel from the upcoming SMURFS film.
  11. Actually, I'm sure if AMC is footing the bill it's a rather inexpensive series to make. I'm speaking comparatively of course. No big named actors, no big set pieces or CGI. Just zombie make-up... October of this year.
  12. Saw TS3 as well and loved it. Also, I saw the Karate Kid remake. . .
  13. Review of new AT-AT before it hits stores. It's probably one of the coolest toys ever made. Ever. New At-At on the left, previous one on the right.
  14. AICN.com had an onset visit. It's detailed and has some minor spoilers. Click to read Part 1 of the visit.
  15. ^^Dark K.: We're talking about those pics in the Captain America Movie thread. Marvel rumored to do 10 minute short films to play before their feature films, a la Pixar.
  16. Just read the first two issues of Crossed: Family Values. Enins didn't write it, but it's in the same universe, and the guy writing it is David Lapham. It's pretty fucked up. This go-round focuses on a family that was already severely messed up before the crossed started appearing.
  17. I just listened to the album Plan B - The Defamation of Strickland Banks from end-to-end and it blew me away. It's one of those concept movie/album projects, and if you like R&B/Soul then it's definitely worth your time. Click the link for the lowdown. This is one of my favorite tracks from the album... This one has a rock and hip-hop vibe to it as well...
  18. aicn.com has a boatload of new on-set pics. Here's our first look at Rick: And can you say STAMPEDE!
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