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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. can you do me a favor though--put all his songs in order of importance to you and post them toot-sweet. kthnxbi.
  2. Gawdamn. If I could get that jacket w/ those Addidas shoes in my first post I'd be the pimpest mo'fo at Celebration, son.
  3. saul williams' "black stacey" = whoa. never heard of this guy. i'll definitely have to try and find some stuff to DL.
  4. Seriously. There's no Kertins reference in there at all. even if that place was a teeming "den of lethargy" as JZA dubbed it, i think everyone will agree that hondo's con was magical. is this why you thought 1000 would immediately follow 989? Good luck w/ the move and I hope it all works out! This was also brilliant.
  5. Yeah, my answer to that question would be: because it's frickin' badass. Also, I never saw Ferngully, but apparently that was on a lot of people's must see list.
  6. Avatar sucked a bag of awesome then pooped out a T-Rex sized 3D bio-luminescent chunk of fantasticness. It smelled of roses, I say!
  7. NZA: I don't think Halle was ever an option for any more films, which is why they went on to the Wolverine film. They could only afford one overpriced superstar per flick. I'd much rather see a Singer BSG film next than have him helm X4 though. Agreed on both points about ScarJo and Kirsten "Mah Name Ain't Kertins" Dunst. I don't want BC as Mysterio though--can't keep that mug covered up my a fucking mirrored fishbowl for half his scenes. BC as the Vulture could be interesting though. I know Malkovich looks more the part, but BC could take the character in a different direction. What direction you ask? Why straight down the road to Awesome Town!
  8. Ohnoes, JZA! Theys not trolls, theys "cute invaders" who will have tea and teh ghey sex at HOC. kthnxbi.* *I was trying to type like Dr. Chikins just to further add to your Banner-like anger and to try and induce a full on Hulk Hands-ing out moment from you, but I feel that I failed terribly in that attempt.
  9. "Talent"? Hmm. Aren't you the guy giving people lectures on feminism in strip clubs? And notice how there aren't any chicks in Capt. America tees int hat post. But on row five. . . nanananana...BATMAN! BTW, that post was indeed filled to the brim with win, DoJ.
  10. me either and i wish i could form an answer for you but all i can think of are boobies.
  11. I hope this is just a rumor. Anne Hathaway is kinda meh. Black Cat needs a woman w/ more curves to fill out that bodysuit. My vote is still for ScarJo, but that's a longshot as she's already Black Widow. But I still say any director smart enough to get her running around kicking ass in a skintight bodysuit has a blockbuster on his hands...
  12. Those last two are just gems. I can't wait to somehow work those into a conversation at my next prayer group.
  13. epic win! how did this ever air on tv?
  14. Jax is right. Believe the hype and see it in IMAX 3D!
  15. Ah, so JZA was actually doing his "Kylie Impression" on Balls Night Out. Makes a little more sense now. Ah burn! /fez voice
  16. fuck off. that wasn't a direct reply. mostly.
  17. I see your Snooki St. Fighter and raise you one GUIDO BEACH. The last two minutes are fucking classic!
  18. spoiler tags when you get this lengthy can be a pain. by this point everyone who's in the conversation in this thread should know. . . interesting. so you think the show will go back to it's old "kill of the week" format? personally i hope they avoid that. the show should change as dex changes. it doesn't really make sense to me that he'd have all this emotional growth then regress so drastically. baytor made a good reference w/ mr. brooks. although i don't think dex is capable of feeling any guilt, at least not yet. it'll be interesting to see how/if he handles any feelings of responsibility for rita's death. he mentions making a mistake by killing the innocent photographer several times after it happened, but has he shown any real remorse? i don't think so. dex is much too focussed on himself and his feelings or lack thereof. as a character the only way he can grow is by starting to take the feelings of other, i.e. his kids', and place them before his own. that's a ig challenge for a lot of "normal" parents much less a sociopath. i think that process could make for interesting TV.
  19. That's what the "mute" button is for. I don't think anyone ever said she was a better singer...
  20. I agree. I'm not really for Harrison getting his own Dark Passenger either. For all the similarities w/ the birth of Dexter's own Dark Passenger, Harrison's was very different. Dex witness four violent & bloody murders at the age of three then was left among the corpses for two days. Harrison is less than one, likely never saw much violence done to Rita, and was left alone for a few hours. Unless the series turns to the supernatural like the books do (go check out Wikipedia) then I think giving Harrison his own Dark Passenger would be a big logic fail for the series. I didn't read the books, but did read the Wiki entry, so of course I'm well versed. Anyway, the parallels were great between Dex and Harrison in that final scene of this season, but I don't think there were enough to birth Harrison's own Dark Passenger unless it does go supernatural, which would be an interesting 180 for the series. Personally I'm hoping for no time jumps between the end of this season and the beginning of next season. I'd like to see Dexter learning to become a true father, and not just a "pretend" dad like he was when Rita was around, and begin to try and rid himself of his "dark passenger."
  21. Avatar [imax 3D] B+ James Cameron has done what George Lucas couldn’t do in three Star Wars prequels: created a totally unique, non-cheezy, and immersive sci-fi/action moviegoing experience. Avatar is the kind of film where you can see the ending coming from a mile away; however, that doesn’t ever stop the audience from being completely riveted to what’s going on the screen. Cameron has created a photorealistic alien world and somehow managed to not make 10 foot tall Smurfs and bio-luminescent trees laughable. I enjoyed the characters and action so much that part of me really wants to give this film an “A-“ grade, but I doubt the film will hold up as well outside of the 3D moviegoing experience. Four Christmases D+ Vince Vaughn & Reese Witherspoon play a young(ish) professional couple that are the products of two divorced families. They discover over the course of one Christmas day (spent at each of their parents’ houses—hence the title) that their modern views on family and romance cannot compete with the “natural” and “normal” urge to settle down and procreate. Yes, it’s as unfunny and contrived a film as it sounds.
  22. Shakira's hips don't lie. After not reading your Capt. America thread, I think any healthy, red-blooded heterosexual male would take her word on comics over yorn any ol' day.
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