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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by MyLeakyBucket

  1. Revolver has consistency in bucket loads. Taxxxxxxmmmmmaaaaannnnn!
  2. "How come people can't think of the word 'Isles' without putting 'Paedo' in front of it? Urgh." - Chris Morris (i.e the man with the plan) Billy Bong Thornton? Still kills me that one.
  3. Much obliged Chief and IC. Goddamn if I'm not a comp-illiterate bastard. ??? PREACHER RULES!
  4. Envious you've finished it. I'm having a bit of trouble. Bit embarassing but the last game I finished was 'Prince of Persia' on the Amiga 500. Not much of a gamer as you can probably guess. It will inevitably suck many nuts, but I'm gonna pray. Is the ending cool by the way. Don't wanna know but I'm expecting a nice twist. Maybe like him killing his own wife or something while wasted on Valkyr.
  5. Got myself an FTP folder. Now I'm in business. Here you go then, one I got from the web. Editor's note: There ya go.
  6. Problem is as well. In the game "bullet time" is a highly original new feature but in movies its been done,(see: The Matrix). Plus I agree with Junk. The story is not exactly original but in the game it works because of the cool graphic art images for the cut-scenes. Can't see it working.
  7. But you can get this lapdance here for free..... :sly:
  8. Don't tell me evreythings all right IN YOUR STRAIGHT LIFE! God is dead, I know, I buried him.
  9. I'd show you mine if I knew how to attach an image. Its on my hard drive but I get asked for a URL. Any ideas? ???
  10. That reminds me I really gotta complete that game. I'm on the third level and there's all these dudes in balaclavas who are hard as hell. Movie's gonna suck.
  11. Just thought of another theme I always enjoyed, Bravestar! Eyes of the eagle, Strength of a bear, Speed....of the puma. Also, Captain Planet, He's a hero Gonna take pollution down to zero.... And not forgetting Postman Pat Postman Pat Postman Pat and his black and white cat Early in the morning Just as day was dawning Postman Pats a very happy man... Good call with M*A*S*H as well Judge, although the tv show never quite lived up to the movie.
  12. That sounds sweet as Chief, I'll look forward to that. Mastered Unintended. Might move onto some Eels or Beck now.
  13. Courtney Love gets my vote. Saw Hole play Glasto back in '99, it was the highlight of my weekend.
  14. Junkers right. Emo stands for Emotional Hardcore. Check out Jimmy Eat World, Rival Schools, Alkaline Trio, all heading the emo movement at the moment. Judge. Just noticed you mentioned Naive Song by Merwais. That song rocks. The video is great as well. He did a great song before that though called 'Disco Science' which is as good. If you ever get around to getting some more file-sharing software check it out.
  15. You kidding about Incesticide? Sliver is one of Nirvanas best songs in my opinion. Aneurysm is great too.
  16. I realise Billy Sheers was an alter-ego but there was more significance to the choice of the name, just noone really knows what it is. Beach Boys are kinda cool, probably would appreciate them more if I had been around at the time but as it stands I think they are okay.
  17. I feel no need to explain myself. I love DEVO. I feel what they did was create music that no one else in the 80's could touch for creativity. You describe prog rock as breaking structures, DEVo did that as much as the next band. Fraid this is another situation wher we are going to have to agree to disagree.
  18. Sgt Peppers is my 2nd fave Beatles album behind Revolver. Not hugely keen on the White Album although Ruber Soul and Abbey Road are both very good. I think you have made the right choice for the most "classic" of the Beatle's albums though. Definitley Sgt Peppers, if only for the simple fact that the cover is the coolest, AND it incorporates one of the biggest mysteries that Beatles fans have not yet solved, nor ever will, Who the hell is Billy Sheers?
  19. Batman and Robin always lookd so uncool in the tv series. Silly tights, no sixpack, that type of thing. The intro ruled so much. Duck tales to me sounds like a really bad 80's song. Duck Tales Woohoo.... Horrible, just horrible. ???
  20. Sounds fine and dandy. Do you like the other albums? Bleach, Incesticide, Unplugged in NY?
  21. Impossible to fit everything into ten choices as you say. I'm gonna go for Sgt. Peppers from that list. For future reference I do think Revolver however is the superior Beatles album.
  22. Apologies, I didn't mean to offend. As it happens I have voted, I've gone for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Great little ditty, especially for a sing-a-long. My friend made me a CD compilation of cartoon themes a little while ago. I decided to listen to it to conduct research for this thread. It includes all these themes in the poll and more. After listening to the whole thing I have to say, the best theme tune of a cartoon EVER is undoubtedly 'Ghostbusters'. Made me jump around the room, that theme tune did. Other tunes seemed weaker than I remember them as a kid. For example, Ducktales kinda sucks listening to it again. Not nearly as good as I remembered it to be.
  23. That sounds fair play because there is one of two songs I often skip on Nevermind, but nne I tend to skip on In Utero. To name a few, I'm not a huge fan of 'In Bloom' (although the video kicks serious ass), or 'Lounge Act'.
  24. Its a great little metaphor. Doesn't really mean anything but cool nonetheless. Anyone else?
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