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Hondo's Bar


Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Keth

  1. Go for it! I plan doing mine on paper and make em look prettier lol ms paint is nice for the spur of the moment stuff though
  2. Man that pic does more justice to me than my real face. So freakin awesome
  3. We need how to's! How to make good post. How to do good troll. Just throwing that out there.
  4. Skyline..... I.. It was just so bad. I hate to say itwas only slightly more watchable than battle la though but for all the wrong reasons.
  5. Man, this is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.
  6. Just got back from Harry Potter. Glad they actually added some fucking action in this one instead of the angst crap they featured in the last couple.
  7. Oh no! its that mean lady from hondys called metal brain. she likes to eat kittens and evertytime you say something she says "you're not welcome". metal brain acts rude to new people by biting their face and tickling them dead hard. the best time metal brain had was when her and puncho had a laughing match and she headbutted him. axelnapalm xox
  8. Sweet! hopefully the movie itself can deliver. I'm all for a mirror's edge spidey game too.
  9. Hey! Its that guy uncle nza who owns the website Hondys bar. this man is like a chameleon on the internet and can change colors which is why he has the catchphrase "watch me change colors". whenever he changes colors he turns into another person who hates being clear and rhymes alot. uncle nza enjoys listening to will smith records while looking at picurs that move at the same time. he is also a part of a cult called the wang ting club that like to hurt others so watch out. uncle nza is hard to draw because of his color changing and how he likes funny sounds.
  10. If there is indeed no time limit on recruit a friend, they need to re-activate old ones
  11. Lol! Your drawings are almost too good. As awesome as Logan's additions are, others should participate too. This looks like the best Hondo's bonding experience since bindy's rapefest xtranormal.
  12. trey parker/matt stone random music post! they really need to do a whole musical of this and maybe I could warm up to it more and for dessert
  13. more love for Hobo here as well. WTF haku-hogan? SN: If you dug the Horde I suggest checking out Mutants also.
  14. Keth

    Fast Food Porn

    http://jeffkatz.typepad.com/.a/6a0120a721c2d7970b0133ed630c7b970b-800wi cant post the image, but there you go
  15. Uh oh its the only one you know. that logan is the one from the forum website everyone talks on, hondys bar. he is good to draw because he has funny lines and sometimes his hair grows so long he has to put it in a horse tail and looks like a pirate. his catchphrase "points unlocked" is one of my favorites because he is like a robot. that logan can be hard to draw because he doesnt look human so your friends might think you drew something else so be careful. axelnapalm (hondos artist) xox
  16. !!!!!! that +1 quota really needs to be +1'd.
  17. Man that stampeding cow death of Sean Bean was great Those Orson Wells vids were pretty damn awesome also.
  18. Can't really say this rivals Chris (simpsons artist), I mean is there anyone who can? But this is the same ballpark:
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